Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

State prosecutors in Manhattan subpoenaed President Trump’s family business on Thursday, reviving an investigation into the company’s role in hush-money payments made during the 2016 presidential campaign, according to people briefed on the matter.

The subpoena, issued by the Manhattan district attorney’s office, demanded the Trump Organization provide documents related to money that had been used to buy the silence of Stormy Daniels, a pornographic film actress who said she had an affair with Mr. Trump.

The inquiry from the district attorney’s office, which is in early stages, is examining whether any senior executives at the company filed false business records about the hush money, which would be a state crime, the people said.
Watching Trump repeat his "no collusion, no obstruction" mantra, I was amazed at how stupid and mindless he sounds. But he knows marketing, and it jogged a memory in my head from many years ago about how stupid the average person in his demo really is. /1

I was in a focus group for a late 1980s ad campaign for some oldies station, K-101 or something. We were offered a few bucks to give our reactions to an ad. All men, 30-ish, including a goober in a mullet and a baseball cap of some kind. They showed us an ad for the station. /2

In the ad, a 35 ish guy comes home from work, quietly sneaks to his room, takes off his tie, and jumps around playing air guitar to classic rock. His tweener daughter looks through a crack in the door and says: "Mom! He's...doing it again" with an evil smile. Mom goes to look. /3

She smiles knowingly and carefully shoos away the girl and closes the door.

Ha ha. We all get it. The ad returns you to your, uh, male youth, and doing, erm, private things in your room. Yuk yuk. The ad ends: "K-101 plays the best classic rock!" /4

We roll our eyes. Groan. Yeah, we saw what ya did there. We smirk. We're asked what the *message* is. We all, in turn, say: "Uh, lost youth. Being naughty again. Playboy in the mattress," etc.

Except Mullet Guy. He's asked what the message is. He nods, joining the convo. /5

"K-101 plays the best music," he says. There's a silence in the room. Focus Group Leader waits a respectful moment. "Anything else?"
The guy thinks: "K-101 plays the best music, all day, all night." He totally took nothing but the literal top line. That's all he got. /6

A short convo ensues, as the other guys say: "You didn't think the girl kinda spying on him was sort of creepy?" "Mom, shutting the door...yanno?" "You think he was, uh, ashamed, a little, and that's the joke?"

Mullet Guy: "K-101 plays the best classic rock."

Watching Trump, I realize: That's his demo. The dumbest guy in the room who only can process the top line. No imagery, no interpretation, just whatever the basic, low-syllable message is. "No collusion. No obstruction. No collusion. No obstruction. K-101 plays the best music." /8

Now, I know Super Geniuses like Scott Adams think this is some sort of masterful persuasion game, but in reality, it's just running a simple loop enough times until the smoothest-lobed person in the room can audibly repeat it without choking on their own spit. /9

This is why, as @TheRickWilson and others keep trying to warn Dems, this is not an election about policy. You are dealing with people who are shown a sly but obvious ad about whacking off at 15 but who can only process the K-101 slogan. That's all Trump needs and he's got it. /10

But it's horrifying that we now have an electoral base of some 60 million people who are all, basically, Mullet Guy. At least the marketing guys back then put some thought into that short ad, and tried to make it funny. Turns out, they were working too hard. Trump gets it. /11x

The Captors’ Resumes

Trump’s pick to be the new director of national intelligence, John Ratcliffe, has multiple embellishments on his resume.

He claims on his website and in campaign material that he tried suspects accused of funneling money to Hamas. As it turns out, that’s not true. He never prosecuted a case in the matter.

He was an interim U.S. attorney for the Eastern District of Texas during George W. Bush’s administration. He was basically a placeholder in the position. But, Ratcliffe claims he oversaw terrorism cases, plural. The only example of any significant cases that concern national security is one trial where he prosecuted an Iraq War veteran who pleaded guilty to possessing a pipe bomb.

Ratcliffe also claims that during his time at U.S. attorney that he “arrested” over 300 illegal aliens in a single day that were illegally employed by chicken processing plants in five states. His House website makes the same claim. He did help bring charges against 280 noncitizens on identity fraud charges and other crimes to secure employment, but he didn’t arrest anyone. Even Matlock has more arrests than Ratcliffe because he was Sheriff of Mayberry first.

He also claimed on his 2016 campaign website and in a bio on his House website that he “put terrorists in prison.” This was the case involving a Muslim charity sending money to Hamas. Three former government lawyers and a former senior FBI official, when asked about John Ratcliffe’s involvement, said, “who?” They said he didn’t contribute any substance to the case. Plus, there were no convictions against the charity. One attorney said the mistrial hit the Justice Department like a “two-by-four in the middle of the forehead.” This is what Ratcliffe is basing his claim of putting “terrorists in prison.”

Also, it turns out he was never a member of the Backstreet Boys and didn’t co-write “I Want It That Way.”

the director of intelligence should have actual experience with national intelligence. The man Ratcliffe is replacing, Dan Coats, did not have to pad his resume. Coats predecessor, James Clapper, served as undersecretary of defense for intelligence, director of the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (ask Ratcliffe or Trump what that is), and as director of the Defense Intelligence Agency. He was unanimously confirmed by the Senate. Later, Trump revoked Clapper’s security clearance because he said negative things about Trump. Ratcliffe, on the hand, has skeptics in his own party. He’s less of an actual analyst of intelligence and more of a Trump cultists.

Donald Trump also likes to boasts about accomplishments he’s never accomplished. At one of his campaign stops, he displayed Trump steaks that were NOT Trump steaks and were actually purchased at a local butcher shop. Trump also did NOT help at the site of the World Trade Center, as he claimed earlier this week. In reality, after the WTC fell down from the attack by al Qaida, he boasted about how he now had the tallest building in New York City. And, just in case you’re a Trump revisionist, he didn’t “create” this economy. Like most things he has, Trump inherited a great economy. Unlike the fortune he claims he built but was inherited from his father, he inherited the economy from Barack Obama.

And, when Trump is throwing children into cages, he’s not locking up MS-13 gang members. In 2018, Trump said unaccompanied minors “look so innocent but aren’t in reality.” His acting commissioner of Customs and Border Protection, Mark Morgan, once told Fox News that he can tell which unaccompanied minors will become gang members by looking into their eyes. He told Tucker Carlson, “I’ve looked into their eyes and said, ‘that is a soon-to-be MS-13 gang member.'” Apparently, Mark Morgan got the job after Miss Cleo turned it down.

While MS-13 is horrible and violent and everything you should hate, they’re not invading the country or posing as fake families. MS-13 was created in the United States and it recruits within the U.S. They don’t import. They’re not even that large of an organization. According to the Justice Department, the gang only accounts for 10,000 of the 1.4 million gang members nationwide. They’re not growing as they had the same number of members a decade ago. They average about 35 murders a year nationwide, which is fewer than murders committed by gangs you never heard of, and possibly fewer than those committed by Trump supporters. If Trump wants to focus on gang activity, he should direct his agencies to combat all of it, not just focus on the one that’s meat for his racist base.

When you think about it, when someone kills minorities in this nation while echoing Trump’s racist rhetoric, that makes Trump a recruiter of terrorists. Donald Trump is more dangerous to American communities than MS-13.

Ratcliffe has never arrested a terrorist in his life. Neither has Donald Trump. Instead, Trump is throwing kids in cages.


Erick Erickson really doesn’t like that presidential primary candidate Mayor Pete Buttigieg is gay, and refuses to “repent” for his sin of having gay sex.

Erickson has much to say about it, an exhausting amount. For all that they profess their disgust about it, isn’t it strange, the amount of time anti-gay folks like to spend obsessing about the sex gay people have?

The conservative blogger, radio host, and former CNN commentator was back on his anti-gay, anti-Buttigieg crusade again Wednesday in, where he also made the startling claim that Buttigieg has less humility than that well-known trepidatious wallflower President Trump.

Noting that Trump “has said more than once he has never felt the need to repent for anything,” and why this should lead evangelicals to question their cheering “everything he does,” Erickson added: “Pete Buttigieg is a practicing homosexual who willfully refuses to recognize Holy Scripture identifies that as a sin.”

When it comes to homosexuality, evangelical Christians like Erickson hate gay sex (which they seem bizarrely focused on), and like the sinner to know their place. Buttigieg is a total mind-scramble for them: out, proud, partnered, married, and using his own Christian faith to call out faith-based prejudice, and to question evangelicals’ support of Trump.