Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

More libs/anti Trumpers ruining what they touch. Still proud to agree with these turds?
44 did it and everything was A-OK. Trump ended it and the libs went crazy.
Not that they EVER GAVE A FUCK about "the kids." Dropped them like a sack of shit after Helsinki

4 Horrifying Immigration Stories That Happened Under Obama That You Need To Know About
It is clear to me from Putin's actions and statements that his foremost goal from US election interference was sanctions relief.

I mean yes also undermining democracy and all but his main policy change goal is repeal of the Magnitsky sanctions

Magnitsky sanctions are special in that they target individuals - in this case, Russian elites and oligarchs. What use is your kleptocracy if you can't save or spend the money in the West.

Back to this thread:

- Start: Veselnitskaya when she secured that infamous Trump tower meeting wanted to speak about sanctions relief (code "adoptions")
- Last: During his press conference with Trump, Putin repeated that he wants Browder extradited (the man behind the sanctions)

Putin is deeply invested in having the Magnistky sanctions repealed (and exacting revenge on those behind it). This seems to be a strong motivation behind his actions, at least on par with all the geostrategic stuff.

- The business model of dictatorships is kleptocracy
- The power pyramid involves rich/corrupt oligarchs
- If these oligarchs are sanctioned, it cripples their business
- Also, they can't enjoy the fruits of their plunder abroad
- Does this erode regime support among elites?

Also keep in mind the mindset/mentality behind this:
- Everything and everyone is corruptible
- Only the elites really matter or hold any cards
- Individual human life isn't really all that sacred or important

Basically Putin & his ilk go out into the world assuming that people are corruptible, and they run into enough corrupt Western politicians and businessmen to confirm their worldview.

Thread by @iyad_elbaghdadi: "It is clear to me from Putin's actions and statements that his foremost goal from US election interference was sanctions relief. I mean yes […]"
Another anti Trumper you libs get to stand shoulder to shoulder with. 10K pedophilia tweets. 10K!
Still proud to be on that side?

Should James Gunn Have Lost His Job At Disney?
Oh Oh. You're losing daddy warbucks. Who's going to pay for your protesters?

Soros Calls Obama His 'Greatest Disappointment,' Says He Doesn't 'Particularly' Want To Be A Democrat