Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

On the eve of his (impeachment), a stain that obviously torments him more than his enablers have let on, President Trump issued a rambling, unhinged and lie-filled (letter) to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.). It is difficult to capture how bizarre and frightening the letter is simply by counting the utter falsehoods (e.g., repeating the debunked accusation that Ukrainian prosecutor Viktor Shokin was fired for investigating Burisma; claiming Congress is obstructing justice; arguing he was afforded no rights in the process), or by quoting from the invective dripping from his pen.

What is most striking is the spectacle of the letter itself — a president so unhinged as to issue such an harangue; a White House entirely unable to stop him; a party so subservient to him that it would not trigger a search for a new nominee; a right-wing media bubble that will herald Trump for being Trump and excoriate Democrats for driving the president to this point; and a mainstream media not quite able to address a public temper-tantrum (resorting instead to euphemisms such as “scorching,” “searing,” etc.). The letter and the response (or lack thereof) is the perfect encapsulation of the state of American politics — in which one major party has bound itself to the mast of a raging, dangerous narcissist while the other cannot uphold the norms and institutions on which our democracy depends.

President Trump sent (quite the letter) to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Tuesday expressing his “strongest and most powerful protest” against impeachment. That quote, however, makes the letter seem more coherent than it actually is. The New York Times’ Michael Shear described it as “irate and rambling.” Politico’s Natasha Bertrand characterized it as “replete with grammatical errors, odd capitalizations and language rarely seen in official White House documents.” Imagine Frank Costanza’s Airing of Grievances for Festivus, but with more lies, damned lies and (exclamation points), and you get the gist.

You can read the full rambling text (here). What grabbed my attention was a part toward the end, where Trump acknowledges that (he’s about to get impeached) but explains, “I write this letter to you for the purpose of history and to put my thoughts on a permanent and indelible record.” He warns, “One hundred years from now, when people look back at this affair, I want them to understand it, and learn from it.”

The hard-working staff here a Spoiler Alerts thinks it’s fantastic that Trump is suddenly expressing an interest in history. History is important, and until now Donald Trump had not demonstrated much interest in the subject. In 2016, (Trump told The Post’s Marc Fisher) that he had never read a single biography of a president and had no intention to do so in the future. His visits to the (National Museum of African American History and Culture) and Mount Vernon did not go very well. Sure, he knows that Abraham Lincoln was a Republican and that Frederick Douglass is being talked about more and more, but beyond that Trump’s knowledge of the past is barren. An interest in history is new for him!

History will likely judge Trump as the most immature human to serve as president. And (history will be right).

The partial trade pact reached by the U.S. and China last week could be a boon to American farmers hard hit by the trade war, but the agricultural sector’s relief over a deal is being tempered by skepticism over the ambitious targets set by U.S. negotiators.

U.S. officials said China has committed to boosting agricultural purchases to at least $40 billion—and perhaps as high as $50 billion—annually over the next two years. The latter figure would nearly double peak sales before the trade war.

“They need U.S. pork, they need U.S. soybeans. Do they need $50 billion of agricultural goods? Absolutely not,” said Dave Marshall, a farm-marketing adviser with First Choice Commodities Inc.

Still, in nearly two decades of burgeoning American agricultural exports to China since its admission to the World Trade Organization, there has never been a period with the scale of growth foreseen by the deal.

Another reason for skepticism has been the absence of a formal written agreement, which officials say is still in draft form and under review.
Trump, Slow Your Roll

When I heard Donald Trump sent Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi a letter ranting about the “injustice” of his impeachment, I thought, “that’s just going to be some typical, rambling, Trump stupidity.” After I read it, I thought, “Holy fucking shitballs.”

Donald Trump is not well. I know. We always say that. But what’s really scary here is that he’s not well and the people in his administration who helped him put this airing of grievances on White House stationary are totally enabling this insanity. It’s six-pages of Trump tweets with some lawyerly clean up. You know he had help because it contains the word “egregious.”

Have you ever been drunk and angry, wanted to go tell someone off, and then for some reason you didn’t, and then the next day you think, “Thank god I didn’t do that! Whew!” Yeah, Trump probably wasn’t drunk, but he went through with it here.

Or, it’s like when you write an angry letter and you don’t send it, but it really helps to heal your soul because you got it out of your system. Yeah, well Trump sent his angry, pissy letter. And, he sent it to the Speaker of the House of Representatives on White House stationary.

Don’t take my word for it. You should check it out for yourself. Feel free to read it while sitting on a toilet because that’s probably where it was written. I think the best way to read this is annotated summary in The Washington Post by Aaron Blake. He does a great job of breaking down, pinpointing the lies, adding context, some explaining, and what’s just bat-shit crazy. See if you can pinpoint where he probably paused to flush 15 times.

Yes, he really does veer from impeachment to the Salem Witch Trials to the border wall to recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital to Space Force. Really. This is the president of the United States, people.

If nothing else, this letter is further evidence the man should be convicted in the Senate and removed from office, or at the very least, by the 25th Amendment.

Happy impeachment day.
