Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

And I thought he was going to make “America” (*) great “again” (**) ... [emoji849]

(*) Mexico, Canada, Central America, South America ... (?)

(**) and when was is “greater” ?

Trump says he did. he even has a new campaign slogan for 2020 “keep America great”. it’s all done now just got to keep things great ha ha.

Washington (CNN)Less than a month after President Donald Trump talked about opening "a new chapter" between the US and North Korea, the relationship between the two nations has taken a tense and hostile, but predictable turn.

In a fiery escalation, North Korea on Saturday accused the US of a "gangster-like mindset" in high-level negotiations over denuclearization, a glaring contradiction of US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo's description of the talks as "productive."

The diplomatic disconnect makes it clear that the nations are not on the same page. It calls into question the US effort to extract concessions from Pyongyang and underscores a vast difference in the way the two sides view the agreement between Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un in Singapore last month.

"I think there is a fundamental misunderstanding," said CNN global affairs analyst Joseph Yun, a former top US diplomat on North Korea policy. "The US still believes North Korea will denuclearize substantially before we give them any major rewards, while North Korea believes that the two need to move together jointly, and both make concessions."

The rebuke from North Korea -- and the fact that Pompeo left the talks with little to show for his effort -- suggests that Pyongyang, and not the US, is setting the terms of negotiation. Rather than announcing any concrete achievements, the most Pompeo seemed able to deliver on Saturday was the promise of more talks.