Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

WASHINGTON — Ever since American intelligence agencies accused Russia of trying to influence the American election, there have been questions about the proof they had to support the accusation.

But the news from Moscow may explain how the agencies could be so certain that it was the Russians who hacked the email of Hillary Clinton’s campaign and the Democratic National Committee. Two Russian intelligence officers who worked on cyberoperations and a Russian computer security expert have been arrested and charged with treason for providing information to the United States, according to multiple Russian news reports.

As in most espionage cases, the details made public so far are incomplete, and some rumors in Moscow suggest that those arrested may be scapegoats in an internal power struggle over the hacking. Russian media reports link the charges to the disclosure of the Russian role in attacking state election boards, including the scanning of voter rolls in Arizona and Illinois, and do not mention the parallel attacks on the D.N.C. and the email of John Podesta, Mrs. Clinton’s campaign chairman.

But one current and one former United States official, speaking about the classified recruitments on condition of anonymity, confirmed that human sources in Russia did play a crucial role in proving who was responsible for the hacking.
Big_paul said:
Okay niggers where were we. Oh thats right pharmacomstore is fucking mesorx and to that I say Daroius, hope I spluged your name right, you fucking cocksucker, I will do my solid best to destroy your thread.This is my last post on this thread. I am going to haunt your thread none stop. Your nightmare has just begun you fucking peice of shit. See you in the morning cunt on your thread.

Good night all.
So clearly you can see Big Paul talking directly to a black man (Darius) and referring to the slang form of his ethnicity. The thought of a black man CLEARLY enrages him to resort to bigotted attacks in the form of everyday conversation.

We literally have threads devoted to his meltdowns and racist biggoted remarks. Small example of some here^^^
That's how it works with these guys.
"These guys"
Big Paul is referring to far right individuals and attempting to tie them to being racists. Clearly the only racist bigot here is Big Paul and his liberal views. CLEARLY
They feel emboldened by their new fuhrer, crawling out of every nook and cranny. Changing their name to Alt-Right and abandoning their white hoods won't help them though. They will be flushed in the toilet of history like their previous brothers.
Lol are you still not grasping what you are doing, your insecurity is amazing. So instead of defending your racist ideology and your tiny hands Trump or explain your great white name you going through 2 years posts trying to find something to use against me!. Who is obsessed now? But again I am not surprised I know your kind very well.

Enjoy the little time your new fuhrer will spend in power because we will make sure it will be very short.

I am 42 by the way with fused hands but simple math eludes your tiny brain.
You my little bitch keep reaching very far and are trying very hard to tie me to racism. That is a disgusting attack and is unfounded. Baseless and ignorant. You and Big Paul have been piggy backing likes off each others comments for the last few pages. Your derogatory remarks toward me in an attempt to paint me a racist will not go unchecked. This is the moment when you realize you have been in bed with Meso biggest racist and fellow party member Big Paul. Typical liberal BS. I call you out for posting photo shopped pics of Hitler and Trump. Slander, fake, unfounded. There is a pattern here. There is no serious argument you have that does not always fall back to Hitler/racist/neo nazi.

You are an idiot, small, weak, indefensible, left wing cancer, liar who uses the internet to slander and defame anything he does not like or understand.

You have been owned. Now sleep in the bed you have made
You are a liar and you will be known as such for the remainder of your time here
Zuckerberg left out one critical word - "legal" - which is what his relatives were. Nobody that I've ever met objects to legal immigrants, it's insidious to commingle the two.

Growing fallout from Trump's new immigration crackdown

The fallout grew Saturday from President Donald Trump’s immigration crackdown as U.S. legal permanent residents and visa-holders from seven Muslim-majority countries who had left the United States found they could not return for 90 days.​
Excellent, as many predicted the storm of of lawsuits is just starting. Remember to donate if you can.

"The ACLU along with the International Refugee Assistance Project, the National Immigration Law center and Yale Law School’s Jerome N. Frank Legal Services Organization, as well as the firm Kilpatrick Townsend & Stockton, filed suit early this morning. We are a diverse society, built largely on the sweat and ingenuity of immigrants and refugees."

I believe the immigration act of 1924 favored Western european nations; wanting to preserve the racial composition of the country and the ideal of U.S. homogeniety. Congress made some changes to that in the 50s, but LBJ blew it all out of the water in 1965.I don't know if there have been any changes since then.
Big_paul said:
Okay niggers where were we. Oh thats right pharmacomstore is fucking mesorx and to that I say Daroius, hope I spluged your name right, you fucking cocksucker, I will do my solid best to destroy your thread.This is my last post on this thread. I am going to haunt your thread none stop. Your nightmare has just begun you fucking peice of shit. See you in the morning cunt on your thread.

Good night all.
So clearly you can see Big Paul talking directly to a black man (Darius) and referring to the slang form of his ethnicity. The thought of a black man CLEARLY enrages him to resort to bigotted attacks in the form of everyday conversation.

We literally have threads devoted to his meltdowns and racist biggoted remarks. Small example of some here^^^

"These guys"
Big Paul is referring to far right individuals and attempting to tie them to being racists. Clearly the only racist bigot here is Big Paul and his liberal views. CLEARLY

You my little bitch keep reaching very far and are trying very hard to tie me to racism. That is a disgusting attack and is unfounded. Baseless and ignorant. You and Big Paul have been piggy backing likes off each others comments for the last few pages. Your derogatory remarks toward me in an attempt to paint me a racist will not go unchecked. This is the moment when you realize you have been in bed with Meso biggest racist and fellow party member Big Paul. Typical liberal BS. I call you out for posting photo shopped pics of Hitler and Trump. Slander, fake, unfounded. There is a pattern here. There is no serious argument you have that does not always fall back to Hitler/racist/neo nazi.

You are an idiot, small, weak, indefensible, left wing cancer, liar who uses the internet to slander and defame anything he does not like or understand.

You have been owned. Now sleep in the bed you have made
You are a liar and you will be known as such for the remainder of your time here
View attachment 59194
Lol although I haven't read a word of your rambling above I can guess it is the usual trash that comes out of your mouth, you are who you are based on your posts here and your name a great white supremacists trash. Keep coming back please.
Growing fallout from Trump's new immigration crackdown

The fallout grew Saturday from President Donald Trump’s immigration crackdown as U.S. legal permanent residents and visa-holders from seven Muslim-majority countries who had left the United States found they could not return for 90 days.​

interesting. buuuuut....nothing more than growing pains if you ask me. No real change will be easy or without hardship. In fact, I'll go so far as to say that any organization that doest suffer temporary hardship or even outright failure is an organization that's not trying hard enough. Feel very badly for those families though.
Right: idea that there would be mass civil disobedience in the US Govt in the event of unlawful orders was a pipe dream. History shows that.

Growing fallout from Trump's new immigration crackdown

The fallout grew Saturday from President Donald Trump’s immigration crackdown as U.S. legal permanent residents and visa-holders from seven Muslim-majority countries who had left the United States found they could not return for 90 days.​

You're changing the subject.... I commented on the duplicitous commingling of legal/illegal immigrants.

About Muslims, personally I'd be happy if we were to repatriate/relocate every single one of those stone age thugs back to their sandy regions. Separate topic.
Lol although I haven't read a word of your rambling above I can guess it is the usual trash that comes out of your mouth, you are who you are based on your posts here and your name a great white supremacists trash. Keep coming back please.
I have proven you a liar
And there you shall remain
Now lick my nutz ;)
I owned it and apologised. Damn bro you bored?
Yes you did
But laying in here piggy backing likes on racist remarks and attempting to claim the moral high ground will be met with swift correction
I told you i was going to do it and you dont know when to give up
So have it your way
Any more racist, bigoted remarks youd like to make about our president, me or the opposing view?
I have proven you a liar
And there you shall remain
Now lick my nutz ;)

Yes you did
But laying in here piggy backing likes on racist remarks and attempting to claim the moral high ground will be met with swift correction
I told you i was going to do it and you dont know when to give up
So have it your way
Any more racist, bigoted remarks youd like to make about our president, me or the opposing view?

Trukker - just put these clowns on ignore - like Chuckie Schumer, they're not worth paying attention to.
And if they can't think clearly in this area, then I'm not interested in their thoughts on anything else.