Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Did you actually read the link? Four or five of the stories are about twitter.

Since when did Twitter become a major news outlet? Lol. Another one of the stories admits the man who was interviewed lied. Thats not the news agencies fault. Should of done a better job of fact checking.

Absolutely a joke of an example of fabricated news stories.
Let's see what he has. More fake news? That is the problem with the alt right. They are weak minded individuals who are blinded by their own prejudice and expect the rest of the world to see the same thing.

I guarantee he will pull some bullshit out of an alt right fake news site.
Donald Trump and the Central Park Five: the racially charged rise of a demagogue this speaks for itself "he signed full-page newspaper advertisements implicitly calling for the boys to die"
The man has been a racist for many years. It is well documented, but his base appreciates that. They have been bombarded with far right wing propaganda by the republican part for the last few decades. That campaign has been so effective that the monster they created, Trump, ate the republican party and gave America a insane demagogue.

Far-right websites have seized on Ms. Ortega’s conviction as proof that Mr. Trump is right about rampant fraud and efforts by Democrats to steal the November election.

There is, however, at least one flaw in that story: Ms. Ortega was a registered Republican.

“She voted for Mitt Romney over Barack Obama in the 2012 election. In 2014 she voted for our current attorney general, Ken Paxton,” Mr. Birdsall said. “And guess what? He’s the one responsible for prosecuting her.”

Far-right websites have seized on Ms. Ortega’s conviction as proof that Mr. Trump is right about rampant fraud and efforts by Democrats to steal the November election.

There is, however, at least one flaw in that story: Ms. Ortega was a registered Republican.

“She voted for Mitt Romney over Barack Obama in the 2012 election. In 2014 she voted for our current attorney general, Ken Paxton,” Mr. Birdsall said. “And guess what? He’s the one responsible for prosecuting her.”

This is what worries me the most. A lot of people don't know what to believe. Many voters have been brainwashed by fox news and rush Limbaugh and other fake news outlets. Trump wants the Mideast oil fields and the stupid fucks who support him don't see anything wrong with that. Well let me tell you morons, the rest of the world disagrees, so if we go to war, it really will be us against the world. This is a grave threat to our democracy. An uneducated people can be convinced to do anything, and we have a few extremists here who buy Trumps rant's hook, line and sinker.

We have the most confused and uneducated populace that I have seen in my 56 years.
Go ahead, build one, or even better, "invest" your taxpayer loonies (or is that loons, hard to tell in Canada) into high speed rail, run a line from Ciudad Juarez up to Toronto. Go for it. Stock up on Mexicans while they last.
Stock up on "Mexicans"? Nah we don't all see things through racist eyes TP. Human is human....
Go ahead, build one, or even better, "invest" your taxpayer loonies (or is that loons, hard to tell in Canada) into high speed
Quick question TP say the shoe was on the other foot. You or I was born in Mexico wouldn't you want a better way of life? I sure as hell would!!!! So you can't hate on other's who are trying to do just that! Numb nuts ;)
Quick question TP say the shoe was on the other foot. You or I was born in Mexico wouldn't you want a better way of life? I sure as hell would!!!! So you can't hate on other's who are trying to do just that! Numb nuts ;)

Shhh don't offend his highness!!!
He is an ivy leager.....
I'm still waiting for Him to respond to me about his occupation!!!!!!!!!

At his age he is the sneaky kind of racist. He had to be thought to hold back for years so his ilk figured out how to be racist without using The words.
Right snowflake? Aaaaa I forgot I'm the liberal snowflake he is eveything manly lol I smell small men syndrome From a mile with this cat. A sancho must have tapped his woman back in the day....