Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Quick question TP say the shoe was on the other foot. You or I was born in Mexico wouldn't you want a better way of life? I sure as hell would!!!! So you can't hate on other's who are trying to do just that! Numb nuts ;)

You're kidding, right? Your "argument" is a total non-starter. What does it matter how a foreigner lives? So you're saying there are over 7 billion people eligible to come to the USA then?

Why should we keep an open door for anyone regardless of their intentions, with no rules, no qualifications, and no restrictions? Just come on in, the water's warm?

Guess what - Canada imposes rules on immigrants!!!!! Such hypocrisy.
Here's a link to your gouvernement site:
Do you want to come to Canada, or extend your stay?

I tried it out:
"Express Entry
Based on your answers, you do not appear to be eligible for Express Entry"

What - Canada rejects people!!!

Granted, I responded with USA as citizenship and residency, maybe I'd have more luck if I were from Mexico or Syria or Yemen...

And the rudeness oh la la toward all who actually go through the proper system, fill out the forms, pay the fees, go through the process. Fuck those suckers, right - the door's open anyway, losers. /sarcasm

You're certifiable if you maintain this position.
Stock up on "Mexicans"? Nah we don't all see things through racist eyes TP. Human is human....

What, it's so f-ing cold in Canada that your sense of humour has frozen too? Look up the word sarcasm. I've included it in the post I just made - since you don't pick up it.

Also, can you get it into your thick skull that Mexico is a NATIONALITY - not a race. Just as Muslim is a RELIGION (albeit inseparable from politics) and not a race.

Can we agree on this terminology correction? (not a sarcasm)
Why should we keep an open door for anyone regardless of their intentions, with no rules, no qualifications, and no restrictions?
Well "snowflake" did you read that story on the "illegals" coming across the Cdn border? Didn't think so ....cuz that family's " wicked intentions here " is just to survive you tool! With a baby on the way to boot. I have compassion for the innocent family's and don't paint other's with the same brush! Cough cough...
Of course we (cdn) have"immigration rules & procedures " there genius. But using hateful and racists views is not part of the "selection process" you pos!
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Well "snowflake" did you read that story on the "illegals" coming across the Cdn border? Didn't think so ....cuz that family's " wicked intentions here " is just to survive you tool! With a baby on the way to boot. I have compassion for the innocent family's and don't paint other's with the same brush! Cough cough...
Of course we(cdn) has an "immigration rules & process " there genius. But using hateful and racists views is not part of the "selection process" you pos!


A U.S. Department of Education website, empowering families of students with disabilities, has disappeared -- and already embattled Trump education chief Betsy DeVos may be to blame.

U.S. Sens. Patty Murray and Maria Cantwell want to know what happened to the vanished website, and have asked Education Secretary DeVos to put it back up.

The website was set up under President George W. Bush so educators, advocates and parents could get a "one-stop" explanation on the federal Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA), as well as know their rights under the disability law.
Cdnguy he won't answer me ask him what he does for living? You will know why he is so condescending

· 42% of Americans believe the world views the U.S. favorably
· 29% say world leaders respect Trump; 67% said same of Obama in 2009
· Satisfaction with U.S. on the world stage is near record low

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Americans believe the world at large sees the U.S. more unfavorably (57%) than favorably (42%), their worst assessment of the country's image in 10 years. A year ago, Americans' perceptions were more positive than negative.