Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

[Thread] I'm going to try and use my quiet voice here. Let's not kid ourselves - there are data on what detaining kids like this can do to them. There are studies. Here are just some of them. (1/N)

A study of kids referred for help after detainment.

[Thread] 29 years and nine months ago I registered to vote and became a member of The Republican Party which was founded in 1854 to oppose slavery and stand for the dignity of human life. Today I renounce my membership in the Republican Party. It is fully the party of Trump.

It is corrupt, indecent and immoral. With the exception of a few Governors like Baker, Hogan and Kasich it is filled with feckless cowards who disgrace and dishonor the legacies of the party’s greatest leaders. This child separation policy is connected to the worst abuses of

Humanity in our history. It is connected by the same evil that separated families during slavery and dislocated tribes and broke up Native American families. It is immoral and must be repudiated. Our country is in trouble. Our politics are badly broken.



He’s done it on Twitter. He’s done it in the White House driveway. And he’s done it in a speech to a business group.

President Trump — a man already known for trafficking in mistruths and even outright lies — has been outdoing even himself with falsehoods in recent days, repeating and amplifying bogus claims on several of the most pressing controversies facing his presidency.

Since Saturday, Trump has tweeted false or misleading information at least seven times on the topic of immigration and at least six times on a Justice Department inspector general report into the FBI’s handling of its investigation into Hillary Clinton’s private email server. That’s more than a dozen obfuscations on just two central topics — a figure that does not include falsehoods on other issues, whether in tweets or public remarks.

The false claims come as the president — emboldened by fewer disciplinarians inside the West Wing — indulges in frequent Twitter screeds. A Washington Post analysis found that in June, Trump has been tweeting at the fastest rate of his presidency so far, an average of 11.3 messages per day.

Inside the White House, aides and advisers say they believe the media is unwilling to give Trump a fair shot and is knee-jerk ready to accuse him of lying, even in cases where the facts support his point.

The president often seeks to paint a self-serving and self-affirming alternate reality for himself and his supporters. Disparaging the “fake news” media, Trump offers his own filter through which to view the world — offering a competing reality on issues including relationships forged (or broken) at the Group of Seven summit in Canada, the success of the Singapore summit with the North Koreans, and his administration’s “zero tolerance” policy on illegal immigration.

“It’s extraordinary how he is completely indifferent to truth. There’s just no relationship between his statements — anything he utters — and the actual truth of the matter,” said Thomas Murray, president emeritus of the Hastings Center, the founding institution in the field of bioethics. “As far as I can tell, the best way to understand anything he says is what will best serve his interests in the moment. It’s irrespective to any version of the truth.”

Donald Trump wants a “Space Force,” and for it to be a new branch of the military. In his proclamation about his space jam, he described how it would be its own branch, he used the term “separate but equal.”

That was a very bizarre and awkward phrase to inject into his speech as it’s from the days of segregation era. Racist argued back then that it wasn’t segregation to demand nonwhites to use separate facilities, as long as those facilities were separate.

I don’t believe Trump had that in mind when he made his speech or that he plans to make black space soldiers use separate rocket ships from white space soldiers. What I believe is that Trump’s brain is still in the 1960s, or maybe even decades earlier.

He has also used the term “law and order,” which was is from Nixon’s 1968 campaign. It was a wink and a nudge to white voters when Tricky Dick used it, and it’s a megaphone now when Trump uses it. Of course, he’s not really about law and order as he’s pardoned a racist sheriff, his cabinet is has restocked the swamp, his son-in-law is engaging in pay-for-play and has become even richer since taking a job in the White House, and he himself robbed a charity for personal and business expenses. Trump can also use “I am not a crook.”

Another term used by racists in days of yore is “America first,” used to defend nationalism and xenophobia. Anti-Semite Charles Lindbergh used it while arguing to keep America out of World War II, and it was soon adopted by the Klan. Naturally, Trump likes it too. It’s not surprising Trump would use these sort of phrases when he has Steve Bannon and Stephen Miller in his ears.

Trump is easily influenced. Kim Jong Un has described military exercises by the U.S. and South Korea as “provocative,” and after their summit, Trump started using the word to describe the exercises too.

Trump’s Space Force may be as likely as Ronald Reagan’s Star Wars. Republican presidents watch too many movies. After this weekend, will Trump propose defending our southern border with velociraptors?

Trump has ordered the Pentagon to create a sixth branch of the military, which will create a bureaucratic nightmare for a military that’s already stretched thin. But, all Trump can really do is direct the Pentagon to study the idea. Maybe go watch all the Star Wars movies and rank them from best to worst (Trump probably likes Jar Jar).

In addition to the huge headache creating a sixth branch will create, there’s concern it will fracture the Air Force. Defense Secretary James Mattis spoke against the idea last year, and most of the generals (who Trump says he knows more than) are against it. The good news is, Trump does not have the authority to create a new branch. Congress has to approve it. What do you want to bet Trump doesn’t know that?

Maybe the space force idea is just a shiny object. Isn’t a military parade enough to satisfy Trump’s ego? Before we conquer space, we should do something about the space in Trump’s head.

[Thread] NEW: I just spoke with the former head of US Immigration & Customs Enforcement (ICE) – He tells me that he expects hundreds of separated children will never be reunited with their parents. They will be lost in the system. Orphaned by the US Govt'.

He says that during his time at ICE there were rare cases where children could not be reunited with their parents. Separation becomes permanent. This was *before* Trump’s policy that has so far separated 2300+ children from their parents.

He adds there are two separate legal tracks for children and adult migrants who are detained. Adults can be deported within weeks to their home countries, children may be left in the US for years in foster care or with relatives.


[Thread] 1. Separating kids from their parents is malicious. But the lack of planning for how to reunite them is also sign of how incompetent the Trump administration is at basic governance.



Donald Trump wants a “Space Force,” and for it to be a new branch of the military. In his proclamation about his space jam, he described how it would be its own branch, he used the term “separate but equal.”

That was a very bizarre and awkward phrase to inject into his speech as it’s from the days of segregation era. Racist argued back then that it wasn’t segregation to demand nonwhites to use separate facilities, as long as those facilities were separate.

I don’t believe Trump had that in mind when he made his speech or that he plans to make black space soldiers use separate rocket ships from white space soldiers. What I believe is that Trump’s brain is still in the 1960s, or maybe even decades earlier.

He has also used the term “law and order,” which was is from Nixon’s 1968 campaign. It was a wink and a nudge to white voters when Tricky Dick used it, and it’s a megaphone now when Trump uses it. Of course, he’s not really about law and order as he’s pardoned a racist sheriff, his cabinet is has restocked the swamp, his son-in-law is engaging in pay-for-play and has become even richer since taking a job in the White House, and he himself robbed a charity for personal and business expenses. Trump can also use “I am not a crook.”

Another term used by racists in days of yore is “America first,” used to defend nationalism and xenophobia. Anti-Semite Charles Lindbergh used it while arguing to keep America out of World War II, and it was soon adopted by the Klan. Naturally, Trump likes it too. It’s not surprising Trump would use these sort of phrases when he has Steve Bannon and Stephen Miller in his ears.

Trump is easily influenced. Kim Jong Un has described military exercises by the U.S. and South Korea as “provocative,” and after their summit, Trump started using the word to describe the exercises too.

Trump’s Space Force may be as likely as Ronald Reagan’s Star Wars. Republican presidents watch too many movies. After this weekend, will Trump propose defending our southern border with velociraptors?

Trump has ordered the Pentagon to create a sixth branch of the military, which will create a bureaucratic nightmare for a military that’s already stretched thin. But, all Trump can really do is direct the Pentagon to study the idea. Maybe go watch all the Star Wars movies and rank them from best to worst (Trump probably likes Jar Jar).

In addition to the huge headache creating a sixth branch will create, there’s concern it will fracture the Air Force. Defense Secretary James Mattis spoke against the idea last year, and most of the generals (who Trump says he knows more than) are against it. The good news is, Trump does not have the authority to create a new branch. Congress has to approve it. What do you want to bet Trump doesn’t know that?

Maybe the space force idea is just a shiny object. Isn’t a military parade enough to satisfy Trump’s ego? Before we conquer space, we should do something about the space in Trump’s head.

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to be fair Trump said he's going to build a space force but he's going to have the aliens pay for it. :)

It was an idea conceived by senior immigration enforcement officials and U.S. border agents who had confronted the migrant crisis of 2014. By ramping up criminal prosecutions and separating families who entered the country illegally, they said, the government could stop the influx.

Their idea went to top Obama administration officials at the White House and the Department of Homeland Security. Then it went into a drawer, like a blueprint for a weapon too terrible to use.

The Trump administration took office willing to go deep into the government’s immigration enforcement arsenal — even at the risk of triggering a political and humanitarian crisis. Now, what once was seen as an option too toxic and extreme has fractured more than 2,500 migrant families in the past two months, feeding public outrage while testing Americans’ willingness to accept a government policy that inflicts child trauma.

It took the alignment of four distinct personalities to dust off the idea and turn it into a legal, operational and message-driven system for family separation at the border.

President Trump, Attorney General Jeff Sessions, White House senior policy adviser Stephen Miller and White House Chief of Staff John F. Kelly played crucial roles in resurrecting the proposal and making it actionable.
In Border Patrol terminology, it was based on the concept of “consequence delivery” — the notion that illegal acts can be deterred only if they trigger negative consequences.