personal log, road to first competition 2024 autumn

i always used it 2weeks on/2 weeks off but recently I saw more people claiming it's bullshit so i'll run it as long as I need it.
Discovering how taurine works with clen was a godsend. If I my hands start being shaky I just pop in an extra 1000mg tab and it goes away. (on top of the 1000mg with every 20mcg clen)

I think it wouldnt be a good idea to run it up till the show but we'll see

I found the best approach for peak week diet wise is to go almost keto from monday to thursday and start filling back up on friday afternoon- saturday (show's on saturday) I'd rather play it safe and go a bit flatter then overspill. Don't want to mess with diuretics much at this stage.
As for gear- stop all injections 10 days out and last 10 days 200mg winny a day. Heard it from Anabolic Bodybuilding's Big Paul who took it from AJ Sims. Sounds simple and AJ is the master of conditioning
You will definitely be the guy I come to if I ever start experimenting with Clen again haha.. 20mcg had me almost vibrating out of my seat..

Very smart guy stay away from diuretics completely if possible way too much strain going on already.. Save your kidneys for later..

Sounds good to me dude.. I'd never heard of this AJ guy before now.. Yes he's guys peeled..
6 weeks out update
My weight seems to have stagnated for the past 2-3 weeks. It’s hovering around 97-98kgs, dont know if i hit a platea, recomping or getting more bloat due to switching to short esters from one day to another. Last enanthate shot was on the 25th of Aug, so it still might be hovering around
Dialed clen down to 40mcg for this week (and maybe next) to get a bit better sleep, I’ll ramp it back up to 100-120mcg afterwards.
Also plan to introduce 50mg Anavar daily and shoot 0,5ml (so 50mg) less test.
I’m thinking of addig T3 too at 25mcg, but i had bad experience with it, altough i ramped it up to 100mcg back then with less calories and it ate up a visible amount of muscle
Tren is well tolerated at 140mg/wk, i think i’ll keep it at this dose till the end. If i add more tren, l’ll shoot that much less test (total androgen load is about 2g/week, i dont want to surpass that

took a blood test today for T3, free T3 and E2. I recently discovered that there's a lab in the parking area of my gym (it's in a container, inherited from covid times and somehow it didnt run out of business once noone needed a PCR) so no more excuses for my lazy ass to do regular blood tests.
The outcome will dictate if i need to add T3 or not.

Also my posing trunks arrived yesterday. having never worn such thing, it's super weird and exciting at the same time.
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25mcg T3 is nothing like 100mcg. And you appear to be well on the way, on track, so no need for stupid shortcuts like using 100mcg of T3 - that's what fat, desperate competitors do when they haven't followed their plan. You are not in that boat.
Holy fcking shit my E2 came back @ 520 pg/ml with 25mg pharmacy aromasin EOD
I’m ramping it up to ED and will get another test in a week

Free T3 is in the bottom of the ref range, 3,4pmol/L (ref range 2,8-6,5)
Tren is picked up as e2 on none sensitive tests. Drop tren and retest after one or two weeks if it’s acetate
it is acetate im using, thanks for this, i was suspecting that something might have registered as E2, the value seems unrealisticly huge
Do you have high sensitive testing for estradiol in your country? Only this will show the true number from the time tren is in the mix.
Do you have high sensitive testing for estradiol in your country? Only this will show the true number from the time tren is in the mix.
probably yes, haven't done my research yet. My main issue is that I know i'm lazy as fuck that's why the last time i took bloods was back in february, and this lab was right next to the gym!
now i have to take the time do find one as I really need to know how to take care of my E2 levels near the show
an update but not a physique one
I'm starting to lose all my energy, training in the morning is pain, i dont feel any joy in it anymore (for like the past week but it has been getting gradually worse before)
During the day I feel like a houseplant at my work, luckily it's an office job and we're over the high season
also my head started playing games with me, feeling insecure, the need to raise doses for certain compounds, the urge to further lower my calories even though the rate of dropping weight seems to be on point (0.5-1kg /week, average for the past 2 months : 0,6kg)
I'm trying to trust the process and not let insecurity ruin my plans
Try to keep as calm as possible and rationalize your way out of the (tren) darkness. Have been there. Tren is love/hate. Everything is more severe.

Ofc, sometimes caber helps, a lot of people absolutely swear by supplementing replacement dose of t3 after being on tren 6weeks+,,

The thing is, in that state you do a lot of things, not all of them are perfectly in ones best interest.

The only thing what helped me tremendously no placebo or health concern invovled -> low low e2 but not too low. Means for me 175mg test with higher tren was most tolerable.

But I think the first 6 weeks on tren are a breeze, the mindfuckery seems to start later, dunno, was long time ago.

Stay calm dooze, bad emotions will pass sooner or later... I just crushed my e2 with eq lately - that is what we sign up for more or less.

Coming to the point of - man I dont want to know the dollaros & the energy you have been spending the last months on the BB stuff - you'r "I'm lazy thats why I don't do the damn bloods" does not count at all man. I mean I was the same - but I guess we are not 21 anymore! Do you damn bloods - don't fuck up your mind too much because of the reflection in the mirror!

All the best
Some questions I still have, maybe some of you can answer :

-what’s the deal with artificial sweeteners on peak week/showday? Is diet soda frowned upon?

-when should i reduce my sodium? Is it ok to ride it out with high intake until last couple of days? I eat really salty, sometimes even put a pinch in my coffe.

-how many days out should i drop creatine?

-i’ve been using aromasin as an AI, 25mg/EOD. Plan to hammer my estrogen down to the ground for the show, is it ok to keep using a suicide inhibitor? Should i switch to arimidex 1mg ED?
Try to keep as calm as possible and rationalize your way out of the (tren) darkness. Have been there. Tren is love/hate. Everything is more severe.

Ofc, sometimes caber helps, a lot of people absolutely swear by supplementing replacement dose of t3 after being on tren 6weeks+,,

The thing is, in that state you do a lot of things, not all of them are perfectly in ones best interest.

The only thing what helped me tremendously no placebo or health concern invovled -> low low e2 but not too low. Means for me 175mg test with higher tren was most tolerable.

But I think the first 6 weeks on tren are a breeze, the mindfuckery seems to start later, dunno, was long time ago.

Stay calm dooze, bad emotions will pass sooner or later... I just crushed my e2 with eq lately - that is what we sign up for more or less.

Coming to the point of - man I dont want to know the dollaros & the energy you have been spending the last months on the BB stuff - you'r "I'm lazy thats why I don't do the damn bloods" does not count at all man. I mean I was the same - but I guess we are not 21 anymore! Do you damn bloods - don't fuck up your mind too much because of the reflection in the mirror!

All the best
add in 50mcg of t4 or at the most 25mcg of t3 . guarantee your thyroid is off and you need a boost Tren lowers t4. if t4 is too low there is less to convert to t3, and with test pulled and the dieting it would make sense your thyroid is hypo, which can cause depression or that feeling you are describing. might need to increase kcals a little, but better than feeling like shit,

you can start to increase salt around 3-4 days out. lots of guys will switch to letro. but to each their own
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due to constantly feeling like a pair of decommissioned torn ukrainian military boots I tried to look for something that help me not get fired at my job. Obviously caffeine is like shooting arrows at an M1 Abrams at this point so I tried to look for alternative options within reason.
Came to discover and try modafinil. Well, took it first in the weekend, not to mess up a workday if any unexpected side effects come and it was utter disappointment, i felt almost nothing. Not fearing the sides I decided to give it a go on a workday too, and voila, it came to life. I feel nothing on it. Meaning that I dont feel shit, I dont feel over stimulated, I feel normal, like a normal human being who had a half decent sleep last night.
I'll utilize it on my low carb workdays (3 days a week, 100mg in the morning 100mg at noon)