Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Go ahead, make my day.

President Donald Trump is getting frustrated with his administration’s own demands for border wall funding.

In a private meeting regarding the wall Monday, Trump fumed to senators and his own staff about the $1.6 billion the Senate is planning to send him this fall, according to two people familiar with the meeting. Trump wants the full $25 billion upfront and doesn’t understand why Congress is going to supply him funds in a piecemeal fashion — even though that’s how the spending process typically works.

The president said at the meeting that if Congress doesn’t give him the resources he needs for border security, he will shut down the government in September, according to one of the people familiar with the meeting. He did not give a specific number, but has been fixated on getting the $25 billion in a lump sum.
America in 2018: Our crisis has arrived (Opinion | America in 2018: Our crisis has arrived)

And so now we take children from their parents and lock them in cages. On purpose. Reasons are given. Cages are defended. We are here.

Like the giant corpse flower, people stare riveted in nauseated amazement when the fetid blossom actually opens. It has opened. We have traveled far enough now along the Trump fork in the road to see where this leads and if we want to continue — or admit our mistake and take the next fork. Everyone knows now that 2018 is the decision point, and even some who know President Trump best are so exhausted by him that they are just about ready to be done with it all. John Kelly, his very chief of staff, reportedly said he has given up trying to control Trump, even if that leads to impeachment, because “at least this chapter of American history would come to a close.”

This chapter in American history. Aberration, or next the entire volume? How are you liking living in a permanent stew of hot lies and preposterous spin? The Republicans, in a mad desperation to find someone worse than Trump on the Democratic side to demonize, are seeing if they can scare you one more time with Nancy Pelosi. Why, she’s divisive, not a unifier! She’s dictatorial, not a bridge-builder! She’s too extreme, practically totalitarian! She’s just unlikable, not someone you would want to know! Do they really believe these things?

A better question is do they really believe these are BAD things. One might notice that these terrifying accusations could apply to Trump in spades, but we needn’t stop there. Because now we know of someone else with these qualities whom Republicans ALSO prefer to Pelosi. Yes, that’s right. They actually now like Kim Jong Un better than they like Pelosi. Blink a few times and read that again.

That’s where we are now. Children locked in cages, and admiration for the most extreme fanatical monster dictator on the entire planet. And hey, Trump is just warming up.

Had enough? If not, please tell us what you would consider to be enough. Because we’re on our way there.

A recent Quinnipiac Poll states 65% of American voters oppose the Trump policy of separating migrant children from their parents. The same study finds 55% of Republican voters are heartless, inhumane, unsympathetic, troglodyte, subhuman mongrels you don’t want to be stuck in an elevator with.

And there you have it. The majority of Trump supporters and MAGA heads love the idea of tearing brown families apart. It’s why Attorney General Jeff Sessions is giddy when explaining the hateful policy. It’s why Trump adviser and white supremacist advocate Stephen Miller is taking credit for the idea. It’s why Director of Homeland Security, whose first name is as traditional Native American as Sacagawea and Pocahontas, Kirsjten Neilson can claim she’s totally unaware of pictures, videos, and recordings of these children crying for their mothers. When I was a kid, Jaws scared the hell out of me but I couldn’t forget I saw it.

A racist base is why the President of the United States, who has married two immigrants, can shed all appearances of governing for all the people, and hold migrant children hostage until Congress gives him ten billion dollars to break his campaign promise of Mexico paying for it, and build a wall on the border with Mexico. Hillary was right. These people are deplorable, and they’re proud of it. Trump his holding the children hostage and blaming Democrats for making him do it. This policy is so heartless and inhumane, that even Ted Cruz is against it and trying to stop it.

The New York Times editorial board asks, “when did caging kids become the art of the deal?”

The thing is, Trump can stop this. He can stop it right now. He doesn’t need legislation to stop ripping families apart. George W. Bush and Barack Obama governed under the same law, and they didn’t go to town ripping families apart, stacking the kids in cages in abandoned box stores, and making plans to place them in tent prisons to share in the desert with Gila Monsters.

Jeff Sessions said it’s unfair to compare this situation to how Jews were treated in Nazi Germany, because “the Nazis were keeping the Jews from leaving the country.” Yes. The Nazis loved the Jews so much, they were begging them not to leave Germany. Please don’t go, Jews. No. That’s not right and someone buy the Attorney General a history book. The Nazis actually shipped them out of Germany in death trains. But he does have a point about the comparison. We’re not gassing these immigrants or tearing out their fillings to melt down and store the gold in Switzerland, so at least there’s that.

Last week, Trump endorsed South Carolina Congressman Mark Sanford’s opponent in the Republican primary because Sanford “wouldn’t help him MAGA,” make America great again. That wasn’t true. Sanford was MAGAing all over the place. Trump just didn’t like Sanford’s public opinion he should release his tax returns.

What is “MAGA?” MAGA is returning America to when white people had full control over government policy (which it never really lost). MAGA is making white people feel like someone is protecting them from being disenfranchised. MAGA is gaslighting and using the Joseph Goebbels method of propaganda. MAGA is emboldening white supremacists and Nazis to crawl out of the sewers where they’ve been hiding and bask in the sunlight. MAGA is being able to listen to children cry for their parents and not want to do anything to help them. MAGA is hearing those cries and continuing to use them as political leverage.

Trump ran a campaign on racism. He accused Mexico of sending their worst people to the U.S. and called them “rapists” and “murderers” minutes after riding slowly down the escalator to announce his candidacy. He said being of Mexican descent was why a judge was unfit to sit on one of his many lawsuits.

Trump said, “I hate the children are being taken away.” He could have stopped at, “I hate the children.”


WASHINGTON—Claiming that the publication of such a brief, tantalizing bit of audio was a breach of their journalistic responsibility, a furious Stephen Miller told reporters Tuesday that he was outraged at ProPublica for only releasing seven minutes of immigrant children sobbing.

“It’s unacceptable that this so-called news organization saw fit to foist this total tease of a clip on the American public,” said Miller, who expressed frustration that the audio, in which 10 detained Central American children can be heard crying out for their parents, ended before reaching “the really good stuff.”

“Sure, they’re wailing ‘Mami’ and ‘Papa’ so hard they can’t breathe, and I guess the part where that 6-year-old desperately rattles off her aunt’s phone number is kind of satisfying, but ultimately it only conveys a very small fraction of what we’re doing here.

I’ve listened to this recording dozens and dozens of times in the past day, and it’s just simply nowhere near enough to scratch the itch.

Shame on you, ProPublica.” Miller added that the one silver lining was the likelihood that other outlets would soon broadcast hours of comprehensive, high-quality footage of immigrant children being tormented.