Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

The third reason for the House to impeach Trump even if the Senate won't convict him concerns the pardoning power of the president.

Assume that Trump is impeached on grounds that include a raft of federal crimes – bribery, treason, obstruction of justice, election fraud, money laundering, conspiracy to defraud the United States, making false statements to the federal government, serving as an agent of a foreign government without registering with the justice department, donating funds from foreign nationals, and so on.

Regardless of whether a sitting president can be indicted and convicted on such criminal charges, Trump will become liable to them at some point. But could he be pardoned, as Gerald Ford pardoned Richard Nixon 45 years ago?

Article II, section 2 of the Constitution gives a president the power to pardon anyone who has been convicted of offenses against the United States, with one exception: "In Cases of Impeachment."

If Trump is impeached by the House, he can never be pardoned for these crimes. He cannot pardon himself (it's dubious that a president has this self-pardoning power in any event), and he cannot be pardoned by a future president.

Even if a subsequent president wanted to pardon Trump in the interest of, say, domestic tranquility, she could not.

Gerald Ford wrote in his pardon of Nixon that if Nixon were indicted and subject to a criminal trial, "the tranquility to which this nation has been restored by the events of recent weeks could be irreparably lost."

Had the House impeached Nixon, Ford's hands would have been tied.

Trump isn't going to be as lucky. The House will probably impeach him before Christmas.

After that, he will be quite literally unpardonable.
Good news: It looks like a big win for China
Good news: It looks like a big win for China - TheMoneyIllusion

The details are still a bit murky, but the new trade deal looks like a big win for China. And that’s means it’s a win for Americans (relative to continuing the trade war), but a loss for the Trump administration: Initial China Trade Deal Defuses Tensions, but U.S. Still Has Concerns

As described, the agreement does not address American concerns about China’s industrial subsidies and state-owned enterprises. There were no details on the currency provisions in the pact or how China will go about ensuring protections of American intellectual property. And there information about China’s plans to roll back its tariffs was murky.

I expected the Trump administration to lose, but not this badly. The US claimed they wanted China to become a more free market economy, but then demanded that their government step in and manage trade with the US, committing to buy an increased amount of US agricultural products. That’s the opposite of free trade.

Fortunately, it doesn’t make much difference. Commodities like soybeans are “fungible”, meaning there’s not much difference between the soybeans we export and those exported by Brazil. Agricultural commodities are traded in global markets, and thus re-shuffling who sends what to which countries won’t have much impact on overall farm prices, unless we can convince the Chinese to get much fatter, by eating more food.

Currency manipulation is a non-issue, as China’s current account is nearly balanced and it does not meet the Treasury Department’s official criteria for currency manipulation.

China always promises to crackdown on intellectual property rights, but there’s not much the central government can do to control the actions of 1.4 billion people. Fortunately, China is taking IP protection a bit more seriously in recent years, mostly because it now has lots of the world’s leading tech firms.

I find it amusing that Trump trumpets the farm sales as his big win. Thus his trade war “win” is to remove a problem that he himself created through an ill-advised trade war. But it won’t entirely fix the farm problem, as the continuation of US tariffs (at a slightly lower level) will continue to depress US exports, as will his reckless fiscal policies.

We’ve been told that we needed a tough guy like Trump to “stand up to China”, and now Trump’s caved into China like a dog backing off with its tail between its legs. When you combine this with the new Nafta, it’s clear that Trump has abandoned Steve Bannon’s vision of a muscular new industrial policy, and basically accepted that globalization is here to stay. That’s good!
Mean Girl Hurts Trump

I have a few “friends” on Facebook who are in the Trump cult. I make sure not to actually follow any of them because seeing their hate on my timeline is depressing, but we’re still technically friends. They serve a purpose. Occasionally, I’ll go to one or more of their pages to see what the daily gripe is or how they’re reacting to something. It keeps me from clicking over to Fox News for a minute. It’s like Googling “stupid conservative faux-outrage and lies of the moment.” I get instant results.

As I said, I don’t follow them because the constant reminder that there’s a huge part of America that’s ugly, vile, and just stupid is really depressing. I only see their pages when I need to research. I did so yesterday and ugh. I needed a shower.

Naturally, as I scrolled through, they were outraged that a liberal mentioned Barron Trump’s name while making a point they didn’t get. And as predicted, they’re all aboard on bullying Greta Thunberg. Now though, you get to read their defense and justification for bullying Greta. I love it when Trump supporters explain why they’re assholes.

One of my friends justified the bullying of Greta and not Barron by the fact she has inserted herself into a debate and Barron has not. That’s a very fair point but it doesn’t excuse adults to bully a 16-year-old with Asperger Syndrome.

They’re right in that Greta Thunberg has inserted herself in an argument. They’re also right in that no one should be bullying Barron, and thankfully, nobody actually did. But they’re wrong in that Greta’s argument should be partisan and tribal. They’re wrong in attacking her and not the argument. If you have an issue with what Greta is saying, then have a counterpoint. Have a debate. If you have an issue with Greta, with her caring about the future of this planet, then you’re just an asshole and an immature one at that. Can anyone disagree with Greta and admire her at the same time? I guarantee you if she was skipping school demanding more access to guns, none of these conservative jerks would be attacking her.

One of my other conservative “friends” justified attacking and bullying Greta because she has “threatened world leaders with murder.” What? When? I missed this. So, I read the article the accusation accompanied. Of course, Greta hasn’t threatened to murder anyone. Greta said, “We will put world leaders against the wall.” That expression is an idiom. In case you’re a Republican, an idiom is a group of words having a meaning that they wouldn’t have individually. If I say something will cost you an “arm and a leg,” I’m using an idiom that something is expensive and it probably won’t actually rip your limbs off. Greta was talking about pressuring world leaders, not killing them with a firing squad.

And really, Mr. red-meat-eating, monster-truck-driving, Gun Nut is afraid 16-year-old Swedish Greta with Aspergers is coming for you? Will you be OK?

The funny thing about thing with this one: Greta didn’t mention death, firing squad, or any world leaders by name, but somehow she’s threatening murder. B since Donald Trump never said “quid pro quo, “bribery,” or “extortion” in his phone call with Ukraine’s president, then he couldn’t have meant any of that. In case you’re a Republican, that means you’re a hypocritical dillhole.

If you’re one of these dillholes attacking Greta and defending Trump’s bullying of her, let me point something out to you: Donald Trump is not attacking her argument. He’s not responding to something she said about him. He’s only attacking her, not her message. He’s attacking her because she got something he wanted. Something that he’s received before.

We should stop being surprised by how low Republicans will debase themselves. They continued to support Donald Trump after he attacked veterans, POWs, Gold Star families, immigrants, the handicapped, women, and now children. They have continued to support him after he’s proven to be a spoiled, butthurt baby time and time again while telling us what a great leader he is.

Donald Trump and his campaign tweeted an image of him as Thanos, a mass murderer in the Marvel Cinematic Universe defeated by Captain America. Seriously, this is how you want to present yourself? At least it’s accurate in that Trump is the bad guy fighting against America.
