Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Unlike Mr. Mueller, whose mandate was largely focused on any links between the Trump campaign and the Russian government’s interference in the 2016 presidential election, the federal prosecutors in Manhattan take an expansive view of their jurisdiction. That authority has enabled them, along with F.B.I. agents, to scrutinize a broader orbit around the president, including his family business.

Mr. Trump told The New York Times in 2017 that investigations into his family’s finances, beyond any relationship to Russia, would cross a red line, and last year he privately asked the former acting attorney general, Matthew G. Whitaker, if someone he viewed as loyal could be put in charge of the investigations at the Manhattan office, The Times reported last month.

At this point, it is unclear whether anyone will be charged with a crime. Some of the investigations involve allegations that may be too old to be prosecuted. Yet taken together, the investigations show that the prosecutorial center of gravity has shifted from Mr. Mueller’s office in Washington to New York.

The precise number of federal investigations around the country that have grown out of the special counsel’s work remains unknown because such inquiries are conducted in secret. But the special counsel’s office farmed out strands of its inquiry to at least three other United States attorneys’ offices, including in Brooklyn, the District of Columbia and the Eastern District of Virginia.

Separately, state authorities in New York are pursuing several investigations focused on the president, his associates and his business. Those matters include a mortgage fraud case against Mr. Trump’s former campaign chairman, Paul J. Manafort, as well as civil inquiries into the Trump Organization’s insurance practices, real estate deals, and whether the family’s charitable foundation violated tax laws.

While talking to my producer at CNN on Thursday afternoon, we were discussing the best subjects for this Sunday’s cartoon. We both liked one particular issue and thought it had the most potential for humor while acknowledging the Mueller Report was hanging over our heads. I told her, “those fuckers will probably release it at 5:00 P.M. Friday afternoon and screw us up.”

Those fuckers released it at 5:00 P.M. Friday afternoon and screwed us up.

Actually, I don’t think they screwed us up and we’re going to stick with the cartoon I finished for them Friday, which I’m really happy with. But, I had just finished my last cartoon for the day, which was my third. On Fridays, I have to draw for CNN, The Costa Rica Star, and my syndication which is what you see here on the blog. By the time I was done yesterday evening, I just wanted to eat dinner and go to sleep…then Mueller happened.

I did eat. My friend Dallas and I went out and talked about it. As I was walking out the door, I got my first idea…and then my second. This is the second, though Dallas really liked my first. I felt this one summed up the moment best. Of course, this cartoon is dated and will probably be worthless in a couple of days…maybe.

Regarding what we know, the Trump team are celebrating because there are to be no more indictments. That sucks. I was really hoping to see them delivered to Donald Trump Jr., Jared Kushner, and perhaps even Ivanka and Hope Hicks. We know they lied and did their best to obstruct and collude with Russia. These are people who deserve to be charged for crimes.

I don’t know what’s in the Mueller Report yet but I do know there was collusion. What Mueller may not have been able to find is direct evidence that Trump was personally involved. But, the campaign hosted Russians at Trump Tower, had access to the stuff Wikileaks was stealing from the Clinton Campaign, and Donald Trump himself asked publicly for Russia to help him. We know that over a dozen people were in direct contact with Russia during the campaign.

We also know Trump obstructed justice. The guy told Lester Holt straight out that he fired Comey to end the investigation, then he told the same thing to…wait for it…RUSSIANS. Unfortunately, Mueller was never able to get Trump to testify verbally, and the written questions didn’t include any on obstruction. I feel no matter what’s in the report, we’re getting the shaft. We have a criminal in the White House, and while the Senate of sycophants would probably never convict him, I hate to see a corrupt president skate.

What I predict is that the Mueller report will NOT clear Trump, even if it doesn’t “indict” him. I don’t expect it to say there wasn’t any collusion or obstruction. I expect it to say they couldn’t gather all the facts…which is because of obstruction. Donald Trump and his cult will point at the report and claim it vindicates him, even though it won’t. But, these jerks have made those claims before, twisting statements from judges and politicians and at times, just making them up.

Mueller’s time may be over but our’s is just beginning. Whether Trump is impeached or voted out of office, he has to be removed from office. A stupid, racist, game show host kneedeep in corruption is in charge of our government and we can’t let this stand. I don’t care what the Mueller Report says, Donald Trump is more than just a bad president. He’s a danger and a national security risk. His move yesterday, recognizing the Golan Heights as a political favor proves that.

Mueller can retire in peace now, play golf, and sleep in. We gotta go to work.

Clockwise: Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin, Jared Kushner, Sam Clovis, Stephen K. Bannon, Reince Priebus, Stephen Miller, Corey Lewandowski, George Papadopoulos, Sergei Millian, Erik Prince, Ivan Timofeev, Sergei Lavrov, K.T. McFarland, Konstantin Kilimnik, Alex van der Zwaan, Paul Manafort, Rick Gates, Oleg Deripaska, Mike Pence, Michael Flynn, Aras and Emin Agalarov, Maria Butina, Alexander Torshin Viktor Vekselberg, Richard Pinedo, Internet Research Agency, Roger Stone, Julian Assange, Jerome Corsi, Randy Credico, Jason Sullivan, Guccifer 2.0, Stormy Daniels, Micahel Cohen, Felix Sater, Rob Goldstone, Carter Page, Sergei Kislyak, Donald Trump Jr., Ike Kaveladze, Natalia Veselnitskaya.


U.S. President Donald Trump doesn’t take kindly to his Twitter critics, and like many users of the social network he’s used the block function to prevent them from engaging with him.

But for much of the past year, Trump has been constrained by a federal judge’s ruling that he couldn’t block users because his account is a public forum. On Tuesday, lawyers for the president will urge an appeals court in Manhattan to overturn that ruling, arguing that the account belongs to him personally and isn’t controlled by the government.

The case is likely to help further clarify how government officials will be able to communicate on social media as the networks become further ingrained in daily life. While U.S. District Judge Naomi Reice Buchwald’s ruling in May isn’t the only one to find that a public official can’t block critics on the networks, it’s the first to apply to the president’s feed.

"It’s a hugely significant case in terms of how government officials can use social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter and whom they can permissibly block from following them," said Clay Calvert, director of the Marion B. Brechner First Amendment Project at the University of Florida.

"Government officials can still have private accounts without triggering First Amendment concerns if they use those accounts only for non-governmental purposes,” he added. “But when it’s Trump and he uses Twitter on a daily and nightly basis to comment on government issues and to criticize politicians, then that is where the First Amendment comes into play.”