Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse


The stealing of a Supreme Court appointment from President Barack Obama should not have been allowed to happen, because Republicans are hypocrites and liars.

Within the first 24 hours after the death of Justice Antonin Scalia, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said he wouldn’t allow a confirmation process for any Obama appointment. He kept the seat open for more than a year on the argument that it was an election year and the people should decide the appointment with their vote. Never mind they had decided in 2012 by giving Obama another four years to fulfill the duties of the executive branch, one of which is appointing Supreme Court justices when there’s a vacancy. McConnell’s job, as a United States Senator, is to advise and consent. He didn’t even hold a hearing.

Yesterday, Justice Anthony Kennedy announced his retirement and within hours McConnell said the Senate will vote on Trump’s next nominee this fall. But, it’s an election year with only four months left before Election Day, which is much less time than the vacancy Scalia left and McConnell held open.

If you’re like me, you probably thought we had a new rule that we don’t hold hearings and confirmation votes on new justices during election years. Isn’t that hypocrisy? Yes, it is. Do Republicans care? They do not. Have they explained the hypocrisy? Of course not. They haven’t even tried. Yesterday, McConnell said, “It’s imperative that the president’s nominee be treated fairly.” I hope Obama and Merrick Garland, his nominee, weren’t trying to swallow any fluids when they heard that.

McConnell didn’t just stop at creating a new rule for not holding hearings and a vote. When it came time to finally hold a vote, he changed the rules so there couldn’t be a filibuster and lowered the bar from 60 votes to 50 for a confirmation. Trump’s nominee Neil Gorsuch has asterisks all over him. Democrat’s can’t stop it. They don’t have the votes and they can’t filibuster. The best they can do is appeal to the Republicans’ consciences. I hope you were trying to swallow any fluids when you read that.

Now, Donald Trump, a man who shouldn’t be allowed to make selections off the menu at McDonald’s is going to have at least two picks for the Supreme Court. The first pick wasn’t his as it belonged to Obama. This second pick, it probably shouldn’t be his either since his victory was boosted by Russian interference. If anything, this pick for Kennedy’s replacement is Vladimir Putin’s pick. Maybe that’s what Trump will talk to him about at their upcoming summit.

This is extremely bad for America. Kennedy was a swing vote, who is a conservative but independent enough to side with liberals on issues like abortion and gay marriage. There have been several votes that went 5-4 with Kennedy being the deciding vote. He sided with putting Bush in office, stripping campaign finance limits, crippling unions, and keeping Trump’s Muslim ban. Trump’s choice will not be an independent thinker. We’re going to go from a usual 5-4 to a definite 5-4 on votes that strip liberty and freedom.

There is no telling what sort of maniac Trump will nominate. He has talked about nominating Fox News commentator Jeanine Pirro. Don Jr. said selecting her would be “pretty awesome.” She meets all of Trump’s requirements. She’s a sycophant, on TV, a raving lunatic, not really bright, and least important to Trump, is a former judge.

There may be a blue wave in November, but Republicans are winning. Granted, they have to cheat, but they’re winning. They will take a victory any way they can get it. Hypocrisy? Sure. Russian meddling? You bet. Lying? Get out of here.

During the presidential campaign, Trump said women who get abortions should be punished. After this appointment, they probably will be. In fact, we’ll all be punished.


Several billionaires with deep ties to Russia attended exclusive, invitation-only receptions during Donald Trump’s inauguration festivities, guest lists obtained by ABC News show.

These powerful businessmen, who amassed their fortunes following the collapse of the Soviet Union -- including one who has since been sanctioned by the U.S. Treasury Department -- were ushered into events typically reserved for top donors and close political allies and were given unprecedented access to Trump’s inner circle.

Their presence has attracted the interest of federal investigators probing Russian efforts to influence the 2016 presidential election, three sources with knowledge of the matter said.

Matthew Olsen, a former senior national security official who now serves as an ABC News consultant, said their presence at inaugural events is “very concerning.”

“This reflects a Russian strategy of gaining access to our political leaders at a time when they are just forming a government,” Olsen said. “They don’t need to be spies in the James Bond sense. They are powerful people with significant wealth who are in a position to exert influence on U.S. policy makers. And they’re in a position to report back to Russian intelligence services on what they’re able to learn.”

A former aide to Roger J. Stone Jr., the longtime Trump adviser and self-described “dirty trickster,” was subpoenaed to appear before the grand jury hearing evidence in the Russia investigation and to hand over documents, and his lawyer said he planned to move on Thursday to quash it in court.

The aide, Andrew Miller, has not been mentioned before publicly in the investigation by the special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III.

Mr. Miller, a registered Libertarian, worked for Mr. Stone during the campaign, helping to arrange media interviews and conducting other tasks, according to a person close to Mr. Stone.

A lawyer, Paul Kamenar, said he planned to file a motion on Thursday on behalf of a client who was subpoenaed to be questioned in front of the grand jury, though he did not identify Mr. Miller. Mr. Kamenar said the National Legal and Policy Center, a conservative nonprofit organization, was paying for his services.

His motion will argue that Mr. Mueller’s appointment “was unconstitutional,” he said. Peter Flaherty, the chairman of the NLPC, said, “The founders feared exactly what we see in Mueller: a runaway federal official. We hope to see Mueller’s operation disbanded, once and for all.”
[Thread] [Coincidence!] This is an actual story on an official government website with a 14-word headline starting with "we must secure". This is not an accident. There are actual Nazis-who-call-themselves-Nazis at DHS. We Must Secure The Border And Build The Wall To Make America Safe Again

There are 14 points in the article, and the final point contains the number "88" for no good reason -- 88 is also a Nazi dog whistle for "Heil Hitler". [In the bullet list, one point is omitted as a bullet. "Illegal immigrants are incentivized to illegally enter by the low standard for credible fear and the lack of cost or sanction for filing a baseless asylum claim, which allows many of them to assert meritless claims that will not be adjudicated for years."

[FYI: 14/88 White Supremacists by the Numbers Why White Supremacists Love the Numbers 14 and 88 ]

Thread by @seldo: "This is an actual story on an official government website with a 14-word headline starting with "we must secure". This is not an accident. T […]"
[Thread] [Coincidence!] This is an actual story on an official government website with a 14-word headline starting with "we must secure". This is not an accident. There are actual Nazis-who-call-themselves-Nazis at DHS. We Must Secure The Border And Build The Wall To Make America Safe Again

There are 14 points in the article, and the final point contains the number "88" for no good reason -- 88 is also a Nazi dog whistle for "Heil Hitler". [In the bullet list, one point is omitted as a bullet. "Illegal immigrants are incentivized to illegally enter by the low standard for credible fear and the lack of cost or sanction for filing a baseless asylum claim, which allows many of them to assert meritless claims that will not be adjudicated for years."

[FYI: 14/88 White Supremacists by the Numbers Why White Supremacists Love the Numbers 14 and 88 ]

Thread by @seldo: "This is an actual story on an official government website with a 14-word headline starting with "we must secure". This is not an accident. T […]"

Fourteen Words, 14, or 14/88, is a reference to slogans coined by white supremacist David Lane. Fourteen Words - Wikipedia

"We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children."