Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Worst negotiator ever

One of the interesting things about Trump is that his statements are so often the exact opposite of reality. When he says he’s really smart, or no one respects women more than him, or that press criticism is fake news, the truth is almost always the precise opposite. Now we find out that not only is Trump not a great negotiator, he might be the single worst negotiator ever to serve as President of the United States.

We’ve seen his inability to get a Republican House and Senate to replace Obamacare. His inability to get them to put up money for a border wall, even though in other areas Congress has been spending money like a drunken sailor. (Nor has he been able to get Mexico to pay for the wall, as he promised.) Now this:

When he emerged from his summit with Kim Jong Un last month, President Trump triumphantly declared that North Korea no longer posed a nuclear threat and that one of the world’s most intractable geopolitical crises had been

But in the days and weeks since then, U.S. negotiators have faced stiff resistance from a North Korean team practiced in the art of delay and obfuscation.

Diplomats say the North Koreans have canceled follow-up meetings, demanded more money and failed to maintain basic communications, even as the once-isolated regime’s engagements with China and South Korea flourish. . . .​

The lack of immediate progress, though predicted by many analysts, has frustrated the president, who has fumed at his aides in private even as he publicly hails the success of the negotiations.​

N. Korea is toying with us, because they knows that Trump’s eager for an agreement. Any agreement.

When Trump showed an almost pathetic eagerness to meet with Kim, he put the US in a very weak negotiating position. The North Koreans are not dumb; they know that Trump’s only goal is personal success—ideology is secondary. If Obama had done a nuclear agreement with North Korea and put sanctions on Iran, then Trump would have torn up the Korea agreement and started cozying up to the mullahs. Trump’s only goal is to do the opposite of Obama, to one up him. But that makes it hard for people in the Trump administration, some of whom (like Mike Pompeo) actually do have ideological beliefs.

It’s actually good that Trump is so bad at negotiating. Because he has such bad instincts on policy questions, it’s better if he gets nothing done. That’s not to say he won’t occasionally luck into a successful policy, like the recent corporate tax cut (something all our competitors did years ago—Obama’s biggest failure was to not see the need.) But Trump will usually be wrong.

In his recent negotiation with Juncker, the EU leader took him to the cleaners. The Independent explains how:

European Commission chief Jean-Claude Juncker reportedly used brightly coloured flash cards to explain international trade to US president Donald Trump.

The pair met at the White House earlier this week for trade negotiations and Mr Juncker used cards with simple language and easy-to-understand explanations, according to a senior EU official who was at the meeting and spoke to the Wall Street Journal.​

Trump agreed to back off on a trade war with the EU in exchange for meaningless promises. But that’s really good news.

Trump has lots of bad qualities; stupidity, extreme egotism, corruption, dishonesty, cruelty, incompetence, bad taste, bigotry, no sense of humor, cowardice, I could go on and on. He has no good qualities, unless one views a talent for conning voters to be a positive attribute. But his complete lack of negotiating skills turns out to be a plus for America, even if it’s just one more of his seemingly endless bad qualities.

PS. Brightly colored flash cards? How can you not love that story?
Trump would have it built in a year. 44 can't even get a shovel full of dirt moved. Kinda like he ran the country.

The lawyer nominated to run the Superfund toxic cleanup program is steeped in the complexities of restoring polluted rivers and chemical dumps. He spent more than a decade on one of the nation’s most extensive cleanups, one involving Dow Chemical’s sprawling headquarters in Midland, Mich.

But while he led Dow’s legal strategy there, the chemical giant was accused by regulators, and in one case a Dow engineer, of submitting disputed data, misrepresenting scientific evidence and delaying cleanup, according to internal documents and court records as well as interviews with more than a dozen people involved in the project.

The lawyer, Peter C. Wright, was by President Trumpto be assistant administrator at the Environmental Protection Agency overseeing the Superfund program, which was created decades ago to clean up the nation’s most hazardous toxic waste sites. He is already working at the agency in an advisory role as he awaits congressionalapproval. If confirmed, Mr. Wright would also oversee the emergency response to chemical spills and other hazardous releases nationwide.

E.P.A. officials pointed to Mr. Wright’s expertise in environmental law and his tenure at Dow as valuable qualifications. The White House on Saturday referred questions to the E.P.A.

What is obvious is that when the Trump administration started to rip families apart and throw babies in jail, that they never had a plan to reunite them.

The Trump administration missed one court-ordered deadline to reunite the families they’ve torn apart. After receiving an extension, they missed their second deadline.

Of course, the Trump administration doesn’t plan ahead for anything. After promising that Mexico would pay for his stupid, pointless, and racist border wall, Trump demanded American taxpayers to foot the bill. On Sunday, he threatened to shut down the government if Democrats, who are in the minority and don’t set the agenda, did not fund the wall.

By last Thursday, the Trump administration claimed it had met the deadline to reunite families despite there still be 711 children remaining in government custody. How can you meet a deadline when you don’t meet a deadline? Can I use that on my clients? Can I tell them not to believe what they see and hear?

The administration gave a list of 914 parents to the court it had determined were “either not eligible, or not yet known to be eligible, for reunification. They said over 400 were not in the United States, with many having been deported.

They claimed 127 have waived reunification, as if the parents brought their children to this country and now they don’t want them. Many of the parents weren’t aware what they were signing, and some were even lied to by being told the document would reunite them with their children. Others felt coerced to sign. Many weren’t aware what they were signing because of the language barrier, as not only do they not speak English, they don’t speak Spanish and come from areas in Central America where only indigenous languages are spoken.

The government claims 64 have a “prohibitive criminal record,” which is very murky. Many have only been accused and the government isn’t sharing the information with the press or the public. They also claim that 260 parents need “further evaluation” before being reunited, without explaining what needs to be reevaluated.

This policy isn’t designed just to discourage illegal immigration, but also asylum requests. Why wouldn’t we want to bring in people escaping violence? Because the Trump administration is racist.

One sign that a person is racist is when they target minorities in their criticism, and need lies to justify their position. Guess who does that on a daily basis? I’ll give you one big fat orange hint.

He lied recently lied about who was going to pay for a border wall and the reasons (racists and murderers ) why we need it.

President Trump’s lawyer Rudolph W. Giuliani declined on Monday to explain the president’s allegation that special counsel Robert S. Mueller III has a conflict of interest because of a past business relationship with Trump.

In a series of tweets about the Russia investigation on Sunday, Trump claimed that Mueller has multiple conflicts of interests, including “the fact that we had a very nasty & contentious business relationship.”

Pressed during a television interview Monday about what Trump meant, Giuliani said the dispute remains unresolved “even to this day” and was serious enough that it would have kept him from taking a position investigating Russian interference in the 2016 election.

But Giuliani declined to detail the alleged conflict, calling on Mueller to “stand up and be a man” and disclose it.