Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

In their trial memo, Trump’s attorneys contend that the obstruction charge is not valid because he was asserting his legal right and immunity granted to him by his position, adding that to question that would cause “grave damage” to the separation of powers.

“President Trump has not in any way ‘abused the powers of the Presidency,’” they argued. “At all times, the president has faithfully and effectively executed the duties of his office on behalf of the American people.”

And his lawyers have said his election gives him the right to refuse subpoenas given to his cabinet and staff, to decline to hand over documents to investigators, and to shut down certain witnesses.

“In order to fulfill his duties to the American people, the Constitution, the Executive Branch, and all future occupants of the Office of the Presidency, President Trump and his Administration cannot participate in your partisan and unconstitutional inquiry under these circumstances,” White House Counsel Pat Cipollone wrote to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

Rep. Adam Schiff, the lead impeachment manager, has urged senators to remember the Constitution’s framers sought to prevent a chief executive from wielding power as if it “was conferred upon him by divine right.”

The American Revolution was fought so that “no person, including and especially the president, would be above the law,” Schiff told the Senate on Wednesday. “Nothing could be more dangerous to a democracy than a commander in chief who believed that he could operate with impunity, free from accountability.”

That is not a view Trump shares. He has declared that he has an “absolute right” to wield executive authority at least 29 times since his election, according to an Associated Press review of his comments in, which compiles and analyzes data on Trump’s presidency.

That included when he shut down the government over a border wall battle, threatened to close the U.S.-Mexico border, fired Ambassador Marie Yovanovitch, asked other countries to investigate corruption, shared classified intelligence with Russia and said he could pardon himself.

“Trump’s usage is, I think, novel — without precedent — in U.S. history of presidential rhetoric,” John Wooley, co-director of the The American Presidency Project at the University of California-Santa Barbara, said in an email.
If you see the end goal is to create a Christian "Republic", the amorality of Trumpers makes a little sense. Anything to advance that goal—lie, cheat, decieve—is OK because they're engaged in "unseen warfare" against the enemies of God, and who is honest with an enemy? 1/

My Mormon ancestors made no bones about being at war with "Babylon" (understood as the wicked/depraved, i.e. anybody not Mormon). Played game of cat and mouse with Federal authority until crackdown on polygamy threatened Church w insolvency. Church caved in 1890. Kind of. 2/

Polygamy was still secretly practiced w approval of leaders for another 20 years, but repeatedly lied about it, even after another "Manifesto" in 1904. Why? Because it's OK to lie to the wicked. You don't give away God's battle plans to the enemy (Satan) 3/

Some of my LDS tribe still think it's okay to treat government as an enemy in league with the Devil (calling Cliven Bundy!) That's why good government types like myself are treated by The Godly as an enemy. Govt=evil. In their more charitable moments I'm deemed "misled" 4/

Getting back to Trumpers lying all the time...

Democrats, Libs, greens, Greta, you, me—anybody who thinks gvmt can be a tool for good—are the enemy. Being the devil's spawn we "of course" lie and cheat; science being our devilishly clever tool to deceive the Godly 5/

So, those on the right lie/cheat/deceive with abandon because—this is important—to them this is war and they are the defenders of God's kingdom which is under assault by forces of darkness. You can't argue/compromise w people under this delusion 6/

GOP is now a bastion of white, RW Christian grievance and delusion. Mixing RW politics w religion has debased both. Rather than work for a better future, they work for a "pure" one. This should frighten you. Voltaire said "Those who can be made to believe absurdities ... 7/

can be made to commit atrocities". The left wants access to health care, education, end to economic injustice. The right wants access to guns.

What to do? Hold fast to principles and to each other. Our "war" cry should be "We're all in this together!" even RWers 8/

Let's give our children, and those arrayed against progress, a better world despite dishonest efforts to stop us.

Thread by @Patbagley: If you see the end goal is to create a Christian "Republic", the amorality of Trumpers makes a little sense. Anything to advance that goal—l…
"Now, I am absolutely convinced that the main source of hatred in the world is religion and organized religion. Absolutely convinced of it. And I’m glad you applaud, because it’s a very great problem for those that oppose this motion. How are they going to ban religion? How are they going to stop the expression of religious loathing, hatred, and bigotry?"


JERUSALEM — When Secretary of State Mike Pompeo sat down for an interview with the Christian Broadcasting Network in a hotel in Jerusalem earlier this month, he made a remark that was perhaps the most revelatory of any in his nearly one year in office.

An evangelical Christian, Mr. Pompeo had just returned from tours of the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, built on the ground where Jesus is said to have been crucified and buried, and of tunnels beneath the Western Wall, by the holiest site in Judaism. The interviewer posed a question around a biblical tale about a queen who saved Jews from slaughter by a Persian official: Did Mr. Pompeo think President Trump had been “raised for such a time as this, just like Queen Esther, to help save the Jewish people from the Iranian menace?”

“As a Christian, I certainly believe that’s possible,” Mr. Pompeo said. “It was remarkable — so we were down in the tunnels where we could see 3,000 years ago, and 2,000 years ago, if I have the history just right — to see the remarkable history of the faith in this place, and the work that our administration’s done, to make sure that this democracy in the Middle East, that this Jewish state, remains. I am confident that the Lord is at work here.”

White evangelical Christians are a powerful force in the Republican Party. Vice President Mike Pence is a staunch believer and former President George W. Bush is an adherent, too.