Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

To the many evangelicals who continue to support Mr. Trump in spite of his blackened moral record, we might say this: Remember who you are and whom you serve. Consider how your justification of Mr. Trump influences your witness to your Lord and Savior. Consider what an unbelieving world will say if you continue to brush off Mr. Trump’s immoral words and behavior in the cause of political expediency.

If we don’t reverse course now, will anyone take anything we say about justice and righteousness with any seriousness for decades to come? Can we say with a straight face that abortion is a great evil that cannot be tolerated and, with the same straight face, say that the bent and broken character of our nation’s leader doesn’t really matter in the end?

We have reserved judgment on Mr. Trump for years now. Some have criticized us for our reserve. But when it comes to condemning the behavior of another, patient charity must come first. So we have done our best to give evangelical Trump supporters their due, to try to understand their point of view, to see the prudential nature of so many political decisions they have made regarding Mr. Trump. To use an old cliché, it’s time to call a spade a spade, to say that no matter how many hands we win in this political poker game, we are playing with a stacked deck of gross immorality and ethical incompetence.

And just when we think it’s time to push all our chips to the center of the table, that’s when the whole game will come crashing down. It will crash down on the reputation of evangelical religion and on the world’s understanding of the gospel. And it will come crashing down on a nation of men and women whose welfare is also our concern.
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Putin Puppet History

Republicans, including Donald Trump, claimed history won’t be kind to Democrats for the way they’ve treated Trump. In case you haven’t noticed, Republicans suck at history. Hell, they suck with their own history.

Here’s what we know: Vladimir Putin and Russia helped Donald Trump win the election. Russia meddled. Donald Trump knew Russia was helping him. His campaign even invited Russians into his campaign headquarters. Did they ever call the FBI? Nope. Instead, they scream about the FBI’s surveillance on suspected Russian spies and they never say anything about the suspects. His campaign tried to establish a back-channel with Moscow. Donald Trump has never voiced any opposition to Putin meddling in the 2016 election. History will remember all of this.

Republicans know Russia meddled. Instead of attacking Russia, they’re attacking the FBI, Democrats, and helping Vladimir Putin spread a conspiracy theory he created that Ukraine meddled in our election. It was reported this morning Trump’s “evidence” that Ukraine meddled in our election, according to a White House aide, is because “Putin told me.” History will remember this.

During a news conference this week in Moscow, Putin said stuff echoed by Moscow Mitch McConnell and other Republicans.

Vladimir Putin said the impeachment charges against Trump are “completely made up.” Putin also said, “The Democratic Party, which lost the elections, is now trying to revise this history through the means that they have at their disposal, first by accusing Trump of collusion with Russia. But then it turned out there was no collusion. It could not form the basis for impeachment, and now there is this made-up pressure on Ukraine,” said the guy who invaded, stole Crimea from, and created conspiracy theories about Ukraine.

Putin also said, “It’s unlikely they will want to remove their party member from office based on what are, in my opinion, completely fabricated reasons.” Putin’s argument was echoed repeatedly by Republicans on Wednesday before the vote to impeach Donald Trump. History will remember Republicans were in lockstep with a Russian tyrant who attacked their country.

Republicans point out the vote was totally partisan while missing the fact that every single member of one party voting the same is in itself partisan. History will remember this. As more facts come out about Trump’s corruption and probably encouraging more nations to help his campaign, history will remember the entire Republican Party became a cult and put idol worship before their nation.

History will remember that several Democrats from congressional districts Trump won put country first and bravely voted for impeachment. History will remember there wasn’t one single Republican in Congress willing to stand up for his nation.

History will remember Putin predicted exactly what the Republican Senate would do. While Mitch McConnell, Lindsey Graham, and Ted Cruz proclaim loudly that they are not impartial witnesses and will conduct a sham trial, then saying it’s “comical” Nancy Pelosi is holding off sending them the impeachment for them to conduct their sham trial. History will remember that.

History will remember the president of the United States, who is currently pushing back on a wide-ranging piece of legislation meant to deter and punish Putin’s aggression and his interference in the 2016 election and has called for Russia to be readmitted to the G8, is Putin’s puppet. History will also record that the entirety of the Republican congress is Putin’s puppet.

What’s up to Republicans in the United States Senate is if history will record that every single one of them was also Putin’s Puppet.


President Trump just erupted in a rage at the magazine Christianity Today over its scathing, moralistic call for his removal over the Ukraine scandal. In so doing, Trump shed light on his understanding of the oft-debated oddity that millions of evangelical Christians remain loyal to the most hateful, depraved, self-dealing and self-aggrandizing individual to occupy the Oval Office in modern history.

In an unwittingly self-revealing moment, Trump responded to the magazine’s indictment of his profound moral failings with an argument that is thoroughly transactional and megalomaniacal: How dare you criticize me, after all the power I’ve granted to your movement? You’re breaking our deal, and now you’re dead to me.


It’s perversely revealing that Trump’s response to all this is to rage that evangelicals are indeed getting a good deal out of their bargain with him.

But this transaction — as Trump himself defines it here — also requires pretending along with Trump that his conduct was “perfect."

This is the rub. As Galli puts it, the problem that should be staring evangelicals in the face is that what we’ve all discovered about Trump’s corruption and amorality “is actually true.”

Trump has granted evangelicals power in exchange for their unwavering support, but the bargain now includes a requirement that they pretend Trump’s wretchedly corrupt subversion of the country’s interests to his own simply isn’t happening, or that it’s absolutely fine.

For some evangelicals, at least, this bargain has crossed over into a species of scam that they can no longer accept.