Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

And we all know the libs love to profit off the poor

CONFIRMED: Taxing Alcohol, Tobacco, Soda, and Junk Food Just A Way For Government To Profit From Poor
How come all child molesters are anti Trumpers? Maybe they have more in common than hating President Trump?

Portland 'Occupy ICE' Leader ARRESTED After Violating Order Preventing Him From Having Contact With Minors
No lower than usual liberal trash goes. Doesn't matter. Good ol Dinghy Harry Reid gave us the Nuclear Option. Thanks Dinghy!

GOING LOW: New York Times, Associated Press Target Brett Kavanaugh's Wife
Ouch. The old bag just can't get anyone to like her. Please run again killary. President Trump will wipe his ass with you again.

New Polls Have Some Painful Numbers For Hillary
Lyin cory booker tells others what to do.

WATCH: Cory Booker Urges Activists To 'Get Up In The Face' Of Members Of Congress
Be careful anti Trumpers. Butt Buddy Biden might give you more than another loss in the next presidential election

Knowles: In California, Giving Someone AIDS Is Okay; Giving Someone A Plastic Straw Is Not
Another msm lib network fucks up again. Trump trolls them and libs heads explode. Trump owns you libtards lol

ABC Apologizes For Bizarre Fake News Chyron Incident. Trump Responds. Internet Goes Insane.
Schumer. Biggest Douche Bag now that 44 is gone

BREAKING: Democrats Reject Legislative Fix To Stop Family Separations
Do any libtards on here eat Chick Fil A? Great chicken.

WATCH: Chick-Fil-A Employee Shows Why Chick-Fil-A Wins Over And Over
david hogg threatening anyone is funny. Most 4th graders could beat the fuck out of that douche.
Like Warren Zevon sang
"How were we to know 44 was with the Russians too"

Alleged Russian Spy Met With Obama Administration Before 2016 Election
Trump. Owns. Libs. Give it up you can't win lol

WATCH: Trump Trolls Democratic Leaders Over Illegal Immigration In Epic Video
Wow. She wouldn't even say a 90% tax rate would be to high.
This is one of the most likely anti Trump candidates. And you anti Trumpers are perfectly fine with that.
Think about what you are backing