Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

I find it sad that even after the most recent election in which many Americans finally figured out they've been manipulated by the media that this entire thread is cut and paste news stories and Twitter quotes.
Maybe in another thousand years, we can begin to observe and create our own opinion. Sheeple
This thread has pretty much been reduced to one lunatic, his 3-4 ass kissers and the occasional post by someone with a genuine point they'd like to discuss. Somebody will post something of discussion value and the lunatic will bury it by reposting 50-60 tweets. Its like Trump shits in his oatmeal every morning.

We weren’t powerful, but we were respected; George W. Bush used to call out, “I love the stenos!” whenever he saw my boss, Peggy, or her colleagues. Our job, after all, was to provide a first line of defense against the press by being present whenever a reporter was in the same room as the president.


Mr. Trump likes to call anyone who disagrees with him “fake news.” But if he’s really the victim of so much inaccurate reporting, why is he so averse to having the facts recorded and transcribed?

President Trump did criticize Theresa May to The Sun. We know because it was recorded.

It’s clear that White House stenographers do not serve his administration, but rather his adversary: the truth.

Special counsel Robert Mueller is asking a judge to grant immunity from prosecution for five potential witnesses whose testimony Mueller wants to compel at the upcoming federal criminal trial of former Trumpcampaign chief Paul Manafort, according to a court filing Tuesday.

If the five unidentified people are not granted immunity — and compelled to testify against Manafort — they would either refuse to take the witness stand or refuse to answer questions by citing their Fifth Amendment right against being forced to incriminate themelves, according to Mueller's filing in U.S. District Court in Alexandria, Va.

Mueller has also asked Judge T.S. Ellis to seal from public view the court motions detailing the witnesses' identities.

"The five individuals identified in the motions at issue are third parties who have not been charged in this matter, and who have not been identified publicly with the case," Mueller's team argued in a filing asking for that sealing order.
“You” put in office a joke, a moron and are trying to justify the stupidity of your vote

It’s about time “you” admit you “must-voted” ... [emoji849]

Surely, now, we can concede that letting President Trump be Trump has exhausted itself — even among the smugly credulous.

For a year and a half, we’ve heard his supporters say: Watch what he does, not what he says. Sure, he’s rude and crude, they’ve said, but he’s going to make America great again.

No, he’s not.

Nor was he ever, notwithstanding (a column I wrote just before Election Day), saying that America would survive no matter who won. My optimism was based solely on faith in the U.S. Constitution and the inherent checks and balances prescribed therein. To be wrong would mean that the checks aren’t being applied when imbalances occur.

We are there.

Trump, rather than holding a hard line with Russian President Vladimir Putin at their summit in Helsinki, essentially sided with the enemy by (attacking) U.S. intelligence and law enforcement agencies regarding their solidly conclusive finding that Russian hackers interfered with the 2016 presidential election. (Trump (tried to backtrack) Tuesday afternoon, saying that he does, in fact, accept the intelligence community’s findings on Russian meddling.)

The two leaders all but held hands during a news conference Monday as each dismissed the idea that Russia wants to undermine American democracy — and that special counsel Robert S. Mueller III’s investigation into possible collusion between Russian operatives and the Trump campaign has any legs to stand on. This despite Mueller having just this past Friday issued an (indictment)against 12 Russians believed to be involved in hacking the computer networks of Democratic organizations.

Are we to believe that these two known liars were telling the truth or hadn’t agreed to a script during their private, one-on-one meeting?