Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse


The world was uplifted by the news that all 12 of the Thai soccer players trapped for nearly three weeks inside a cave were finally rescued.

It was a challenging rescue for even the most experienced divers, as the tunnels leading the boys were narrow and flooded during Thailand’s rainy season. During the rescue, each boy was underwater for two to six hours. One Thai diver lost his life during the rescue. Australia sent a 20-strong rescue team. Help was also received from England, Denmark, China, and the U.S.

Congratulations were sent to the Wild Boar soccer players from around the world. America’s own wild bore also sent congratulations, through a tweet.

Yes, Donald Trump who has initiated a zero-tolerance policy for immigrant children and toddlers, who he has accused of being gang members, separated them from their parents, detained them in baby jails, used them for political leverage, and has missed a court deadline to reunite them with their parents, cares about the fate of children.

It is nice that there are at least some children Trump can express empathy for. And, with his tweet he can benefit from Asian children other than the ones who make his ties.

(Trump Derangement Syndrome)

Trump Derangement Syndrome

The largest newspaper in Utah issued a scathing rebuke of the Trump administration’s immigration policies in a new editorial on Tuesday.

The Salt Lake Tribune editorial board compared the separation of immigrant families at the border to war crimes in a piece titled “Our treatment of refugee children is a national disgrace.”

“It can be hard for normal people to grasp that their own government — and its individual agents, officers and attorneys — is involved in a heartless and brainless effort to visit so much deliberate cruelty upon asylum-seeking families,” the editorial board wrote.

The largest newspaper in Utah issued a scathing rebuke of the Trump administration’s immigration policies in a new editorial on Tuesday.

The Salt Lake Tribune editorial board compared the separation of immigrant families at the border to war crimes in a piece titled “Our treatment of refugee children is a national disgrace.”

“It can be hard for normal people to grasp that their own government — and its individual agents, officers and attorneys — is involved in a heartless and brainless effort to visit so much deliberate cruelty upon asylum-seeking families,” the editorial board wrote.

In Thailand, 12 children and their soccer coach made a wrong turn, got themselves trapped in a cave and quickly became the target of an all-hands-on-deck rescue effort mounted by national and provincial officials and eager volunteers from all over the world.

In the United States, 2,000 children — maybe 3,000 — and their parents found out that the rules for seeking asylum in what was the world’s largest and proudest sanctuary got themselves trapped in the administration’s “zero-tolerance” immigration policy and quickly became lost in a bureaucratic purgatory that, for some of them, may never end.

In Thailand, one of the divers taking part in the rescue attempt died when he ran out of oxygen during a dive aimed at bringing aid to the lost children.

In the United States, one of the lawyers representing the government begged off a weekend court hearing because she had “dog-sitting responsibilities that require me to go back to Colorado.”

It brings to mind the aphorism attributed to Marshal Stalin, “A single death is a tragedy; a million deaths is a statistic.”

It can be hard for normal people to grasp that their own government — and its individual agents, officers and attorneys — is involved in a heartless and brainless effort to visit so much deliberate cruelty upon asylum-seeking families. We are separating the children from the parents, depositing them in different places, apparently in sometimes squalid, frightening and sealed-off facilities, expecting children as young as 1 year old to explain themselves and their situation in court and not allowing members of Congress or other independent overseers to check up on what is happening.

If you want to make people believe a lie, the experts taught us, make it big.

And, apparently, if you want to make people sit still for an atrocity, make it just big enough to have no personality, no individual human face.

And, of course, prepare the ground by spending years telling lies about how many people are crossing the border illegally, how many of them are gang members and drug dealers and rapists, basically dehumanizing them in the eyes of many Americans so we don’t become concerned with those victimized in our name and with our money.


All this at a time when the president of the United States stirs up public mistrust, if not downright hatred, of the news organizations that are struggling daily to find out the truth about these children and what is happening to them.

This is the kind of behavior that, when carried out by non-superpowers, gets people hauled before the International Criminal Court or some special war crimes tribunal.

Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh, President Trump’s Supreme Court nominee, gave a revealing speech last fall in which he lauded former Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist for having dissented in Roe vs. Wade and for rejecting the notion of “a wall of separation between church and state.”

He also praised the late chief justice’s unsuccessful effort to throw out the so-called “exclusionary rule,” which forbids police from using illegally obtained evidence.

All three of areas of law — abortion, religion and police searches — are likely to be in flux if Kavanaugh is confirmed and joins the high court this fall.

Kavanaugh’s comments are significant because they were in a speech, not a court opinion in which he was bound by precedent, said David S. Cohen, a law professor at Drexel University in Philadelphia.

“He is not writing as a judge. This is him telling us his own views. And while he doesn’t come out and say ‘the dissent is right,’ it is pretty clear he agrees with Rehnquist,” Cohen said. Agreeing with the dissent, however, would not necessarily mean that Kavanaugh would now vote to overturn a long-standing precedent.

Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh, President Trump’s Supreme Court nominee, gave a revealing speech last fall in which he lauded former Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist for having dissented in Roe vs. Wade and for rejecting the notion of “a wall of separation between church and state.”

He also praised the late chief justice’s unsuccessful effort to throw out the so-called “exclusionary rule,” which forbids police from using illegally obtained evidence.

All three of areas of law — abortion, religion and police searches — are likely to be in flux if Kavanaugh is confirmed and joins the high court this fall.

Kavanaugh’s comments are significant because they were in a speech, not a court opinion in which he was bound by precedent, said David S. Cohen, a law professor at Drexel University in Philadelphia.

“He is not writing as a judge. This is him telling us his own views. And while he doesn’t come out and say ‘the dissent is right,’ it is pretty clear he agrees with Rehnquist,” Cohen said. Agreeing with the dissent, however, would not necessarily mean that Kavanaugh would now vote to overturn a long-standing precedent.
