Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

If you so kindly would comment on on this conservative news anchors reaction to Mr Trumps insinuation of fake news and Russian connection? I would like your so thoughtful and original response for enlightenment
I told you he will have nothing but alt right propaganda to spew.
Americans are too stupid to live in a country that has nuclear weapons.
Pathological lying - Wikipedia

  • The stories told are usually dazzling or fantastical, but never breach the limits of plausibility, which is key to the pathological liar's tactic. The tales are not a manifestation of delusion or some broader type of psychosis—on confrontation, the teller can admit they are untrue, even if unwillingly.
  • The fabricative tendency is chronic. It is not provoked by the immediate situation or social pressure so much as it is an innate trait of the personality. There is some element of dyscontrol present."

On Friday, President Trump and his entourage will jet for the third straight weekend to a working getaway at his oceanfront Mar-a-Lago Club in Palm Beach, Fla.

On Saturday, Trump’s sons Eric and Don Jr., with their Secret Service details in tow, will be nearly 8,000 miles away in the United Arab Emirates, attending the grand opening of a Trump-brand golf resort in the “Beverly Hills of Dubai.”

Meanwhile, New York police will keep watch outside Trump Tower in Manhattan, the chosen home of first lady Melania Trump and son Barron. And the tiny township of Bedminster, N.J., is preparing for the daunting prospect that the local Trump golf course will serve as a sort of northern White House for as many as 10 weekends a year.

Barely a month into the Trump presidency, the unusually elaborate lifestyle of America’s new first family is straining the Secret Service and security officials, stirring financial and logistical concerns in several local communities, and costing far beyond what has been typical for past presidents — a price tag that, based on past assessments of presidential travel and security costs, could balloon into the hundreds of millions of dollars over the course of a four-year term.

Adding to the costs and complications is Trump’s inclination to conduct official business surrounded by crowds of people, such as his decision last weekend to host Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe for a working dinner while Mar-a-Lago members dined nearby.

WhileRex Tillersonis on his first overseas trip as Secretary of State, his aides laid off staff at the State Department on Thursday.

Much of seventh-floor staff, who work for the Deputy Secretary of State for Management and Resources and the Counselor offices, were told today that their services were no longer needed.

These staffers in particular are often the conduit between the secretary’s office to the country bureaus, where the regional expertise is centered. Inside the State Department, some officials fear that this is a politically-minded purge that cuts out much-needed expertise from the policy-making, rather than simply reorganizing the bureaucracy.

There are clear signals being sent that many key foreign policy portfolios will be controlled directly by the White House, rather than through the professional diplomats.

Not a single State Department official was included in the (White House meetings with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu)this week. Trump’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner - who has no regional expertise or diplomatic experience - had a greater role in the meeting than the Senate-confirmed secretary of State.

WASHINGTON—The Pentagon hasn’t found any documents indicating that Mike Flynn received authorization to accept money from a foreign government before traveling to Moscow in 2015 for a paid Russian state TV event, according to a letter from the acting Secretary of the Army.

The Pentagon finding came after lawmakers raised questions about whether the former White House national security adviser and retired U.S. Army general violated Pentagon rules that require retired officers to report income from foreign states.

Mr. Flynn accepted an invitation to Moscow in late 2015 to give a paid, sit-down interview with Russian state television network RT and to attend the channel’s 10-year anniversary gala, where he sat beside President Vladimir Putin.

The Department of the Army conducted “a thorough records search, and has not found any documents,” Acting Secretary of the Army Robert Speer said in a Feb. 14 letter in response to Rep. Elijah Cummings, a ranking Democrat on the House Oversight Committee, who asked the Pentagon whether Mr. Flynn received approval. Several Democratic lawmakers recently asked the Defense Department to investigate whether Mr. Flynn violated the Constitution when he accepted money for attending the Russian network’s event.

Donald Trump’s Press Conference Defended By Sebastian Gorka In Crazy Newsnight Interview

As you’ll no doubt be aware by now, yesterday President Trump held a press conference that stunned the entire world.

After claiming his chaotic administration was actually a “fine-tuned machine” he then set about goading journalists, lying (again) about the extent of his election victory and denying he was racist, whilst saying some curiously-phrased things to a black reporter and telling a Jewish reporter to be quiet.

As if that wasn’t enough head-spinning entertainment for one day, Trump’s deputy assistant, Sebastian Gorka (more on him below), later appeared on Newsnight and claimed it was “a fabulous press conference”.

What ensued was 11 minutes of back-and-forth between Gorka and an increasingly-exasperated Evan Davies that contained many words, few if any answers and multiple accusations of fake news.

Watch the full clip here - or read the entire transcript below.
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Donald Trump’s Press Conference Defended By Sebastian Gorka In Crazy Newsnight Interview

As you’ll no doubt be aware by now, yesterday President Trump held a press conference that stunned the entire world.

After claiming his chaotic administration was actually a “fine-tuned machine” he then set about goading journalists, lying (again) about the extent of his election victory and denying he was racist, whilst saying some curiously-phrased things to a black reporter and telling a Jewish reporter to be quiet.

As if that wasn’t enough head-spinning entertainment for one day, Trump’s deputy assistant, Sebastian Gorka (more on him below), later appeared on Newsnight and claimed it was “a fabulous press conference”.

What ensued was 11 minutes of back-and-forth between Gorka and an increasingly-exasperated Evan Davies that contained many words, few if any answers and multiple accusations of fake news.

Watch the full clip here - or read the entire transcript below.

I saw that "Jewish reporter" as they called him on TV saying that Trump has been great to the Orthodox Jews in NY over the years and most voted for him. He said Trump is NOT anti Semitic at all and he's friends with him. It's funny how that story didn't give his name but called him a "Jewish reporter".
So that story was a bunch of overhyped bullshit like about 9/10ths of those stupid tweets you post. Best wishes!
I saw that "Jewish reporter" as they called him on TV saying that Trump has been great to the Orthodox Jews in NY over the years and most voted for him. He said Trump is NOT anti Semitic at all and he's friends with him. It's funny how that story didn't give his name but called him a "Jewish reporter".
So that story was a bunch of overhyped bullshit like about 9/10ths of those stupid tweets you post. Best wishes!

The "Jewish Man" was also told to shut up and sit down by the president for not asking a easy question!!! Anyone who took anything different from yesterday's presser than a President who is unhinged on national tv, is reaching for straws. Best wishes to you too :)
The "Jewish Man" was also told to shut up and sit down by the president for not asking a easy question!!! Anyone who took anything different from yesterday's presser than a President who is unhinged on national tv, is reaching for straws. Best wishes to you too :)

The truth is difficult for some to accept... Most would prefer to listen to alternative facts rather than believe the truth that the President is a bumbling fool.

The most comical thing about that whole press conference to me was the fact that Trump berated the press for lying and then stood up there and fucking lied! The journalist that called him out deserves a raise. This administration has done nothing but lie their asses off and we're supposed to be worried about the media? o_O