Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

I have proven you a liar
And there you shall remain
Now lick my nutz ;)

Yes you did
But laying in here piggy backing likes on racist remarks and attempting to claim the moral high ground will be met with swift correction
I told you i was going to do it and you dont know when to give up
So have it your way
Any more racist, bigoted remarks youd like to make about our president, me or the opposing view?
Don't take long next time, I am using you as a reminder of what is at stake since you are a great representation of your white supremacists trash group. If you weren't uneducated cunt I would have copied my response to the Jesse picture again but you are not worth the few clicks. Make sure to come back soon and bring all your other Great white supremacists trash with you.
Don't b
I have proven you a liar
And there you shall remain
Now lick my nutz ;)

Yes you did
But laying in here piggy backing likes on racist remarks and attempting to claim the moral high ground will be met with swift correction
I told you i was going to do it and you dont know when to give up
So have it your way
Any more racist, bigoted remarks youd like to make about our president, me or the opposing view?
Don't be so sensitive. Okay.. This thread will become increasingly brutal as Trump continues to whip up the alt right.
Don't take long next time, I am using you as a reminder of what is at stake since you are a great representation of your white supremacists trash group. If you weren't uneducated cunt I would have copied my response to the Jesse picture again but you are not worth the few clicks. Make sure to come back soon and bring all your other Great white supremacists trash with you.
Your derogatory remarks are unfounded
That is the lie
And that makes you a liar

You have been officially whipped
Trukker 2
Samsc744the liar 0
The only thing brutal about this thread
Is MY brutal ownership over you two cunts
I have proven you a racist
And i have proven @samsc744 a liar

Time to let Sam's Club troll someone else, it's futile. You can never "win" against a liberal since they are oblivious to reason.

And they will NEVER let anyone else have the last word. They're funny that way, bless their peepecking little hearts.
The only thing brutal about this thread
Is MY brutal ownership over you two cunts
I have proven you a racist
And i have proven @samsc744 a liar
Lol proven who racist, go back and read your posts then come back and explain your username and your support for the Alt-Right aka KKK/neo-Nazi

Also what you are doing is called "projection" so once again if you weren't uneducated cunt you would have known look it up it is called psychology.
Come back soon please.
Dude you own nothing other than the complete ignorance you are displaying at the moment. You support the racist moron you helped elect. Be a big boy and stop whining.
Lol proven who racist, go back and read your posts then come back and explain your username and your support for the Alt-Right aka KKK/neo-Nazi

Also what you are doing is called "projection" so once again if you weren't uneducated cunt you would have known look it up it is called psychology.
Come back soon please.
Your still on the ground
Ref calls it when he reaches the count of 10
Pick up your teeth and lets get on with it
Little liar. Little man
I would like the remind to both side of the arguement, all of you made the argument about the individual. Calling names and trying to antagonize each other for a ride. I guess non of you really worry about the real issues and have a productive discussion. You are not getting anywhere but down. I believe we actually had something To talk about before the attacks took the place of discussion. Let's try to stay focus my men. This discussion is necessary for our county but should be on a high standard.
I stopped responding because 10 pounds left has nothing positive to put in anymore. Paul and trucker and Samsc
All you have shown intelligence why walk away from it now. This discussion is not easy let's keep it real about the issues. This discussion is healthy if we don't give in to hate
Dude you own nothing other than the complete ignorance you are displaying at the moment. You support the racist moron you helped elect. Be a big boy and stop whining.
You are the racist
Quite literally

Big_paul said:
Okay niggers where were we. Oh thats right pharmacomstore is fucking mesorx and to that I say Daroius, hope I spluged your name right, you fucking cocksucker, I will do my solid best to destroy your thread.This is my last post on this thread. I am going to haunt your thread none stop. Your nightmare has just begun you fucking peice of shit. See you in the morning cunt on your thread.

Good night all.
Time to let Sam's Club troll someone else, it's futile. You can never "win" against a liberal since they are oblivious to reason.

And they will NEVER let anyone else have the last word. They're funny that way, bless their peepecking little hearts.
Shouldn't you be looking for those 5 million illegal votes, shit for brains?
I would like the remind to both side of the arguement, all of you made the argument about the individual. Calling names and trying to antagonize each other for a ride. I guess non of you really worry about the real issues and have a productive discussion. You are not getting anywhere but down. I believe we actually had something To talk about before the attacks took the place of discussion. Let's try to stay focus my men. This discussion is necessary for our county but should be on a high standard.
I stopped responding because 10 pounds left has nothing positive to put in anymore. Paul and trucker and Samsc
All you have shown intelligence why walk away from it now. This discussion is not easy let's keep it real about the issues. This discussion is healthy if we don't give in to hate
There is no logical discussion when all samc does is revert back to racist/nazi bigoted propoganda
I have proven him a liar and he is nothing more than a liar
You are the racist
Quite literally

Big_paul said:
Okay niggers where were we. Oh thats right pharmacomstore is fucking mesorx and to that I say Daroius, hope I spluged your name right, you fucking cocksucker, I will do my solid best to destroy your thread.This is my last post on this thread. I am going to haunt your thread none stop. Your nightmare has just begun you fucking peice of shit. See you in the morning cunt on your thread.

Good night all.
Eat shit and rap that cock pocket arourd d's noodle.