Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Republicans Need To Treat Donald Trump As The Front-runner
Republicans Need To Treat Donald Trump As The Front-runner

MANCHESTER, N.H. — Donald Trump became the latest Republican presidential candidate1 to win at least 20 percent of the vote in both Iowa and New Hampshire after an overwhelming victory here on Tuesday; he beat his nearest rival, John Kasich, 35 percent to 16 percent. If Trump’s underwhelming performance in the Iowa caucuses last week was reminiscent of Pat Buchanan, his New Hampshire result put him more on par with Mitt Romney, who also finished second in Iowa four years ago before winning easily here.

The rise of Donald Trump is a terrifying moment in American politics

On Monday, Donald Trump held a rally in Manchester, New Hampshire, where he merrily repeated a woman in the crowd who called Ted Cruz a pussy. Twenty-four hours later Donald Trump won the New Hampshire primary in a landslide.

I'm not here to clutch my pearls over Trump's vulgarity; what was telling, rather, was the immaturity of the moment, the glee Trump took in his "she-said-it-I-didn't" game. The media, which has grown used to covering Trump as a sideshow, delighted in the moment along with him — it was funny, and it meant clicks, takes, traffic. But it was more than that. It was the frontrunner for the Republican nomination for president showing off the demagogue's instinct for amplifying the angriest voice in the mob.

It is undeniably enjoyable watching Trump. He's red-faced, discursive, funny, angry, strange, unpredictable, and real. He speaks without filter and tweets with reckless abandon.The Donald Trump phenomenon is a riotous union of candidate ego and voter id. America's most skilled political entertainer is putting on the greatest show we've ever seen.

It's so fun to watch that it's easy to lose sight of how terrifying it really is.
Funny or Die Made a Trump Biopic, Starring Johnny Depp

LOS ANGELES — Johnny Depp has played a loopy pirate, a mad hatter and a demon barber. But will he be a convincing Donald J. Trump?

The humor website Funny or Die on Wednesday began streaming a that finds Mr. Depp portraying the businessman turned politician, full-blown comb-over and all. Kept a secret for months — no small task in Hollywood — “Funny or Die Presents Donald Trump’s The Art of the Deal: The Movie” was released to coincide with Mr. Trump’s victory on Tuesday in the New Hampshire Republican presidential primary.

This is what a Donald Trump presidency would actually look like
This is what a Donald Trump presidency would actually look like

If it wasn’t clear before, it is now: Donald J. Trump doesn’t just have fans, he has voters—and there are a lot of them. In the wake of his commanding victory in the New Hampshire primary, it’s time to take Trump a little more seriously than when he was just the antihero of a reality TV show (the GOP presidential race, that is, not “The Apprentice”).

So now a new question: What would it really look like with Trump at America’s helm?

In a word, chaos. In two, expensive chaos. That probably won’t surprise many Trump-haters out there. But here’s the surprise: While most of his proposals are sheer lunacy, some of his economic proposals are grounded in a surprisingly well-developed worldview—one that could arguably help American workers, though not without enormous disruption.
Obama’s Writer Pens Trump Victory Speech
Obama’s Writer Pens Trump Victory Speech

It’s come to this: I’ve written a Donald Trump speech.

It’s not something I necessarily enjoyed doing, any more than I would enjoy channeling the voice of Kim Jong Un or a Kardashian. But Trump’s victory in New Hampshire has vaulted him to the top of the delegate race. He’s leading in dozens of other states. And since the possibility of a Trump nomination is as real as it’s ever been, I want people to be prepared for what he might sound like in a general election. I want Democrats to understand the message we could be running against, and Republicans to see how radically different their standard-bearer may sound compared to any candidate the party has ever nominated.

The reporters who cover Trump could probably recite his entire stump speech from memory. For the rest of us, only the most sociopathic soundbites tend to break through: Mexican rapists, Muslim bans, vaginal euphemisms—all the greatest hits.

Now, it may be genetically impossible for Trump to stop acting like the raving asshole that so many of us have come to know and loathe. Self-awareness has never been the forte of celebrities and demagogues. But before Donald Trump was either of those things, he was a con man, and a successful one at that. Now that Trump’s trying to close the biggest deal of his life, we should expect him to say whatever he needs to say and be whoever he needs to be.

“I am malleable,” he told The New York Times, explaining that he gets along just as well with the “fancy, Waspy Palm Beach society women” as he does with construction workers. Before New Hampshire, he told NBC that if elected president, he’ll “act differently.”

Trump knows that we live in a media age where memories are short and controversies fade as quickly as they erupt. He knows, too, that broadening his appeal may not necessarily require him to change most of his positions, or even much of his rhetoric. It may be possible for him to sand down the most grating edges of his personality without losing the punch of his central message.

I thought this theory was crazy the first time I heard it. Then I watched a few of Trump’s speeches, and I don’t think it’s crazy anymore. To show you why, I wrote a speech that I could imagine Trump deliver on the night he claims victory, with one important caveat: More than 90 percent of this draft is lifted directly from remarks and statements that Trump has already made. I just cleaned up the language, made some edits, and added a few transitions.

Enjoy. Actually, please don’t:
America's Agitator: Donald Trump Is the World's Most Dangerous Man
America's Agitator: Donald Trump Is the World's Most Dangerous Man - SPIEGEL ONLINE

Donald Trump is the leader of a new, hate-filled authoritarian movement. Nothing would be more harmful to the idea of the West and world peace than if he were to be elected president. George W. Bush's America would seem like a place of logic and reason in comparison.
Trump will be the leader will steel balls to confront the Obama leftist, Muslim extremists pussies of the world.
After EIGHT YEARS of Obama I sure do, lol!
Demonstrates how limited the Presidents power really is. Doesn't matter who is in the position when you owe a billion dollars to the people (corporations) who got you the job.

It has been said that the 2016 election will pale the amount spent in 2012 ($2.6 billion total from both Obama’s and Romney’s campaigns; those number don’t include the primary campaign spending).

Read more: How Much Will it Cost to Become President In 2016? | Investopedia
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After EIGHT YEARS of Obama I sure do, lol!