Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Do I call you names? Liberal, sure, but I thought that's what you call yourselves.

I'm not a liberal, dumbass... Not everyone that hates Trump is a liberal, but keep spewing that idealogy and calling me the idiot... It's funny.

Especially when you are so far out of your league

Your illusory superiority is humorous...

Your credibility kind of dissipated, once again, when you declared Trump as an effective speaker lol...

When you actually post something, anything of value at all on this forum, I'll check back in with you on the whole "league" thing. It'll give me something to laugh at as per usual at least.
You are really proving yourself to be very low IQ now Eman. I don't watch Fox or any other MSM.

And I can tell you didn't read the article - or at least you didn't understand it.
No you are one of the sheep. One of the morons who buy this shit because you are a racist who feels so insecure with yourself, you must side with a racist megalomaniac. Only fools could side with your ignorance.
I'm not a liberal, dumbass... Not everyone that hates Trump is a liberal, but keep spewing that idealogy and calling me the idiot... It's funny.

Your illusory superiority is humorous...

Your credibility kind of dissipated, once again, when you declared Trump as an effective speaker lol...

When you actually post something, anything of value at all on this forum, I'll check back in with you on the whole "league" thing. It'll give me something to laugh at as per usual at least.
Never expected this imbecile to listen to reason.
Trump undermines many things that have made America great. Freedom of the press he calls fake news. Leaks he calls criminal. Remember Watergate?

Trump will be impeached. The people will demand it. This is 4 weeks into his term. The only question is what he will be impeached for. Will it be for sucking putins dick or because he is simply insane?
If this isn't at least the first nail in the coffin for even the republicans, I will question the patriotism if the GOP.
Trump will have to agree to every extreme republican legislation just to keep from being impeached these next 2 years. The problem is that in 2 year the GOP is fucked for the next 50 years.