Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

“They found nothing of consequence...” Gee. Whom shall we demonize now??? Donnie needs scapegoats and excuses. Oh well, he can always keep looking for Obama’s birth certificate. Oh wait...
Look at who’s talking about having nothing valid to say... you’re comical.

I would compliment you on using spellcheck, however. And you used the word “valid” which I realize is a stretch for you. Good and gooder is more your normal speed
Look at who’s talking about having nothing valid to say... you’re comical.

I would compliment you on using spellcheck, however. And you used the word “valid” which I realize is a stretch for you. Good and gooder is more your normal speed
Still no validity
Make a statement and discuss ..
More Fun With Sharpies

You would think if someone is justified in their actions, then they wouldn’t have to lie to support them. Even with issues as serious as foreign policy and national security, Donald Trump lies.

This week, Donald Trump’s lies and misrepresentation of President Barack Obama’s record resembles what he did to that weather map with a Sharpie. Donald Trump lies.

Donald Trump claimed the nuclear agreement with Iran would have paved the way for them to build a nuclear weapon. Yet for some reason, if you’re a Republican, an agreement that Iran was abiding too that prohibited them from building nuclear weapons and imposed international inspections is much worse than no agreement. Now, Iran says they will no longer abide by the agreement Donald Trump pulled the U.S. out of merely because it was an Obama thing. Donald Trump Lies

Donald Trump claimed the agreement expires shortly anyway. If shortly is five years, then yes. Several aspects of the agreement do expire. But, the agreement is still in place leaving at least another 20 years of international inspections on Iran. Donald Trump Lies.

Donald Trump claimed that President Obama gave Iran $150 billion…and then another billion, as part of the agreement. This is an old one repeated too much from Republicans. What Obama gave them were Iranian assets frozen since 1979. It was their money. On top of that, it’s closer to $60 billion than $150. Donald Trump lies.

Then, Donald Trump claimed the money “Obama gave them” funded the missiles that rained on bases in Iraq this week. Iran has had a ballistic missile program for decades. If you can blame Obama for that, then you can blame Donald Trump for instigating this entire mess that shot down a Ukrainian airliner.

Not only is Trump not taking national security seriously, but he’s also using this crisis to continue his petty and jealous crusade against Obama. Donald Trump should spend more time actually working as president than simmering in jealousy that Obama is better looking, better read, a better family man, more popular, more accomplished, smarter, more honest, and just an all-around better person than he is.

Republican congressman Doug Collins, who is the ranking member of the House Judiciary Committee, went on Lou Dobbs’ idiotic show this week and said, “Democrats are in love with terrorists. We see that they mourn Soleimani more than they mourn our Gold Star families who are the ones who suffered under Soleimani. That’s a problem.” Trump’s former ambassador to the United Nations also claimed Democrats were mourning for Soleimani.

I haven’t seen any Democrats mourn for Soleimani but I do know of one politician who has attacked Gold Star families. That politician is Donald Trump.

Trump butt-poodle Lindsey Graham said that questioning the briefing lawmakers received and voting to remove Trump’s authority to assassinate government officials from other nations as “enabling the enemy.” Lindsey knows a thing or two about enabling.

After Osama bin Laden was killed by direct order from President Obama, Republicans lost their shit trying to take away all credit from the president. I don’t recall any Democrat accusing them of enabling or mourning for bin Laden.

In case you’re a Republican, let me give you a short tutorial: When Donald Trump and other Republicans lie to justify their actions, they’re not justified.

Donald Trump lies.
