Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

[Thread] It should be much more at the forefront of our minds, the extent to which the most politically activated and politically empowered segment of the authoritarian American cult calling itself "Christian" see the apocalypse as something to hasten, not prevent.

Now ... I'm aware that there's a Christianity that doesn't ascribe to Rapture Theology and Prosperity Theology—I include myself—but I'm not inclined to make a differentiation betwixt and between, or to "not all Christians" this, for a few reasons:

1) This cult has infiltrated "regular" Christianity
2) regular Christianity accepts the graft, treating the madness as difference of opinion to accept rather than a defining break, because ...
3) This cult represents the more politically activated and influential group
What do they believe?

They believe they and they alone are chosen by God for eternal life.
That everybody else is chosen for eternal punishment.
That nothing they can do can change that.

That the world will be destroyed and God will evacuate them to a gated community afterlife.
Imagine what believing everyone but you and a few select people (who mostly look as you do) does to how you think other people should be treated. Or warnings of mass extinction.

You want the mass-extinction. You want the planet to burn. That's part of the plan.

Mass extinction? The planet destroyed?


Thread by @JuliusGoat: "It should be much more at the forefront of our minds, the extent to which the most politically activated and politically empowered segment o […]"
You have never before, nor will you ever hence, hear a [Republican] President disrespect our military personnel this way. This is merely a temporary freak show and it will pass.
