Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

please explain this to me. I am some hick who did not vote for the Idiot POTUS.

A liar goes to a liar, to sell them a lie, but the second liar has got a hidden lie that he will lie about, saying he does not have a hidden lie. Both liars agree to the lies, knowing it is all a bunch of lies. Then the bosses of these liars, who are bigger liars, will lie (or maybe not) saying they are great friends who are trustworthy, but everyone knows they are competing to be the world's biggest liar, next to Putin.

So how does a reliable, honest peace treaty get made, and the Korean peninsula is nuclear-free, and Japan does not have an ongoing threat?. (Secretary of State Pompeo leaves North Korea with promise of more talks but no tangible breakthrough)

ROME — Italian parents will no longer have to provide state-run schools with a doctor’s note to show that their children have been vaccinated, the country’s new populist government announced on Thursday — a move that raised alarm among experts who fear that compliance with vaccines will drop.

The new rule, announced at a news conference by Giulia Grillo, Italy’s health minister and a prominent member of the anti-establishment Five Star Movement, requires only the assurance of parents that their children are immunized to enroll in school this September.

The government said its aim was to simplify enrollment procedures and enable school participation for all, including children whose parents do not have their paperwork in order yet.

“We want to spur school inclusion and simplify rules for parents,” Ms. Grillo said.

But critics of the move say the Italian government is eroding faith in science and public norms.