Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

I'm not thrilled with the immediate direction Trump has taken. Unfortunately it's out of Canadians hands so this is me on the sidelines

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Goodness, you're not thrilled? Flatter yourself much? Would we worry about what Canadians think about Trump? Really now? LOL

About Canada - other than of course hockey and perhaps maple syrup - are you ever NOT on the sidelines? Is there anything worth paying attention to in Canada?

About your PM, all we need to know about Turdeau is that he'd like to have sat in Castro's lap - and maybe he did, what with that pinko dad of his - other than that, he's about as important as, what, your blue bag lady, the Queen of England. Go cut some ribbons or practice your synchronized swimming routine.

What a boring country. Actually, Google "most useless country" and check out the many Canada hits.

BTW, about Keystone XL... can we get a thank you?
Goodness, you're not thrilled? Flatter yourself much? Would we worry about what Canadians think about Trump? Really now? LOL

About Canada - other than of course hockey and perhaps maple syrup - are you ever NOT on the sidelines? Is there anything worth paying attention to in Canada?

About your PM, all we need to know about Turdeau is that he'd like to have sat in Castro's lap - and maybe he did, what with that pinko dad of his - other than that, he's about as important as, what, your blue bag lady, the Queen of England. Go cut some ribbons or practice your synchronized swimming routine.

What a boring country. Actually, Google "most useless country" and check out the many Canada hits.

BTW, about Keystone XL... can we get a thank you?
How long did that reply take ya snowflake? 2-3 seconds I'll bet since everything from you sounds like a broken record now lol
He was asked questions by 10 different people only chose the answer you because you're Canadian
Well said, Republicans are all about the constitution...yet douchebags at the same time, lol

Don't know what you quoted, but yes, all too many GOP:ers are just as power-hungry as the greedy Democrats. They're just not half as conceited and arrogant about it as the liberals are. Pick the one you KNOW will fuck the country over (Dems), or the one that might (GOP) - it ain't pretty.
How long did that reply take ya snowflake? 2-3 seconds I'll bet since everything from you sounds like a broken record now lol

Snowflake? - that'd be you.

The broken record? - that'd also be you - nothing original from you since post 1 in this thread.

And I see that thinking doesn't enter the realm of activities with you - oh so dull.

Enjoy the Keystone XL business - you wouldn't have had that with the brown asshat or the kankles monster.
It's just a matter of time. Maybe a maniac like trump is what Is needed to destroy north Korea before it has the capacity to destroy America.
I think he is a pussy and will let north korea develop those weapons needed to destroy America.

Fuck trump!
Snowflake? - that'd be you.

The broken record? - that'd also be you - nothing original from you since post 1 in this thread.

And I see that thinking doesn't enter the realm of activities with you - oh so dull.

Enjoy the Keystone XL business - you wouldn't have had that with the brown asshat or the kankles monster.
Eat shit and bark at the moon bigot .You are alone here troll.

Suck nigger, jew and Mexican dick you insecure racist cunt.

We really need to ban this filth.

President Trump on Thursday aired his grievances against the news media, the intelligence community and his detractors generally in a sprawling, stream-of-consciousness news conference that alternated between claims that he had “inherited a mess” and the assertion that his fledgling administration “is running like a fine-tuned machine.”

“To be honest, I inherited a mess,” Trump said, in a news conference that lasted more than an hour and was at times rambling, combative and pointed. “It's a mess. At home and abroad, a mess. Jobs are pouring out of the country.”