Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

On Wednesday, after a year of unceasing, Fatal Attraction–level conniption fits, the Federal Reserve finally gave Donald Trump the thing he wanted, that he literally spent Christmas Eve—and every day that came before and after it—raging about: an interest-rate cut that experts fear could fuel asset bubbles and leave the Fed with fewer tools to handle a real downturn.

In explaining the reason for the first rate cut in more than a decade, Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell said that while the economy is generally doing well, the central bank felt that it needed to safeguard against “downside risks,” like the policies of our current president, whose ongoing trade war has caused companies to pull back on spending, out of fear that Trump will drag out his trade war with China till god knows when, or wake up one morning and do something crazy, like slap tariffs on Mexico.

Of course, as a fickle, capricious reality-TV businessman who lost $1 billion over a decade and doesn’t actually know what’s best for the economy, Trump was not satisfied with the quarter-point cut or the suggestion by Powell that there might not be more in the offing. But you know what would be a great way to nudge the Fed toward more cuts, and juice things up right before the election? Threatening to really tank the economy with more tariffs!

As Mark Zandi, chief economist at Moody’s Analytics, told CNBC, if Trump follows through on the tariffs, “that is the fodder for recessions,” and would more than likely force Powell’s hand, out of fear of the impact on business confidence and spending. (The new tariffs could also affect consumer spending, as products like Nike sneakers and iPhones will be affected.) But whether Trump is playing three-dimensional chess in an effort to get the rate cuts he wants, or is just being his usual not-very-bright self—and the odds are it’s the latter—the result will probably be the same.

“Recession odds probably go over even,” Zandi said, “and I think it would be pretty hard to avoid a downturn, regardless of what the Fed does. The Fed will have to respond, and the Fed will have to cut rates. The bond market will get what it is anticipating, and that is four rate cuts.”

I entered Trump International Hotel in Washington last Thursday with a three-person team to cover the Heartland Institute’s 13th International Conference on Climate Change. I left with two.

Despite the overwhelming scientific consensus that humans are causing climate change by burning fossil fuels, this free-market think tank, which has received large sums of fossil fuel money, continues to hawk various strains of climate change denial. And they weren’t happy that The Weather Channel had brought along George Mason University researcher John Cook, who tracks disinformation and climate change denialism professionally. About two hours into the conference, interim Heartland President and Director of Communications Jim Lakely pulled us aside. “You have two choices,” the stocky, spikey-haired man told us in a small conference room filled with empty cardboard boxes. “Either John leaves, or you all leave.”


Is it a surprise that this year’s conference took place at Trump International Hotel? Lakely said the group was there because the hotel gave it the best deal.

Trump called into the conference, — well, a During his keynote speech, meteorologist and climate denier Joe Bastardi pretended to get a call from the president:

“Joe, can I say one thing on climate real quick?” the impersonator announced through the ballroom speakers. “One thing on climate — it’s just like the fake news story on Russia, which was a complete hoax by the way, a complete hoax. There is no collusion between CO2 and temperature. No collusion whatsoever.”

The impersonator went on: “But Heartland, very smart people, some of the smartest people. You want to know how I know they’re smart people? They’re holding their conference at Trump International Hotel.”

Jokes aside, Heartland has enormous political influence under this administration, a fact that belies the think tank’s underdog veneer. Several Heartland Institute advisors and affiliates served on Trump transition teams or are serving on advisory boards in the executive branch. Shortly after Trump was elected, then-Heartland President Joseph Bast told Mother Jones of his organization’s members, “Many of these people are now in this new administration.”
I have received an alleged manifesto written by the shooter, posted on 8chan this morning.

I'm not reporting it until I can get it to law enforcement.

I can report that the FBI is investigating this manifesto and taking it seriously.

BREAKING: FBI investigating possible manifesto from the shooter which starts with the following two sentences: "In general, I support the Christchurch shooter and his manifesto. This attack is a response to the Hispanic invasion of Texas"

NOTE OF CAUTION: This is not confirmed to be the manifesto of the shooter. It is a manifesto being taken seriously by the FBI. That is why it is newsworthy. The details in the files uploaded by the person match the descriptions of the shooter and weapon.

"America will soon become a one party-state. The Democrat party will own America and they know it. They have already begun the transition by pandering heavily to the Hispanic voting bloc in the 1st Democratic Debate."

"Although the Republican Party is also terrible. Many factions within the Republican Party are pro-corporation. Procorporation = pro-immigration. But some factions within the Republican Party don’t prioritize corporations over our future"

"My ideology has not changed for several years. My opinions on automation, immigration, and the rest predate Trump and his campaign for president. I putting this here because some people will blame the President...for the attack. This is not the case. "

The manifesto is 4 pages long. It is vile, references white supremacist literature and is filled with seething hatred towards Hispanics and immigrants.

This is the gun the alleged shooter says he used in his alleged manifesto. WASR-10, the civilian version of the AK-47.

Thread by @ScottMStedman: "I have received an alleged manifesto written by the shooter, posted on 8chan this morning. I'm not reporting it until I can get it to law en […]"
I have received an alleged manifesto written by the shooter, posted on 8chan this morning.

I'm not reporting it until I can get it to law enforcement.

I can report that the FBI is investigating this manifesto and taking it seriously.

BREAKING: FBI investigating possible manifesto from the shooter which starts with the following two sentences: "In general, I support the Christchurch shooter and his manifesto. This attack is a response to the Hispanic invasion of Texas"

NOTE OF CAUTION: This is not confirmed to be the manifesto of the shooter. It is a manifesto being taken seriously by the FBI. That is why it is newsworthy. The details in the files uploaded by the person match the descriptions of the shooter and weapon.

"America will soon become a one party-state. The Democrat party will own America and they know it. They have already begun the transition by pandering heavily to the Hispanic voting bloc in the 1st Democratic Debate."

"Although the Republican Party is also terrible. Many factions within the Republican Party are pro-corporation. Procorporation = pro-immigration. But some factions within the Republican Party don’t prioritize corporations over our future"

"My ideology has not changed for several years. My opinions on automation, immigration, and the rest predate Trump and his campaign for president. I putting this here because some people will blame the President...for the attack. This is not the case. "

The manifesto is 4 pages long. It is vile, references white supremacist literature and is filled with seething hatred towards Hispanics and immigrants.

This is the gun the alleged shooter says he used in his alleged manifesto. WASR-10, the civilian version of the AK-47.

Thread by @ScottMStedman: "I have received an alleged manifesto written by the shooter, posted on 8chan this morning. I'm not reporting it until I can get it to law en […]"
