Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Cool, now are you going to defend those that said that like you defend what is said about Trump?
I didn't defend his lies and I wouldn't. You've got me wrong. If he lies, fuck him. I'm just saying they all do it. The press calling him out on lies doesn't bother me but they are harder on him than Obama. They are supposed to report the news not give a biased opinion. Case in point, they are bitching because Ice arrested 680 illegal immigrants so far in Feb. During MOST months during the Obama presidency, thousands were arrested by ICE but it wasn't a story for the press. My beautiful wife of 24yrs is an immigrant(legal). I just want the unbiased truth from ALL of the press and politicians. I work and have a family so I don't have the time to decipher their true intentions and it frustrates me to no end. I'm actually socially liberal and fiscally conservative which probably doesn't make sense. I would love to help every good person but understand we don't have the resources to do so.
The White House Mole
Andrew Sullivan: The White House Mole

The question that remains, of course, is the motive.

Why on Earth would any campaign for president be in constant, secret touch with the intelligence agents of a hostile foreign power?

I cannot know. Maybe Flynn is a rogue loner. It’s also possible, I guess, that the Trump campaign just wanted to keep in touch with the intelligence services of one of this country’s nemeses, if only to wish them Merry Christmas — five times in one day. It’s also conceivable that Trump’s former campaign chair Paul Manafort’s deep ties to the Putin regime were utterly irrelevant to the sudden amendment, this past summer, to the GOP party platform that removed a call to send arms to Ukraine. It’s also possible, I suppose, that deep down I’m straight.

But there’s one explanation that chills me even more than a foreign power’s potential blackmail over an American president. And it is that Trump and Putin are natural allies in their fight against the postwar, U.S.-led international order that has kept the peace for 70 years. Putin and Trump, after all, share a Bannonite foreign policy: a robust defense of nationalism; a view that NATO is obsolete; support for far-right parties throughout Europe; and the goal of smashing the European Union so that Russia can once again extend its tentacles into Eastern Europe, and the U.S. can play one European power off another. I have no idea if Putin has kompromat on the president, but Trump’s actions need no such motivation. Trump and Putin want to form a pincer movement to destroy what we have known for a long time as the West.

As a guy in another (non bodybuilding related) forum typed:
something like

Trump won
there's no way around it
there's no turning back
accept it
move on
now learn how to properly make the nazi salute
and no, it ain't just about raising your hand
I didn't defend his lies and I wouldn't. You've got me wrong. If he lies, fuck him. I'm just saying they all do it. The press calling him out on lies doesn't bother me but they are harder on him than Obama. They are supposed to report the news not give a biased opinion. Case in point, they are bitching because Ice arrested 680 illegal immigrants so far in Feb. During MOST months during the Obama presidency, thousands were arrested by ICE but it wasn't a story for the press. My beautiful wife of 24yrs is an immigrant(legal). I just want the unbiased truth from ALL of the press and politicians. I work and have a family so I don't have the time to decipher their true intentions and it frustrates me to no end. Uhave the resources to do so.
We can save 20 billion by rethinking s wall that will do next to nothing to solve the current problem with illegal immigration.

The press has let trump off easy. No other candidate could survive the continuous lies that trump has dished out for a year and s half.