Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Yes lets see those bone spurs. Draft dodging mother fucker.

do you have some kind a foot fetish?

what kind of idiot would want to go fight for some foreign country in some foreign land for some foreigners freedom which has absolutely nothing to do with United States?

Shortly after an attack by a white nationalist in New Zealand that killed 50 Muslims in two mosques, Jacinda Ardern, the nation’s Prime Minister announced that within days, her government would introduce new controls on the military-style weapons that the Christchurch shooter used and that are so popular with American mass killers.

She delivered. Thursday, Ardern announced a ban on all military-style semiautomatic and automatic weapons, parts that can be used to turn other rifles into such weapons and high-capacity ammunition magazines. She said, “It’s about all of us. It’s in the national interest and it’s about safety.” In the U.S., we can’t even put limits on ammunition.

After the attack, she said, “The shooter chose us but we reject him.” Jacinda Ardern is a leader. The United States doesn’t have a leader. We have an ass clown.

Ardern said her nation rejects white nationalism. Donald Trump won’t even acknowledge white nationalism is a problem. Donald Trump defends Nazis. While rejecting the shooter, Ardern also rejected the gun culture that dominates the Republican party in the United States.

The majority of New Zealand’s population and in their parliament are in favor of stricter gun control. The majority of citizens of the U.S. are also in favor of gun control, but the Republican Party, controlled by the National Rifle Association, rejects any measures of gun sense.

It took one mass shooting in New Zealand to create change, and they acted within days. Here in the United States, we had at least 307 mass shootings in 2018 alone, and all we can do is offer thoughts and prayers. New Zealand has put lives over guns. Here in the United States, it’s guns, guns, guns, guns. If you troll social media right now and look at comments from conservatives, you’ll see more outrage and concern over guns than over the victims in New Zealand. Don’t even try to find any of them condemning white supremacists.

Nobody needs an automatic or semi-automatic rifle for home protection. You just don’t. These are weapons designed for one reason and that is to kill, even if most conservative gun owners only use them to overcompensate for their lack of masculinity.

Today, the Muslim call to prayer will be broadcast nationally in New Zealand. Here in the United States, we have a president who demonizes Muslims, proposed surveilling mosques during his campaign, and has enacted a ban on them entering the nation.

Ardern visited a school and told the students, “let New Zealand be a place where there is no tolerance for racism. Ever.” America’s president says there were good people among those in Charlottesville chanting “blood and soil” and “Jews will not replace us.” Ardern rejects racism while Trump invites it.

New Zealand has a leader. America has an ass clown…a racist ass clown.



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