Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

“The truth unquestionably is, that the only path to a subversion of the republican system of the Country is, by flattering the prejudices of the people, and exciting their jealousies and apprehensions, to throw affairs into confusion, and bring on civil commotion. Tired at length of anarchy, or want of government, they may take shelter in the arms of monarchy for repose and security.

Those then, who resist a confirmation of public order, are the true Artificers of monarchy—not that this is the intention of the generality4 of them. Yet it would not be difficult to lay the finger upon some of their party who may justly be suspected. When a man unprincipled in private life desperate in his fortune, bold in his temper, possessed of considerable talents, having the advantage of military habits—despotic in his ordinary demeanour—known to have scoffed in private at the principles of liberty—when such a man is seen to mount the hobby horse of popularity—to join in the cry of danger to liberty—to take every opportunity of embarrassing the General Government & bringing it under suspicion—to flatter and fall in with all the non sense of the zealots of the day—It may justly be suspected that his object is to throw things into confusion that he may “ride the storm and direct the whirlwind.””

Enclosure: [Objections and Answers Respecting the Administration], [18 August 1792]
Founders Online: Enclosure: [Objections and Answers Respecting the Administrati …

A fourth former Ohio State University wrestler came forward Thursday to contradict Rep. Jim Jordan’s claim that he had no idea the wrestling team doctor was molesting athletes.

The wrestler, Shawn Dailey, said he was groped half a dozen times by Dr. Richard Strauss in the mid-1990s, when Jordan was the assistant wrestling coach. Dailey said he was too embarrassed to report the abuse directly to Jordan at the time, but he said Jordan took part in conversations where Strauss' abuse of many other team members came up.

"I participated with Jimmy and the other wrestlers in locker-room talk about Strauss. We all did," Dailey, 43, told NBC News, referring to Jordan. "It was very common knowledge in the locker room that if you went to Dr. Strauss for anything, you would have to pull your pants down.”

Dailey spoke out two days after NBC News reported that three former wrestlers who were coached by Jordan more than two decades ago accused the GOP congressman of turning a blind eye to Strauss' alleged abuse and then lying about it. Jordan denied knowing anything about the abuse and continues to do so.

Dailey corroborated the account of one of those wrestlers, Dunyasha Yetts, who told NBC News that Yetts had protested to Jordan and head coach Russ Hellickson after Strauss tried to pull down his wrestling shorts when Yetts went to see him for a thumb injury.
Europe panicking at Muslim influx

Andrew Bolt, Herald Sun July 4, 2018

Europe is panicking over the millions of Muslims it let in. Now comes the reaction — burqa bans and even taking Muslim children away for reprogramming. Too ugly? Or just too late?

Until recently, Europe’s leaders seemed to think their national cultures didn’t deserve defending, or that Islam was easy for Western societies to swallow.

Over the past decade they let in more than 5 million illegal immigrants, overwhelmingly from poor Muslim countries in Africa and the Middle East.

“We can do this,” German chancellor Angela Merkel foolishly declared as a million poured into her own country in just two years. Except it couldn’t. Merkel was last week forced by her coalition partners to retreat following terrorist attacks by Muslim “asylum seekers” in Berlin, Ansbach, Dresden, Wurzberg and elsewhere, and sexual assaults on German women.

Merkel has now agreed to a new border regime on the frontier with Austria, to turn back asylum seekers who’ve registered with some other European country.

Across Europe the borders are closing. Italy last month turned away two ships carrying illegal immigrants from Libya, and Austria threatens to close its own borders.

Hungary has already fenced off its border, and any migrant found within 8km of the border will be turned back.

And it made it a crime to help fake refugees file requests for asylum.

Then there’s the fight against the niqab, which covers the face of Muslim women and symbolises a refusal to integrate.

The niqab has now been banned or restricted in France, Austria, Holland, Belgium, Denmark, Norway, Bulgaria, Bavaria and parts of Italy and Switzerland.

Holland has scrapped multiculturalism, and Austria said it would close eight radical mosques and expel 60 imams.

But Denmark has gone even further. Danes were first shocked by terrorist attacks on journalists and cartoonists and newspapers seen to criticise Islam, and now by gangs from mainly-Muslim immigrant enclaves using even grenades.

Its government now says “ghetto children” from 25 such enclaves must be separated from their families once they turn one for at least 25 hours a week of lessons in Danish and “Danish values,” including the Christmas tradition. Parents who refuse will have their welfare cut.

Don’t think Europe will stop there. The millions of poor Muslims it let in will not leave, and the tensions imported with them will last for generations.

Category: | Herald Sun

The big question is how far the hostilities between Washington and Beijing will go.

The United States is also set to impose 25% tariffs on another $16 billion in Chinese exports later in the summer, and China has vowed to retaliate against US goods worth a similar amount.

Economists say that if the back-and-forth stops there, the overall impact on both economies will be minimal even though some industries will suffer.

But Trump has said his administration will respond to retaliation from Beijing with much bigger waves of tariffs, raising the prospect of worsening tit-for-tat reprisals. On Thursday, he suggested the possibility of tariffs on almost $500 billion more of Chinese goods.

One of the arguments in favor of the richest cabinet in American history is; they’re already rich, so we don’t have to worry about them fleecing us. That’s a horrible argument. Are they telling us that if they weren’t wealthy then they’d be dishonest, untrustworthy, and a gang of thieves? As it turns out, that’s what they are anyway. Maybe it’s how they got rich in the first place. I own five guitars, but I’d like to think that if I didn’t own any that I wouldn’t go out stealing guitars.

Last week, California representative Maxine Waters called upon the public to harass and get in the face of Trump’s cabinet members in public and tell them how the administration is destroying America. Immediately, Trump accused her of calling for violence against his team (which she wasn’t) and hinted that violence would happen to her. She was painted as the crazy face of the Democratic Party (they were ignoring their own Jim Jordan). Even a lot of Democrats distanced themselves from her. As it turns out, her strategy is working.

For months, everyone in Washington, even Republicans, have wondered out loud how in the hell EPA chief Scott Pruitt still has a job. There are at least 14 current investigations into the guy’s corruption. For a president who ran on “drain the swamp,” Pruitt was the very definition of Swamp Thing. Other cabinet members had been fired for less while Trump continued to lavish praise on Pruitt. And then, a video went viral of one mom confronting Pruitt in public and that’s all she wrote. Maxine is looking less crazy now.

Kristin Mink, a teacher in Washington, D.C. confronted Pruitt while he was having lunch in a D.C. restaurant. While holding her two-year-old son, Mink calmly said to Pruitt, “This is my son. He loves animals. He loves clean air. He loves clean water. Meanwhile, you’re slashing strong fuel standards for cars and trucks for the benefit of big corporations. We deserve to have somebody at the EPA who actually does protect our environment, somebody who believes in climate change and takes it seriously for the benefit of all of us, including our children. I would urge you to resign before your scandals push you out.”

Is it crazy to think that after months of intense investigative journalism and even an Oval Office campaign from Chief of Staff John Kelly to get rid of Pruitt, that one mom’s criticism of Pruitt is what did the job? Not at all. This is a president who works on optics. The rest of Trump’s cabinet may wanna start bagging their lunch and eating at their desk. I’m looking at you Betsy DeVos, Ryan Zinke, and Ben Carson. You never see Ivanka and Jared at Ben’s Chili Bowl.

Trump Baby’s Swamp Baby has been a very selfish, greedy, and petty little boy. The man seemingly engaged in one corrupt act after another to see how far he could push it and what he could get away with.

He is being investigated for travel, using first-class flights when it’s not necessary and viewing his office as a means to visit as many exotic locations as possible. He argued he couldn’t fly coach as people would tell him he sucked (which was true). He even traveled to pitch for corporations he was supposed to be regulating.

He rented a condo from a lobbyist at a sweetheart deal. As it turns out, despite the cheap rent in an expensive area of D.C., he was lousy at paying his rent.

He required round-the-clock security and even needed them on trips to the Rose Bowl and a trip to Disneyland. There were a lot of questions regarding how much of our money he was spending on his security. He spent $43,000 on a soundproof phone booth for his office. He paid a business partner of his top bodyguard $3,000 to sweep his office for listening devices.

He instructed staffers to help his wife get a six-figure job, a Chick-fil-A franchise, and to run out to expensive hotels to purchase him fancy schmancy hand lotion. He even had one attempt to buy him a used mattress from the Washington Trump Hotel. He’s also had them pay for his hotel rooms with their personal money and later refused to pay them back.

Over White House objections, he gave pay raises worth tens of thousands of dollars to two buddies he hired. Staff members who spoke up about Pruitt’s actions were harassed, punished, reassigned, or demoted.

On top of all this, he was using multiple email accounts. I do recall something during the campaign, and non-stop ever since, about “her emails.” It turns out, he was keeping a secret schedule from the public, scrubbing controversial events from his calendar. There are also multiple inquiries into violating lobbying laws.

Pruitt’s shenanigans ranged from the petty to the ridiculous. He was even asked to stop eating at the White House Mess so often. The biggest reason he kept his job for so long was that he was still doing the job exactly the way Trump wanted him to, other than the negative headlines.

In his resignation letter, Pruitt blamed “the unrelenting attacks” on himself and his family, which “have taken a sizable toll on all of us.” White Christian men are always the most victimized people in this nation. Can’t a guy buy a used mattress from his boss and expensive hand lotion from D.C. hotels without getting so much flack? The investigations won’t end with his resignation.

Pruitt had asked his security detail to use their sirens to run red lights, so he could get to expensive French restaurants quicker. Let’s hope he hits every red light on his way back to Oklahoma.

If you got a drilling license in the Scott Pruitt garbage dump, here’s what you would eventually hit (Opinion | If you got a drilling license in the Scott Pruitt garbage dump, here’s what you would eventually hit)

There are so many disgusting layers to Scott Pruitt’s tenure at the Environmental Protection Agency, it’s hard to know where to start. But if you drill down and examine them one by one, like an ice core sample, here is what you find. I say like an ice core sample, because Pruitt’s climate policies melted the ice and all that’s remains is a slimy tube of ever-thickening sludge and solid waste matter. And here they are, layer by layer:

Loathsome personality: How else can a person respond to that self-satisfied grin of his as he openly subverted the very agency he led, the agency established to protect your health and the health of American and global ecosystems?

Petty scandals: The scandals he got ousted for were mere tawdriness — from craving luxury travel at taxpayer expense, to small-time leveraging of his position for cheaper lodging, and to getting a job for his wife. The creepiest layer here is the report of his shopping for a used mattress from a Trump hotel. One can only imagine.

Energy lobbyists: The pattern of turning over influence, if not outright control of his agency to the industries he was supposed to be regulating was what he should have been fired for, but wasn’t.

Air pollution: Pruitt’s EPA took “at least 15 major actions on air pollution — all to delay, weaken or repeal protections, and all opposed by the American Lung Association.”

Water pollution: They don’t even want you to know.

Climate change: This of course, is the monster scandal, right out in the open, covered only with the thinnest gloss, like Pruitt’s favorite face cream. This is not just a scandal, it is on the level of criminal atrocity as far as its probable effects are concerned. Predictions of the number of likely deaths from climate catastrophes, large and small, now run into the millions.

More of the same: The “blessed” departure of this horrible person is not likely to change anything of substance. His agency is well-stocked with more of the same, ready to continue Pruitt’s work to imperil you and the planet, because the still-larger problem is the . . .

Trump presidency: Pruitt himself was merely some of the brown frothing foam of the Trump presidency, which is why the damage will run on and on. President Trump is an enemy of climate science, and therefore of the climate, and therefore of humanity. How did such a man become president?

Republican Party: Trump was nominated, campaigned for, and now fully backed by a Republican Party which is altogether supportive of his climate agenda. It could step in and stop this ongoing calamity if they chose, but it chooses to support it unequivocally. And so far, it has gotten away with it because there has been something radically wrong with . . .

American politics: We, as Americans, have allowed this erosion of truth and science to happen on our watch. We have allowed our own muscles of participation to atrophy, assuming that either things would work out by themselves, or self-correct. They didn’t, and won’t. Everything, from American equality and social cohesion, to the health of the people and the planet are in direct and immediate danger from this administration, and from the party that is protecting it. There is one immediate opportunity this November for us to step up and insist that this ongoing catastrophe be stopped. We have reached bottom, and the way back is up to you.

WASHINGTON—Five former wrestlers, including former UFC world champion Mark Coleman, said this week that Rep. Jim Jordan was aware of, but didn’t respond to, allegations of sexual misconduct by an Ohio State University team doctor when the lawmaker was an assistant wrestling coach there in the 1990s.

“There’s no way unless he’s got dementia or something that he’s got no recollection of what was going on at Ohio State,” Mr. Coleman, the mixed martial arts champion, said of Mr. Jordan in an interview Wednesday. Messrs. Coleman and Jordan roomed together on several wrestling trips, Mr. Coleman said. “I have nothing but respect for this man, I love this man, but he knew as far as I’m concerned.”