Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

I think you mean CNN's strategy, and you're right! It's worked on you very well.
No the mainstream media is agreed that trump is an original. No one has seen any president so out of touch with reality ever. Our pres is in a world of his own.
I'm not a liberal, dumbass... Not everyone that hates Trump is a liberal, but keep spewing that idealogy and calling me the idiot... It's funny.

Your illusory superiority is humorous...

Your credibility kind of dissipated, once again, when you declared Trump as an effective speaker lol...

When you actually post something, anything of value at all on this forum, I'll check back in with you on the whole "league" thing. It'll give me something to laugh at as per usual at least.

@Paul. Take it easy and watch the blood pressure. At the rate your are going about trump he may outlast you :) he has the stamina lol
Does he train 1 1/2 hours in the gym 5 days a week balls to the walls?

No he will most likely have a stroke because by in large the country believes he is insane to one degree or another. Republicas are lining up. Republican senators most importantly. The house congressional districts are gerry meandered. That will not protect them. So many Americans disagree with what this president is doing, that no fucking way can the republican party survive if they back this megalomanic uninformed moron.
Trump will have to agree to every extreme republican legislation just to keep from being impeached these next 2 years. The problem is that in 2 year the GOP is fucked for the next 50 years.
He is compromised and will be a ryan McConnell bitch from this point forward. He has pissed off his credibility. No sane person can deny that if they watched this last news conference.

All the republicans can't put this bad egg together again after this.
I will feel better in a week after this insane press conference soaks in. The spin traitors can't make these ends meet.
There have never been an administration in this much disarray and completely out of touch,in American history. Russian spy boats laughing at us from 30 miles out. We are the laughingstock of 140+ countries. Beside isolating us what does make America Great again means? This is not conservative, liberal argument. As a country where at crossroads and the men in power shows a lot of flaws that's threatening our national security. So I'm begging people to stop being a partisan and love your country and see what's going on. I would almost have taken any other Republican than this
Too bad I didn't get to finish my edit before you replied - I included a reference that should help you understand better.

Check my post above again.

And I'm not conservative, I'm a libertarian.

Do I call you names? Liberal, sure, but I thought that's what you call yourselves.

Don't be such a child. Especially when you are so far out of your league. When you find yourself in a hole, stop digging - goes the adage.

Your not a libertarian. That would mean at some point you would be critical of the republicans\conservatives.

Which you never are. Its always the democrats, pinko lefties, liberals, socialists. Its actually become entertaining.

I always know you can be counted on to say some off the wall shit with zero merit as long as liberals are the bad guys. Your a zealot dude. You dont have the objectivity to be a libertarian.

Nice try!
I'm not a liberal, dumbass... Not everyone that hates Trump is a liberal, but keep spewing that idealogy and calling me the idiot... It's funny.

Your illusory superiority is humorous...

Your credibility kind of dissipated, once again, when you declared Trump as an effective speaker lol...

When you actually post something, anything of value at all on this forum, I'll check back in with you on the whole "league" thing. It'll give me something to laugh at as per usual at least.

My favorite is when he said republicans have no ideology towards drugs.

Mars is calling him back home.