Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

An Army general has denied a request by an officer pardoned in an open murder case by President Trump to have his Special Forces tab reinstated, setting up a potential showdown between senior defense officials and the White House.

The decoration for (retired Army Maj. Mathew L. Golsteyn) was denied in December by Lt. Gen. Francis M. Beaudette, the commander of U.S. Army Special Operations Command, two defense officials said on Thursday, speaking on condition of anonymity due to the sensitivity of the issue. The Army followed by asking an administrative board that reviews personnel decision to consider several decisions involving Golsteyn, the officials said.

Golsteyn faced trial this year for the alleged murder of a Taliban bomb maker in Marja, Afghanistan, in February 2010. Golsteyn acknowledged killing the man, but said he had set a lawful ambush for him.
You ever heard of spell check? I think you have no original ideas. You simply parrot what Faux News feeds you.
Excuse me my fat fingers hit a wrong button.. maybe you should take your own advice about being a parrot.. you obviously watch MSM and let them tell you what to believe.. because you to lazy to find out yourself. Free thinker is what I am... you happen to be a sheep and hate America

This whole thread is by a parrot..copy paste copy paste..
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