Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Did you actually read the link? Four or five of the stories are about twitter.

Since when did Twitter become a major news outlet? Lol. Another one of the stories admits the man who was interviewed lied. Thats not the news agencies fault. Should of done a better job of fact checking.

Absolutely a joke of an example of fabricated news stories.
Dude, I pulled that in 2 seconds while on break at work. You want substance, wait until tomorrow when i have some actual time. You know what? Nevermind, you're not worth the time or effort.
In my quest to stay positive, im done with meso. Every time i come on here its always the same old same old and this place is just too dramatic for me these days. I hope you guys enjoy the next 4 years. I know i will
"We" cant talk about anything because you are too immature for me to have an intelligent conversation with. You see, when you compare Trump to Hitler, youre basically calling people who support Trump Hitler supporters. So, if you believe yoir own bullshit about Trump/Hitler, why aren't you running back to the country you came from? I would think anywhere would be better than here right? Leave. @ronin17 serious question, how old are you?
Well bud I was going to apologize for sounding offensive but I'll take my apologies and go back to where I came from. While I'm at it I'll take my African American brothers to Africa and my Caucasian friends back to Europe.
You harbor hate I don't.
"We" cant talk about anything because you are too immature for me to have an intelligent conversation with. You see, when you compare Trump to Hitler, youre basically calling people who support Trump Hitler supporters. So, if you believe yoir own bullshit about Trump/Hitler, why aren't you running back to the country you came from? I would think anywhere would be better than here right? Leave. @ronin17 serious question, how old are you?
Do you know who Steve Bannon is or have you heard about a book called forth season. You do your research on that come back tell me who Jeff session is. Once you explain his cabinet choises and his senior advisers wold views maybe I am not so far off.
That comment about Hitler you taken out of context.
Maybe I should give you another example like Puttin :) he admires the man so much. Puttin has his people's mandate too!! It doesn't make his policies right. He is slaughtering people in both Syria and ukrain.

A top deputy to National Security Adviser Michael Flynn was rejected for a critical security clearance, effectively ending his tenure on the National Security Council and escalating tensions between Flynn and the intelligence community.

The move came as Flynn’s already tense relationships with others in the Trump administration and the intelligence community were growing more fraught after reports that Flynn had breached diplomatic protocols in his conversations with the Russian ambassador to the United States.

On Friday, one of Flynn’s closest deputies on the National Security Council, senior director for Africa Robin Townley, was informed that the Central Intelligence Agency had rejected his request for an elite security clearance required for service on the NSC, according to two people with direct knowledge of the situation.

That forced Townley, a former Marine intelligence officer who had long maintained a top secret-level security clearance, out of his NSC post, explained the sources, who requested anonymity to discuss sensitive personnel matters.

One of the sources said that the rejection was approved by Trump’s CIA director Mike Pompeo and that it infuriated Flynn and his allies.
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According to The New Yorker, (The Washington Post) and the Centre for Public Integrity (as reported by ABC News), Betsy DeVos was "brutally candid" about her views on money in politics in a 1997 op-ed she wrote for the Capitol Hill Newspaper Roll Call.

The full quote, sourced from CPI, reads:

[M]y family is the largest single contributor of soft money to the national Republican party…. I have decided, however, to stop taking offense at the suggestion that we are buying influence.

Now, I simply concede the point. We expect to foster a conservative governing philosophy consisting of limited government and respect for traditional American virtues.

We expect a return on our investment; we expect a good and honest government. Furthermore, we expect the Republican party to use the money to promote these policies, and yes, to win elections.

The New Yorker report that DeVos added:

“People like us must surely be stopped.”

Conservatives used to have a field day complaining about the high cost of moving the Obamas around. The future President Trump himself once tweeted: “The habitual vacationer, @BarackObama, is now in Hawaii. This vacation is costing taxpayers $4 million +++ while there is 20% unemployment.”

The unemployment rate was not, at the time, anywhere near 20 percent. And last weekend Trump happily ran up a federal bill of around $3 million for a trip to Mar-a-Lago where he watched the Super Bowl and dropped in on a Red Cross ball, which presumably brought his resort a hefty fee.

Yeah, it’s the profit-making end of the story that’s so irritating. When Eric Trump went to Uruguay, his mission was to promote Trump Tower Punta del Este. “We’re going to have an amazing company,” Eric told the local media, adding that his father was going to do “amazing things for the United States.” And that Dad would be “an incredible commander in chief.” The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, adjective-wise.

The president has theoretically separated himself from all his businesses, but they still belong to him. He may not have operational command, but Eric does, and it’s hard for folks in Uruguay not to believe that the president is watching when the son comes to call and mix with his fellow realtors, flanked by a security detail that’s on our dime.

Those continuing financial interests around the world are a huge problem — you probably noticed that the immigration ban on Muslim-majority countries didn’t include the ones in which the president had hotels or condos or golf courses? And he’s never going to do anything to fix it. When Trump was calling for better ethics in Washington, he only wanted us to drain the other guys’ swamp.

But don’t you wish he’d try to show he appreciates the security price tag?
Trump’s two-year presidency (Opinion | Trump’s two-year presidency)

Good news: In two years, we’ll have a new president. Bad news: If we make it that long.

My “good” prediction is based on the Law of the Pendulum. Enough Americans, including most independent voters, will be so ready to shed Donald Trump and his little shop of horrors that the 2018 midterm elections are all but certain to be a landslide — no, make that a mudslide — sweep of the House and Senate. If Republicans took both houses in a groundswell of the people’s rejection of Obamacare, Democrats will take them back in a tsunami of protest.

Once ensconced, it would take a Democratic majority approximately 30 seconds to begin impeachment proceedings selecting from an accumulating pile of lies, overreach and just plain sloppiness. That is, assuming Trump hasn’t already been shown the exit.