Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Allen Weisselberg, a longtime financial gatekeeper for President Donald Trump, has been subpoenaed to testify before a federal grand jury in the criminal probe of Mr. Trump’s former personal lawyer, Michael Cohen, according to people familiar with the investigation.

Mr. Weisselberg is considered a witness in the investigation, the people said. It isn’t known whether he has already appeared before the grand jury or what questions prosecutors of New York’s Southern District have had for him. The date of the subpoena couldn’t be determined.

For decades, Mr. Weisselberg has served as executive vice president and chief financial officer at the Trump Organization, and was once described by a person close to the company as “the most senior person in the organization that’s not a Trump.” After Mr. Trump was elected, he handed control of his financial assets and business interests to his two adult sons and Mr. Weisselberg.

A spokeswoman for the Manhattan U.S. attorney’s office declined to comment. Mr. Weisselberg and a spokeswoman for the Trump Organization didn’t respond to requests for comment.

The subpoena illustrates that investigators are seeking input from Mr. Trump’s closest colleagues in the Trump Organization, particularly those with knowledge of the company’s financial dealings.

Mr. Weisselberg, a reserved accountant associates say is prized by Mr. Trump for his loyalty, has handled personal financial matters for Mr. Trump and has also been linked to payments made to two women who alleged they had sexual encounters with Mr. Trump.

Last year, Mr. Weisselberg arranged for the Trump Organization to pay Mr. Cohen, who had in October 2016 made a $130,000 payment to Stephanie Clifford, a former adult-film actress who claimed she had sex with Mr. Trump a decade earlier and agreed to remain quiet about it. Mr. Weisselberg didn’t know about the payment to Ms. Clifford, who goes professionally by Stormy Daniels, when he agreed to a $35,000 monthly retainer for Mr. Cohen, according to a person familiar with Mr. Weisselberg’s thinking.

During his effort to secure the retainer, Mr. Cohen showed Mr. Weisselberg records that he said related to expenditures he had made on behalf of Mr. Trump from his personal home-equity line of credit, this person said.

The other instance emerged this week, in a released audio recordingof a September 2016 conversation between Messrs. Trump and Cohen in which the two men discussed buying the rights to a former Playboy model’s story of another affair with Mr. Trump.
CNN hard reporting broke the story of President Trump caught on tape asking for a Coke. Now thats some hard hitting news. Lol
COKEGATE: CNN 'Catches' Trump Asking Politely For A Coke

“I will build a great, great wall on our southern border,” Donald Trump said when he announced his campaign for president. “And I will have Mexico pay for that wall. Mark my words.”

There was no more important promise he made. Indeed, if you had to sum up in a single idea what distinguished him from his Republican opponents and made him the GOP nominee, it would be that wall, and the accompanying promise that Mexico would pay for it. Yet you may have noticed that a year and a half into his presidency, there is no wall.

Not only that, there won’t be one any time soon:

Meeting with President Donald Trump at the White House Wednesday, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and House Speaker Paul Ryan presented a government spending strategy intended to minimize the threat of a politically debilitating government funding lapse over border wall funding. And Trump seemed receptive, according to lawmakers and aides briefed on the meeting.

The Senate majority leader and House speaker laid out to Trump that they will prioritize less controversial bills before this fall’s Sept. 30 funding deadline. McConnell (R-Ky.) and Ryan (R-Wis.) hope to fund the majority of the government through the appropriations bill process by the end of September, and leave a brutal fight over border wall funding until later in the year.​

Trump made clear to the GOP leaders that he still wants a $5 billion down payment on his wall this year, but he signaled to the leaders that he might be willing to wage that fight after the midterms.​

If you’re a Trump voter and you’re not feeling like a sucker, I have a “university” offering real estate secrets you might want to sign up for.
Let me get liberal thinking straight:
The Wall won't work so ICE protesters build a wall to keep police out.
Is this what happens when your vagina hats are to tight?

IRONY: Portland's Occupy ICE Protest BUILDS WALL, Creates Border Patrol To Keep Out Police
44 does it and it's bold. President Trump does it and its 24/7 national crisis on fake news cnn

White House Attacked For Barring CNN Reporter. Take A Look At How Obama Treated Journalists.