Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

President Trump's defense in the Russia investigation has been (a study in goal-post moving) — constantly watering down previous denials and raising the standard for what would constitute actual wrongdoing.

But rarely has it been so concentrated in one morning.

Trump's lawyer/spokesman Rudolph W. Giuliani appeared on Fox News's and CNN's morning shows on Monday to downplay the idea that colluding with the Russians would have even been illegal and to argue against strawmen.

The most notable portion of the interviews was when Giuliani rekindled the idea that collusion isn't even a crime. Trump's defenders have occasionally noted that the word doesn't appear in the criminal code — which is a misnomer — but Giuliani took it a step further: He basically suggested Trump would have had to pay for Russia to interfere on his behalf.

“I don't even know if that's a crime — colluding with Russians,” Giuliani said on CNN. “Hacking is the crime. The president didn't hack. He didn't pay for the hacking.”


Giuliani also, at one point, seemed to offer a very narrow denial of what happened with the Trump Tower meeting. While discussing (Michael Cohen's allegation that Trump knew about the meeting), Giuliani focused his defense on arguing not necessarily that Trump didn't know about it — but that he wasn't physically at the meeting. And he did it on both shows.
It’s sad how consistently ignorant and racist trump supporters are.

When the bullshitter in chief was elected my a minority’s vote, the world was as shocked as the rest of us that there were this many ignoramuses hiding in the midst of a civilized nation.

As I said, it’s sad. And you read these pitifully juvenile posts from idiots hanging out in the playground because their mom insisted they get out of the basement for a while.