Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse


The Republican Party has been exercising racism for decades, but until now, there were always people like Will Hurd among its members, other than the black thing of course. For example, before Donald Trump came along, you could easily get a hell of a lot more than four votes from Republicans in the House of Representatives to condemn a racist comment.

The Grand Old Party has now become the party of Trump, resembling a cult more than a political party. The GOP is less a party of issues and more about the cult of a personality, a rotten, horrible, vile, stupid, racist personality. It only makes sense that the party is dead on details since they worship a man who won the presidency without any specifics to his proposals. He promised to build a wall that Mexico would pay for, without telling us how he would make Mexico pay for it. He promised to replace Obamacare with “something better.” On foreign policy, his position was that he knew more than the generals. Now, the party’s policies are Trump, Trump, and Trump. Any member who defies that will suffer the same fate as Mark Sanford.

The fear of being the next Mark Sanford, a congressman who criticized Trump and then was primaried for his crime, has cost the Republican Party the House of Representatives. Now, they have to explain Trumpism. Ask a Republican how tariffs are not taxes. Ask a Republican how Canadian cheese is a national security threat. Ask a Republican about why increasing the national debt is now a good thing. Ask a Republican how a treaty preventing Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons is bad but a treaty with North Korea that doesn’t say anything is good. Ask a Republican why we shouldn’t be concerned about Kim Jong Un testing ballistic missiles. Now, ask a Republican how racist comments are not racist comments.

Except for Will Hurd. Hurd will tell you a racist comment is a racist comment. He was one of only four representatives in the House that recognized Trump’s “Go back to where you came from” tweet was racist. Now, Hurd, who is the only Republican representing a district on the border with Mexico, will not run for re-election next year. Hurd is the only African-American member of the House. Unless another black Republican is elected in 2018, Senator Tim Scott of South Carolina will be the only one left in Congress.

Hurd was considered the future of the party, which has been a lie all along. He was the Republicans’ pipe dream of their future. The future of their party is not diverse when your leader attacks four female members of Congress for being minorities, talks about brown people from “shithole countries,” calls inner cities “rat-infested,” and attacks black representatives and civil rights leaders. The future of your party is not diverse when hate crimes increase upon the election of your racist leader. The future of your party is not diverse when your leader was endorsed by the official newspaper of the Ku Klux Klan and by the founder of the Dailer Stomer, a neo-Nazi website. The future of your party is not diverse when the KKK holds parades in honor of your party’s leader. The future of your party is not diverse when your leader retweets neo-Nazis. The future of your party is not diverse when your leader defends Nazis. The future of your party is not diverse when you refuse to confront your leader on any of this.

Five other Republicans have announced they will not seek re-election to the House. Currently, there are only 13 female Republicans in the House and two of them are also retiring. The GOP hopes to retake the House in 2020, but it’s an effort made even more difficult by incumbent retirements, especially from districts like Hurd’s, which went for Hillary Clinton in 2016. Hurd won re-election in 2018 by a little over 1,100 votes.

In a speech last June, Hurd said, “The party is not growing in some of the largest parts of the country. Why is that? I’ll tell you.” Then he told us.

“Don’t be a racist. Don’t be a misogynist. Don’t be a homophobe. These are basic things that we should all learn in kindergarten.”

The kindergarten president, who is now well into his 70s, still has not learned it. The Republican Party probably learned it, but they’ve chosen to abandon it. Now, when you talk to Republicans, they don’t see how telling brown people to “go back to where you came from” is racist. Their future isn’t Will Hurd. It’s defending the use of the N-word.

That’s why the future of their party does not look like Will Hurd. It looks like Donald Trump. It looks like a a bunch of white guys wearing sheets carrying tiki torches.

Trump Is Making The Same Trade Mistake That Started The Great Depression
by John Mauldin

Trump Is Making The Same Trade Mistake That Started The Great Depression

We all wonder if Trump’s trade actions are as random as they appear or if there is a broader strategy.

Some of my contacts argue that the relatively strong U.S. economy allows the administration to take a harder line than would normally be advisable.

The thinking is that we can ride out a trade war better than China can.

This only works if the U.S. economy keeps growing long enough for the tariffs to make China bend. We can postpone a recession for another year or two if the trade war doesn’t intensify and Europe holds together.

Since it is intensifying, we may not get that time. In other words, tariffs could end the conditions that justified them.

Something similar happened before, during the most famous trade mistake in U.S. and global history.

The 1930s Smoot-Hawley Tariffs …
