Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Yo Dr. Scally, what are your thoughts on trumps increasing cognitive decline ?

Him having all of those verbal mistakes and caught being confused in weird ways seems to be objectively concerning.

Although the term “dementia” has been thrown about a lot in reference to President Trump, I feel it is necessary for all citizens to seriously consider this possibility.

His father is known to have suffered from a type of dementia in later life (Alzheimer’s), and while this does not automatically mean Donald Trump will experience it, it can be hereditary.

The president’s speeches and actions in recent months have become more and more erratic and careless.

Donald Trump remembers exactly when he realized his father was beginning to fade. About six years ago, they were driving down Fifth Avenue when he gave his father big news: he had just bought the land beneath the Empire State Building. ''That's a tall building, isn't it?'' Fred C. Trump replied. ''How many apartments are in that building?'' At first, Donald thought he was kidding. But his father, 87, was developing Alzheimer's.
"Michael Scally" works for the propaganda machine . Along with CNN and the other affiliates such as "Soros". The people of the United States will once again elect Donald Trump for another 4 years and then one of his sons for another 8 years. Then who knows , another son may be elected or just someone who hs been groomed by the Trumps. And why? Because that's what the vast majority of Americans want.
This will make your life worth living too sir, because you will have years upon years to sit in your little room and be able to complain and complain and complain .
Fuck trump and his spawn.

Although the term “dementia” has been thrown about a lot in reference to President Trump, I feel it is necessary for all citizens to seriously consider this possibility.

His father is known to have suffered from a type of dementia in later life (Alzheimer’s), and while this does not automatically mean Donald Trump will experience it, it can be hereditary.

The president’s speeches and actions in recent months have become more and more erratic and careless.

Donald Trump remembers exactly when he realized his father was beginning to fade. About six years ago, they were driving down Fifth Avenue when he gave his father big news: he had just bought the land beneath the Empire State Building. ''That's a tall building, isn't it?'' Fred C. Trump replied. ''How many apartments are in that building?'' At first, Donald thought he was kidding. But his father, 87, was developing Alzheimer's.

Joe Biden? Nancy Pelosi? Bernie Sanders? Ppffffttt... no agenda there at all just stating facts, right? Biden is by far the worst btw. They're all old.
2016 ...

In his documentaries, Ken Burns has examined the legacy of seminal historical figures such as Teddy Roosevelt, Frank Lloyd Wright, and Thomas Jefferson. Men whose names echo through the ages. In his most recent film, “Defying the Nazis: The Sharps’ War,” Burns and co-director Artemis Joukowsky, turn their camera on Waitstill and Martha Sharp, a Unitarian minister and his wife, who left their quiet life in Massachusetts to help refugees flee Europe as Hitler came to power.

Their heroism may be largely unknown, but theirs is a remarkable story of courage and sacrifice. By laundering money and arranging for safe passage, the couple helped rescue dozens of Jewish children and political dissidents from the gas chambers, even as they neglected their own family in the States. It’s also a story that had a personal resonance for Joukowsky, the grandson of the Sharps.

The documentary is currently airing on PBS. Burns spoke with Variety about what drew him to the Sharps’ story, its parallels with the refugee crisis in Syria, and the danger of a Trump presidency.

Why have you been so publicly opposed to Donald Trump?

I have never in my professional life ever spoken out in this way. I certainly have my own opinions and have a yard sign at elections and make sure I vote. But I spoke out because he represents the greatest threat to American democracy since the Second World War. He is so fundamentally un-American, and not only because he is unqualified, but because he is mentally unsuited. He represents a kind of strong man, narcissistic thing that represents the potential death of the Republic. All of my films are about the United States and all of them are about trying to understand how it works and how it doesn’t work, and I just felt compelled to speak out.

What’s so dangerous about his appeal?

He has tapped a dark unconscious, in which it is easier to vilify the other than to see what you share in common. It’s easier to be afraid than to welcome change. It’s always been there. We had a civil war, you know. We killed 750,000 of ourselves over this issue. He’s appealing to that in the most venal and vulgar ways.

I could have answered your question in a much simpler way by just saying he’s too vulgar for me. There’s no one who has occupied the presidency of the United States like that. This is coming from a person who has just finished a ten-part series on the Vietnam War, so I have been listening for years to Johnson and Nixon on tapes that they forgot were being recorded, and the vulgarity there is pretty extreme, but nothing compares to the vulgarity of this man.

Are you referring to the “Access Hollywood” tape?

The most recent one does it in spades, but it’s more than that. My daughter and my son-in-law and I made a film about the Central Park Five. He took out full page ads asking for the death penalty to be brought back and applied to five innocent children and on Friday he doubled down on that. It’s only the sex tape that’s kept that relatively quiet, but I was very impressed by Sen. McCain who finally disavowed Trump and not only mentioned the completely off-the-rails sex tape, but also the Central Park Five as one of the reasons. He had the trifecta last Friday because he also said while being endorsed by border control folks that the Obama administration under the direction of Hillary Clinton was letting in immigrants so they could vote against him.

This is the greatest country on earth, and one of the many reasons is because we have a smooth transition of power. He’s set himself up to continue to roil that dark unconscious that he has tapped into for his base. The fact that he could say the things he said about women, and that his adoring masses are not even flinching at that, is Hitler-esque. I refer you to Michiko Kakutani’s review of the Hitler biography two weeks ago in the Times, in which she didn’t mention the contemporary situation, she just put the bullet points of Hitler’s rise and every single one of them was exactly what Trump has done.

Do you think he’s a fascist?

Absolutely. When you talk about having extra-judicial, threatening rivals with jail. You can call it fascistic or you can call it dictatorial. You can call it monomaniacal or imperial. Whatever you want to say, this is not the way that our country works.

When commuters spin the radio dial as they drive through Kansas City, Mo., these days, between the strains of classic rock and country hits they can tune in to something unexpected: Russian agitprop.

In January, Radio Sputnik, a propaganda arm of the Russian government, started broadcasting on three Kansas City-area radio stations during prime drive times, even sharing one frequency with a station rooted in the city’s historic jazz district.

“Who needs a ridiculous Red Dawn invasion,” a participant in one online forum wrote about the new broadcasts. “Your overlord, Mr. Putin, will be addressing you soon, so it’s best to prepare now,” another commenter wrote, referring to President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia.

In the United States, talk radio on Sputnik covers the political spectrum from right to left, but the constant backbeat is that America is damaged goods.

Sputnik’s American hosts follow a standard talk radio format, riffing on the day’s headlines and bantering with guests and callers. They find much to dislike in America, from the reporting on the coronavirus epidemic to the impeachment of President Trump, and they play on internal divisions as well.

On a recent show, one host started by saying he was broadcasting “live from Washington, D.C., capital of the divided states of America.”

Critics in Kansas City called Radio Sputnik’s arrival an unabashed exploitation of American values and openness. Those behind the deal defended it as a matter of free speech, as well as a simple business transaction.

Peter Schartel, the owner of Alpine Broadcasting Corporation of Liberty, Mo., the company airing Sputnik in Kansas City, said that he started the broadcasts on Jan. 1 both because he liked what he heard during a trial run last fall and because he was getting paid.