Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

In Most Heretical Debate Yet, Trump Attacks George W. Bush on 9/11 and WMD

Throughout his campaign for president, the initially mysterious logic of Donald Trump’s campaign slowly took form. He was cleverly positioning himself as the delivery vehicle for beliefs his party has long exploited without satisfying: racism, nationalism, xenophobia. At the debate in South Carolina Saturday night, he did something apparently baffling. This time he took aim at cherished precepts of Republican mythology in a fashion that lacks any evident basis in public opinion among Republican voters.

Trump has criticized the Iraq war previously. But in this debate he took his attacks to a new level, both in tone and in substance. Not only did he call the Iraq war a failure, but when Jeb Bush insisted his brother kept the country safe, Trump pointed out that the 9/11 attack happened on Bush’s watch, and that Bush lied about the existence of weapons of mass destruction, and then returned to the point again.

This is one of the deepest heresies in Republican politics. Republicans invoke Bush’s response to the 9/11 attacks, but they must discuss his record on terrorism as if he took office only after the attacks. The copious evidence that the administration received, and ignored, extensive warnings of a forthcoming attack has never pierced the Republican bubble. Conservative intellectuals treat any indictment of the administration’s terrorism record as conspiratorial blather tantamount to denying 9/11. Rubio, whose mastery of Republican consensus outstrips that of all his competitors, stated what all good Republicans believe when he blamed the 9/11 attacks on Bill Clinton. “The World Trade Center came down because Bill Clinton didn’t kill Osama Bin Laden when he had the chance to kill him.”

That Trump brought up this fact is incredible. That he did so in South Carolina is even moreso. South Carolina is a military state, with a hierarchical political culture that makes its conservative voters loyal to their past leaders. It is not an accident that Jeb Bush waited until South Carolina to bring his brother out to the stump, or that it is the state where Ted Cruz emphasized his opposition to drafting women in the military. It is the worst possible place to associate yourself with the concept that the president who oversaw the deadliest terrorist attack in American history had anything but a stellar record in the field of counter-terrorism, or that the war he launched afterward was mistaken.

As Trump has defied his skeptics, evaluations of his political acumen have grudgingly embraced the conclusion that there is a method to his madness. But on Saturday night, he took the madness to a completely new level. By the normal standards of politics, Trump swallowed enough poison to kill himself ten times over. If he survives, it will be the strongest evidence that he has forged a connection with Republican voters that resides beyond any plane visible to the rest of us.
While I agree Trumps criticism of GB was ill advised, the notion of Republicans embracing Trump is somehow not more a manifestation of Obama Overdose overlooks (or is blatant denial on behalf of the author) the obvious

I would call it a manifestation of neocon overdose, but that's just me. The neocon favorites on the left and on the right have been replaced with a self-described socialist and a (whatever Trump is) respectively.
: )

In Most Heretical Debate Yet, Trump Attacks George W. Bush on 9/11 and WMD
In Most Heretical Debate Yet, Trump Attacks George W. Bush on 9/11 and WMD

Throughout his campaign for president, the initially mysterious logic of Donald Trump’s campaign slowly took form. He was cleverly positioning himself as the delivery vehicle for beliefs his party has long exploited without satisfying: racism, nationalism, xenophobia. At the debate in South Carolina Saturday night, he did something apparently baffling. This time he took aim at cherished precepts of Republican mythology in a fashion that lacks any evident basis in public opinion among Republican voters.

Trump has criticized the Iraq war previously. But in this debate he took his attacks to a new level, both in tone and in substance. Not only did he call the Iraq war a failure, but when Jeb Bush insisted his brother kept the country safe, Trump pointed out that the 9/11 attack happened on Bush’s watch, and that Bush lied about the existence of weapons of mass destruction, and then returned to the point again.

This is one of the deepest heresies in Republican politics. Republicans invoke Bush’s response to the 9/11 attacks, but they must discuss his record on terrorism as if he took office only after the attacks. The copious evidence that the administration received, and ignored, extensive warnings of a forthcoming attack has never pierced the Republican bubble. Conservative intellectuals treat any indictment of the administration’s terrorism record as conspiratorial blather tantamount to denying 9/11. Rubio, whose mastery of Republican consensus outstrips that of all his competitors, stated what all good Republicans believe when he blamed the 9/11 attacks on Bill Clinton. “The World Trade Center came down because Bill Clinton didn’t kill Osama Bin Laden when he had the chance to kill him.”

That Trump brought up this fact is incredible. That he did so in South Carolina is even moreso. South Carolina is a military state, with a hierarchical political culture that makes its conservative voters loyal to their past leaders. It is not an accident that Jeb Bush waited until South Carolina to bring his brother out to the stump, or that it is the state where Ted Cruz emphasized his opposition to drafting women in the military.

It is the worst possible place to associate yourself with the concept that the president who oversaw the deadliest terrorist attack in American history had anything but a stellar record in the field of counter-terrorism, or that the war he launched afterward was mistaken.

As Trump has defied his skeptics, evaluations of his political acumen have grudgingly embraced the conclusion that there is a method to his madness. But on Saturday night, he took the madness to a completely new level. By the normal standards of politics, Trump swallowed enough poison to kill himself ten times over. If he survives, it will be the strongest evidence that he has forged a connection with Republican voters that resides beyond any plane visible to the rest of us.

Trump's standing up to George Bush's horrible record was perfect. I've not met one Iraqi combat veteran that likes Bush, if not hate him.

9/11 does directly fall upon George W. Bush, the CIA was basically in his face, jumping up and down on fire, trying to convince the piece of shit, that there was an imminent danger of an incoming terrorist attacks. The group (that would be responsible for the attack), along with Osama bin Laden orchestrating it; their plots to attack our homeland could have completely been preventable had Bush and his administration didn't have their heads up their asses.

The CIA handed over valid intelligence, indicating that AQ, and Osama bin Laden as its head, were plotting to hijack American airliners and use them to attack targets like the Pentagon, White House, and the Trade Towers.

Asshole Bush, listening to his neocon buddies, was pressures into believing that Saddam Hussein and bin Laden were somehow coming up with a plan (some sort of whacky conspiracy) to intentionally throw off our intelligence (of the aforementioned terrorist attack on 9/11) and to ignore, and invade, Iraq. Of course that was all full of bullshit (Osama bin Laden never had kept up friendly relations with Saddam).

The Bush administration is directly responsible for the occurrence of 9/11, because had he listened to the CIA intel, that actually would have prevented the attack, if not stopping the hijacking of the airlines, altogether. Bush had plenty of time to prepare us for 9/11 and he failed; completely ignoring the imminent terrorist attack that was coming, leaving thousands of Americans dread.

Bush, if not a war criminal, is criminally negligent, and he and his administration deserve to be punished. Bush and his administration have blood on their hands, our blood.
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Trump sees 'unusual' circumstances in Scalia's death amid conspiracy theories
Trump sees 'unusual' circumstances in Scalia's death amid conspiracy theories

Donald Trump has suggested there might be something to conspiracy theories doing the rounds among far-right websites that supreme court justice Antonin Scalia did not die from natural causes, as announced by the family.

Conservative talk-radio host Michael Savage asked the Republican presidential frontrunner about the conjecture that Scalia, who led the court’s conservative bloc, was murdered.

“It’s a horrible topic,” said Trump, “but they say they found the pillow on his face, which is a pretty unusual place to find a pillow. I can’t give you an answer ... I literally just heard it a little while ago. It’s just starting to come out now, as you know, Michael.”
[Trump has got me laughing now!]

Donald Trump Hilariously Mocks Sweaty ‘Wreck’ Marco Rubio
Donald Trump Hilariously Mocks Sweaty ‘Wreck’ Marco Rubio

Republican Presidential frontrunner Donald Trump has finally begun to attack one of his rival candidates on the substance, and that substance is sweat. At a campaign rally in Greenville, South Carolina Monday night, Trump launched into a litany of attacks against his rivals, but zeroed in on the famously hydration-challenged Senator Marco Rubio‘s (R-FL) tendency to put out more liquid than he can desperately take in. Trump first talked about Rubio’s sweat-drenched performance at the debate, then asked the audience to imagine a Rubio meeting with Vladimir Putin:

Marco Rubio, who stood with me, he was with me when he had the meltdown, and I’m telling you, it wasnt a pretty sight. No, he was standing right there, no, he was soaking wet, I’m telling you. He was wet. I say “What the hell’s going on over here?”

I thought he just came out of a swimming pool, he was soaking. I said “Look! Wow.” Said “Are you okay?”

When we get in with Putin we need people that don’t sweat.No, it’s true. We need people that don’t sweat. Can you imagine Putin sitting there and waiting for the meeting and this guy walks in and he’s like a wreck? No, you got to have Trump walk into that meeting folks, we’ll do very nicely. We’re gonna do very nicely.
The Pope's a dope...

People think he's God or something.... He's just another dumbass that doesn't have a fucking clue!

He needs to be worried about all the child molester priests...unless he's one of em.
The major problem is that they all have lined pockets. I'll admit it, I voted for Bush 2x. I know he is a scumbag. I was a wrong about why I voted for him. In hindsight, I still would vote for him against Kerry in 04. Even though he and his father were 2 of the worst presidents ever, I'd still take W over Kerry. The fact is that we haven't had a real president since the 1800s. The only real president we had was assassinated. Look at the Nixon/Reagan/Bush/Clinton War on drugs. I did th numbers awhile ago. I recall the prison population being 450,000 in 76'. In 2006 it was almost 11,000,000 legally incarcerated folks (this can include parole). If the trajectory from the 40s to the mid 70s stayed consistent, we would be just nearing 1 million (there were 250,000 in the early 40s). Think about the cost for drug related officers, investigators, Intel. Think about the cost to incarcerate the "criminal" in PRIVATELY owned jails. That is the biggest elephant in the room. I'm very confident if you eliminated the cost associated with the illegal war on drugs, we would not have nearly as much debt as we have now, let alone the erosion of the 4th, 5th, and 6th amendments. Until a president gets up to the pulpit and admits the war on drugs is an epic fail, I'll trust none of them.


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