Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

It can be tempting to see Biden’s victory as a return to “normalcy” — an opportunity to put the anger and vitriol of the past four years behind us. But while Trump may have lost, Trumpism isn’t going anywhere. A recent poll showed that over 50 percent of Republicans think Trump is the rightful winner of the election, and for far-right outlets like NewsMax and One America News Network, the election hasn’t even ended yet. Meanwhile, the growth of far-right extremist groups has become a leading domestic terror threat, with some pro-Trump militia groups vowing civil war and the FBI recently breaking up a militia plot to kidnap Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer.

For many of the Americans who have spent the past four years (or longer) being radicalized by far-right propaganda, there’s no going back. The swell of hatred and resentment that brought Trump to power isn’t going away just because we have a new president. A New York woman whose brother joined a far-right militia group after Trump was elected in 2016 shared her thoughts with the Cut on why calls for people to “come together” won’t be enough to heal the wounds dividing the country.

I grew up on a steady diet of MAD magazine and Zap Comix, warping my feeble adolescent mind with their blend of twisted cartoons and irreverent satire. The Trump era leaves me hungry for that kind of derision again. I didn’t know where to find it anymore since MAD went under, so I decided to make it myself.

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President Donald Trump's nominee to become a senior Pentagon official spread debunked conspiracies on Twitter that called Trump's election loss to Joe Biden a "coup" attempt and shared tweets that suggest Trump should declare martial law.

Scott O'Grady, a former fighter pilot and Trump loyalist, repeatedly retweeted tweets that falsely stated Trump won the election in "landslide fashion" and that millions of votes were stolen from the President.

On November 25, O'Grady retweeted a tweet that said, "Trump won & Biden & his Comrades will now attempt a coup," next to a photoshopped image of Biden beside Xi Jinping, the President of China.

On December 2, he retweeted an account that shared an article that said former national security adviser Michael Flynn had shared a petition that called for martial law. He then retweeted the same account which suggested that Trump should declare martial law.

"I don't know who needs to hear this," the account said, "But calling for martial law is not a bad idea when there is an attempted coup against the president and this country happening right now."

“The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction (i.e., the reality of experience) and the distinction between true and false (i.e., the standards of thought) no longer exist.”

― Hannah Arendt [14 October 14, 1906 – 4 December 1975], The Origins of Totalitarianism
