Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Finally he has been impeached. Doubt the Senate will give a fair trial considering Mitch mconnel said he is working with the president to make sure all the jurors are on his side lmao. Hopefully he will tried in court the day he leaves the presidency. He might still win reelection due to the electoral college, but he will loose the popular vote by tens of millions if just half the Dems go out to vote.
Finally he has been impeached. Doubt the Senate will give a fair trial considering Mitch mconnel said he is working with the president to make sure all the jurors are on his side lmao. Hopefully he will tried in court the day he leaves the presidency. He might still win reelection due to the electoral college, but he will loose the popular vote by tens of millions if just half the Dems go out to vote.

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One of the advantages to knowing that your demise is imminent, and that reports of it will not be greatly exaggerated, is that you have a few moments to compose some parting thoughts.

In our modern political age, the presidential bully pulpit seems dedicated to sowing division and denigrating, often in the most irrelevant and infantile personal terms, the political opposition.

And much as I have found Twitter to be a useful means of expression, some occasions merit more than 280 characters.

My personal and political character was formed in a different era that was kinder, if not necessarily gentler. We observed modicums of respect even as we fought, often bitterly and savagely, over issues that were literally life and death to a degree that — fortunately – we see much less of today.

Think about it:

Impoverishment of the elderly because of medical expenses was a common and often accepted occurrence. Opponents of the Medicare program that saved the elderly from that cruel fate called it “socialized medicine.” Remember that slander if there’s a sustained revival of silly red-baiting today.

Not five decades ago, much of the largest group of freshwater lakes on Earth — our own Great Lakes — were closed to swimming and fishing and other recreational pursuits because of chemical and bacteriological contamination from untreated industrial and wastewater disposal. Today, the Great Lakes are so hospitable to marine life that one of our biggest challenges is controlling the invasive species that have made them their new home.


In my life and career, I have often heard it said that so-and-so has real power — as in, “the powerful Wile E. Coyote, chairman of the Capture the Road Runner Committee.”

It’s an expression that has always grated on me. In democratic government, elected officials do not have power. They hold power — in trust for the people who elected them. If they misuse or abuse that public trust, it is quite properly revoked (the quicker the better).

I never forgot the people who gave me the privilege of representing them. It was a lesson learned at home from my father and mother, and one I have tried to impart to the people I’ve served with and employed over the years.

As I prepare to leave this all behind, I now leave you in control of the greatest nation of mankind and pray God gives you the wisdom to understand the responsibility you hold in your hands.

May God bless you all, and may God bless America.
Peachy Banana Christ

Donald Trump has been impeached. There’s no turning back. There’s no positive to get out of it. It’s a stain that will last forever. In the first paragraph of everything ever written about Donald Trump in the future, impeachment will be mentioned.

While arguing against the impeachment, one Republican actually compared it to the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. That’s appropriate. No, not because Donald Trump is comparable to Jesus or would actually die for anyone else but because Republicans have made the guy their messiah. Personally, I believe more respect should be given to the duct-tape banana.

Republicans pointed out that Democrats have been trying to impeach Trump since he was inaugurated or even right after he was elected. No. Democrats have been predicting his impeachment because he’s a liar, a conman, a grifter with no respect or knowledge of the presidency, separation of powers, or the United States Constitution. If you’re surprised Donald Trump was impeached, I will sell you Greenland at a very low price. The only surprise here is there wasn’t anything included about bribery or emoluments.

Yes, Donald Trump pressured Ukraine to help his campaign. If the Senate won’t remove him, he’ll do it again with Ukraine or another nation. Don’t be surprised if it comes out that he’s already done it.

Asking another nation to help your campaign is illegal. Yes, that’s what he wanted. He asked Ukraine to investigate an opponent. He had U.S. diplomats, including an ambassador, not so much asking for an investigation, but pressuring Ukraine to announce an investigation.

Republicans argue that Ukraine stated there was no pressure and that they eventually got the foreign aid Trump withheld, which he did withhold. But this is a nation that’s been invaded by Russia, is at war with Russia, and is relying on military aid from the United States. How is that not pressure? The fact the president of Ukraine canceled announcing an investigation after his nation received the money is proof there was a quid pro quo. If there wasn’t, wouldn’t he have continued to make the announcement?

Republicans argue about the partisanship as not a single one of them voted to impeach. Irony and hypocrisy fly right over their head without any of them catching it. It’s funny how they argue impeachment is an assault on democracy while defending a man who was put in office by Russia assaulting our democracy. They also argued that the Democrats were acting like communists while comparing them to Joseph McCarthy. There were also comparisons to Pearl Harbor and drive-by shootings. The defense was all over the place.

The one thing they failed to defend was Donald Trump and his actions.

Donald Trump has been impeached. That’s not something to celebrate. Of course, he was impeached. He was impeached because he’s Donald Trump, a criminal, and he’s president.

Impeachment is a stain on Donald Trump. Congress did its job. The Senate will refuse to do theirs. In November 2020, voters need to do theirs and remove this stain on our nation.


In his unhinged (letter) Tuesday, President Trump accused House Speaker Nancy Pelosi of having “cheapened the importance of the very ugly word, impeachment!” A few days earlier, he accused Democrats of “trivializing impeachment.”

If anything has cheapened or trivialized the process by which Trump was impeached, it was House Republicans’ refusal to treat the proceedings with the seriousness the Constitution demands. Unable to defend the president’s conduct on the merits, GOP members of the House resorted to deception, distortion and deflection: pretending that Trump didn’t (ask) President Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine to investigate Trump’s political rival; (claiming) that Ukraine interfered with the 2016 election; and throwing up all manner of silly assertions of procedural unfairness.

Now, as the process moves to the Senate, Republican senators threaten the ultimate cheapening and trivialization of Congress’s constitutional obligations: holding a “trial” that would be nothing but a (sham).

Specifically, they threaten to conduct a trial (without witnesses), which wouldn’t be a trial at all. In civil or criminal litigation in a jury case, the only way for a defendant to avoid a trial is for a judge to rule that there was no evidence from which the jury could find for the other side. However much the Republicans may pretend otherwise, that isn’t the case here — the president isn’t entitled to summary judgment. The evidence against him is far too strong. No doubt that is the real reason they wish to avoid a full-blown trial.

Donald Trump’s presidency is going better than any presidency, ever, which you can tell because he is being impeached. He is not mad about it. You are mad. If he (appears to have) (sent a letter) that is upset, that is just because you’re mad.

Impeachment is clear and unimpeachable evidence that things are going well. Or rather, impeachable evidence, because, as just stated, impeachment is good. Do not think that it is bad! It’s good. And the president is actually taking it very well, probably better than any president has taken it since Andrew Johnson.

How dare you evoke the Founders when you try to use impeachment, one of the tools the Founders provided for removing a duly elected president, as a tool to remove a duly elected president? You should be ashamed. You are trying to destroy what the Founders gave their very lives to defend: a government where one person rules, unchecked, and ignores the will of duly elected assemblies. Or was it, gave their lives to oppose? The Founders definitely had strong feelings about it, that’s for sure.

But what is worse is that you say you are praying, which the president thinks is probably offensive to people who believe in prayer, or whatever? Then again, you are witches, so your prayers are foul before God (who, by the way, is male and likes Donald Trump very much).


You might think, isn’t it bad for the president that people think he violated his oath of office and deserves to be removed? But those aren’t people. Those are Democrats.

They are just mad because he is doing such a good job, and because his call was so perfect. All he has done since taking office is create jobs and be flawless, and this enrages them because their minds are small. This is a partisan impeachment crusade — partisan, in the sense that no Republicans will support it, because they have been trapped in a snow globe where no facts may penetrate, and a crusade, in the sense that the people leading it are self-interested charlatans and Constantinople should not let them in.

The president’s detractors, those witches who largely populate the halls of Congress and persist in hunting him — they are just jealous. They are just jealous that they are not president. If anything, this is good for President Trump. Really, this is the best thing that could possibly happen.

History has never seen an impeachment like this! History should be so lucky to have had the pleasure!