Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

so from reading some tweets, to looking into who tweets them I found some interesting things.

from here, Lincoln's Bible (@LincolnsBible) | Twitter, I found this. There is a man who controls our President. And his name is not Vladimir Putin. this is a fascinating read and I highly recommend everyone at least take a look. putting theses together, What If Trump Has Been a Russian Asset Since 1987?... I'm thinking, oh shit!:eek:

@Michael Scally MD, doc I was just curious if you were familiar with this article/info, is it already in the thread?

any thoughts :rolleyes: from the peanut gallery? :)

[Thread] So, apparently, the thing now is to just call this @jonathanchait piece crazy because that's what you do now to pieces about Trump and Russia. It's a long piece, and I doubt most people have read it carefully, but here's some comments. /1

First, the cautions: I think Chait is too willing to take a flyer in a few places. (The pee story. Saying "it could be true" doesn't mean anything. I wouldn't have bothered with it.) Also, the chart, which is captioned "a crazy quilt," is a crazy quilt. It's not helpful./2

Also, I don't have juicy inside info or special classified Secret Squirrel stuff here. My observations are based on being a Russia for most of my career. Chait is not a Russia guy (afaik), and neither (afaik) are his critics. /3

The story is two stories. (1) the facts (which are not, or should not, be in dispute) about Trump, the Trump family, the Trump campaign and their *staggering* amount of points of contact with Russia. (2) what those facts mean. /4

People want to trash the story because of Chait's interpretations of those facts as pointing to something more sinister and purposeful than they'd like to believe. I'll get to that, but it's important to say it again: a *staggering* amount of connection to Russia. /5

Thread by @RadioFreeTom: "So, apparently, the thing now is to just call this @jonathanchait piece crazy because that's what you do now to pieces about Trump and Russi […]"