Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

“Upon closer observation, it becomes apparent that every strong upsurge of power in the public sphere, be it of a political or a religious nature, infects a large part of humankind with stupidity. … The power of the one needs the stupidity of the other. The process at work here is not that particular human capacities, for instance, the intellect, suddenly atrophy or fail.

Instead, it seems that under the overwhelming impact of rising power, humans are deprived of their inner independence and, more or less consciously, give up establishing an autonomous position toward the emerging circumstances.
The fact that the stupid person is often stubborn must not blind us to the fact that he is not independent.

In conversation with him, one virtually feels that one is dealing not at all with him as a person, but with slogans, catchwords, and the like that have taken possession of him. He is under a spell, blinded, misused, and abused in his very being.

Having thus become a mindless tool, the stupid person will also be capable of any evil and at the same time incapable of seeing that it is evil. This is where the danger of diabolical misuse lurks, for it is this that can once and for all destroy human beings.”

An overwhelming number of Americans, including a majority of Republicans, believe the Senate should hear from relevant witnesses and obtain documents during President Trump’s impeachment trial. Striking new revelations about the president’s role in the Ukraine affair, as reported from an unpublished manuscript by John Bolton, underscore the need for his testimony and that of others.

Yet Republican members of the Senate have signaled that they intend to uphold Mr. Trump’s unprecedented decision to block all of this material.

But turns out they don’t get to make that choice — Chief Justice John Roberts does. This isn’t a matter of Democrats needing four “moderate” Republicans to vote for subpoenas and witnesses, as the Trump lawyers have been claiming. Rather, the impeachment rules, like all trial systems, put a large thumb on the scale of issuing subpoenas and place that power within the authority of the judge, in this case the chief justice.

Most critically, it would take a two-thirds vote — not a majority — of the Senate to overrule that. This week, Democrats can and should ask the chief justice to issue subpoenas on his authority so that key witnesses of relevance like John Bolton and Mick Mulvaney appear in the Senate, and the Senate should subpoena all relevant documents as well.

The Senate rules for impeachment date back to 1868 and have been in effect since that time. They specifically provide for the subpoenas of witnesses, going so far in Rule XXIV as to outline the specific language a subpoena must use — the “form of subpoena to be issued on the application of the managers of the impeachment, or of the party impeached, or of his counsel.”

As you can see, there is no “Senate vote” requirement whatsoever in the subpoena rule. A manager can seek it on his own.

The rules further empower the chief justice to enforce the subpoena rule. Rule V says: “The presiding officer shall have power to make and issue, by himself or by the Secretary of the Senate, all orders, mandates, writs, and precepts authorized by these rules, or by the Senate, and to make and enforce such other regulations and orders in the premises as the Senate may authorize or provide.” The presiding officer, under our Constitution, is the chief justice. As such, the chief justice, as presiding officer, has the “power to make and issue, by himself,” subpoenas.

President Trump’s allies have tried to distort a separate rule (also still in effect), hoping that it could be stretched to say that a majority of senators can override the chief justice’s decision. Rule VII reads, in the relevant part: “the presiding officer on the trial may rule on all questions of evidence including, but not limited to, questions of relevancy, materiality, and redundancy of evidence and incidental questions, which ruling shall stand as the judgment of the Senate, unless some Member of the Senate shall ask that a formal vote be taken thereon, in which case it shall be submitted to the Senate for decision without debate.” So President Trump’s allies are hoping that last clause authorizes a majority of Senators to overrule the chief justice on matters including subpoena issuance.

But its plain text says otherwise. It’s carefully drawn to be about “questions of evidence”: whether, for example, a line of witness questioning is relevant or not. The issuance of a Rule XXIV subpoena, however, is not a question of evidence. In normal litigation, we’d call it a discovery question.
Bigger Than Ukraine

I don’t believe the press is infallible. They make mistakes. Usually, when I have an issue with a LEGITIMATE news outlet (something Trump cultists can’t differentiate from propaganda sites), it’s over how, what, and how much they cover a topic. I don’t really see actual news organizations lying. That said, I believe in a free press and my confidence in them is extremely high. I trust experienced reporters because I’m very familiar with the high standards with which they hold themselves.

So, when it’s between a version offered by a reporter for National Public Radio with nearly 30 years of journalism versus a version offered by any member of the Trump administration, or any Republican for that matter, I’m going with the journalist. There is a huge difference between a journalist and a politician lying. The journalist loses her job.

I truly believe Secretary of State Mike Pompeo would have difficulty finding his ass with both hands. The man is oblivious to facts and reality. Did he not think a journalist would be able to back up her story with notes? Does he not understand how email works? Did he really think it’d be believable that a world-traveled national correspondent for NPR who is a magna cum laude graduate of Harvard and holds a master’s degree in European Studies from Cambridge University wouldn’t be able to find Ukraine on a map? Did he think she’d fail his little test because he tried it on Donald Trump during that entire Greenland fiasco?

Mike Pompeo agreed to do an interview with Mary Louise Kelly of NPR. She corresponded with his staff before the interview where they tried to limit her questions to Iran, but in emails between Kelly and Pompeo’s press aide, Katie Martin, Kelly made her intentions clear that she would question Pompeo on other subjects besides Iran. Martin wrote in one response, “Totally understand you want to ask other topics but just hoping . . . we can stick to that topic for a healthy portion of the interview.” That is NOT an agreement that questions on Ukraine won’t be asked or that anything is off the record.

Mike Pompeo got upset during the interview after being asked if he owed an apology to Marie Yovanovitch, the former ambassador to Ukraine that Trump ousted after Rudy Giuliani and associated goons conducted a smear campaign against that might have included stalking. He never did answer the question.

Pompeo berated her with profanity asking, “Do you think Americans care about Ukraine?” After Pompeo stormed out, an aide asked Kelly to follow her into Pompeo’s private living room at the State Department without a recorder. Then, Pompeo ordered an aide to produce an unmarked map (why do they have those?) and proceeded to challenge Kelly to find Ukraine. I for one would LOVE to challenge every Republican fucknut to find Ukraine on an unmarked map. Hell, I’d settle for them finding Ohio.

Pompeo issued a long statement saying, “NPR reporter Mary Louise Kelly lied to me, twice. First, last month, in setting up our interview and, then again yesterday, in agreeing to have our post-interview conversation off the record. “It is shameful that this reporter chose to violate the basic rules of journalism and decency. This is another example of how unhinged the media has become in its quest to hurt President Trump and this Administration. It is no wonder that the American people distrust many in the media when they so consistently demonstrate their agenda and their absence of integrity.”

He summed up with, “It is worth noting that Bangladesh is NOT Ukraine.”

Trump later joined in by replying, “A very good question” to a tweet by conservative radio and Fox News host Mark Levin in which Levin asked, “Why does NPR still exist? We have thousands of radio stations in the U.S. Plus Satellite radio. Podcasts. Why are we paying for this big-government, Democrat Party propaganda operation.” Facts and reality have a liberal bias.

Personally, I find it very difficult to believe that not only couldn’t Kelly locate Ukraine on a map, but also landed on the wrong continent.

This is classic Trump bullying of a female and journalist. It’s what they do. They lie and then they snowflake out and get butthurt and cry after being busted in the lie. Pompeo’s statement only confirmed Kelly was telling the truth about his outrage. And it’s laughable for any member of the Trump administration, less enough one who refuses to apologize after Trump’s goons stalked one of his ambassadors, to question a journalist’s integrity.

Pompeo’s problem is that he works for the Trump administration. The only people who will believe him over Kelly are in the cult. We know who the liars are.

Anyone who believes Mike Pompeo over Mary Louise Kelly has their head up their ass.


In other words: Bolton is naming names — lots of names — and directly contradicting what top administration officials are saying.

And Trump has made no secret that he’s not particularly happy about the new revelations. After treating Bolton gently in the months since his White House exit, Trump lashed out. On Sunday night, he disputed Bolton’s account.

“I NEVER told John Bolton that the aid to Ukraine was tied to investigations into Democrats, including the Bidens,” Trump said.

Trump then proceeded to retweet other allies who derided Bolton, including Lou Dobbs, calling him a “rejected Neocon.” Trump also added as an addendum on Monday morning, after weeks of suggesting he’d like to see Bolton testify, that the Senate shouldn’t let him because it was the House’s job.

(Trump falsely claims the House didn’t ask Bolton to testify; it did, but when he refused, it declined to subpoena him.)

But while that’s clearly Trump’s calculation, the GOP senators who might vote on Bolton testifying in the Senate trial have their own to make. And the new Bolton disclosures severely complicate it.

In other words: Bolton is naming names — lots of names — and directly contradicting what top administration officials are saying.

And Trump has made no secret that he’s not particularly happy about the new revelations. After treating Bolton gently in the months since his White House exit, Trump lashed out. On Sunday night, he disputed Bolton’s account.

“I NEVER told John Bolton that the aid to Ukraine was tied to investigations into Democrats, including the Bidens,” Trump said.

Trump then proceeded to retweet other allies who derided Bolton, including Lou Dobbs, calling him a “rejected Neocon.” Trump also added as an addendum on Monday morning, after weeks of suggesting he’d like to see Bolton testify, that the Senate shouldn’t let him because it was the House’s job.

(Trump falsely claims the House didn’t ask Bolton to testify; it did, but when he refused, it declined to subpoena him.)

But while that’s clearly Trump’s calculation, the GOP senators who might vote on Bolton testifying in the Senate trial have their own to make. And the new Bolton disclosures severely complicate it.

Trump: “I NEVER told John Bolton that the aid to Ukraine was tied to investigations into Democrats, including the Bidens,” Trump said.

Then testify under oath you weaselly fat fuck and get the truth out.