Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

do you have some kind a foot fetish?

what kind of idiot would want to go fight for some foreign country in some foreign land for some foreigners freedom which has absolutely nothing to do with United States?
No one wanted to go, but they did. His daddy stuck a silver spoon in trumps mouth and hired a doctor to say he was unfit for duty. It makes me sick to see this-dodging piece of s*** attack a died genuine hero
No one wanted to go, but they did. His daddy stuck a silver spoon in trumps mouth and hired a doctor to say he was unfit for duty. It makes me sick to see this-dodging piece of s*** attack a died genuine hero

i’m sure you feel the same way about Joe Biden and his draft dodging.
not one person on trump’s team was arrested for conspiring with Russia. in other terms no collusion .

for over two years the mentally deranged libtards continued to tell us every day there’s evidence of it yet not one person arrested. if there’s evidence why not one person arrested?

how does it feel to be so wrong for so long? you people must feel really stupid now, uh? but it’s ok we always knew you were dumb asses to begin with. you all are a bunch of brainwashed sheep... get a life losers,

So we decided to follow her advice and ask some medical professionals about all this. It is considered unethical to diagnose someone without treating them personally, because you can't compile enough data on the subject to make those calls. But there is actually a huge volume of publicly available data on Donald Trump. There's also the concept of "duty to warn," where a counselor or therapist must tell a third party if they think a patient poses a threat to themselves or others. While Trump isn't their patient, he is the world's most powerful man, and he ain't sitting in a therapist's chair anytime soon.

With that in mind, (a group of 27 psychiatrists and mental health experts) spoke out publicly in October 2017 with[artid|10054.a.26908483[src|[ch|[lt| (The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump). As circumstance would have it, the group is now embarking on (a re-issue featuring 10 more experts), so we took a survey of some of the contributors to see what they made of George Conway's amateur diagnosis.

Most are not interested in making a diagnosis themselves—at least with regard to any one disorder. But they practice what the leader of the coalition, Bandy Lee, calls "differential diagnosis," where they come up with a list of possible issues to rule in or out. (Lee compiled the answers below from her co-authors.) What they are more interested in is the practical danger they feel Trump poses to the American people and the world when he is vested with as much power as he currently is. The title of the book lays out their obvious opposition to the president, so you can view the following through that lens. But their conclusions are worth your time.