Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Thread from March 2020

"The handling of the coronavirus is a political attempt at state-sanctioned mass murder that is going to be successful unless measures are taken to stop this administration and its backers."

"The pretext the GOP gave -- which is revolting just as pretext -- is that this is what's good for the economy. They are willing to kill you for the economy. That's the message they actually *want* out there." –

"What's horrifying is that the other message, the real truth behind this, is much worse. They are willing to kill you because they are willing to kill you. That has been the truth the entire time." –

"These are fascists. They see a depopulated country and planet as easier to implement authoritarian policies in, especially during a time of climate change. They have been telling you their plans the whole time."

"This administration is backed by a transnational mafia, rapture fiends, vicious plutocrats, eugenicists, white supremacists. They are all using Trump as a vehicle for their own horrific agendas."

"Bannon never went away. The goal of human destruction, and their system of ranking people according to a hierarchy in which they are inherently on top, never went away. This is a neo-nazi project."


Each week, good news about vaccines or antibody treatments surfaces, offering hope that an end to the pandemic is at hand.

And yet this holiday season presents a grim reckoning. The United States has reached an appalling milestone: more than one million new coronavirus cases every week. Hospitals in some states are full to bursting. The number of deaths is rising and seems on track to easily surpass the 2,200-a-day average in the spring, when the pandemic was concentrated in the New York metropolitan area.

Our failure to protect ourselves has caught up to us.

The nation now must endure a critical period of transition, one that threatens to last far too long, as we set aside justifiable optimism about next spring and confront the dark winter ahead. Some epidemiologists predict that the death toll by March could be close to twice the 250,000 figure that the nation surpassed only last week.

“The next three months are going to be just horrible,” said Dr. Ashish Jha, dean of Brown University’s School of Public Health and one of two dozen experts interviewed by The New York Times about the near future.

The Trump campaign and its hangers-on have amassed a dismal record when it comes to accuracy in election-fraud allegations. The campaign has filed dozens of lawsuits challenging one aspect or another of swing states’ ballot processing, only to see them crumble on account of thin evidence and bad lawyering. One of its erstwhile attorneys, Sidney Powell, connected Hugo Chávez, (the Venezuelan president who died in 2013, to the vote-flipping conspiracy).

The Trump team “disavowed” her.

Shoddy, ragtag, worthless — those are some of the more charitable terms to describe the Trump effort to overturn the 2020 presidential election. Even so, it retains credibility on the precincts of Fox News that matter: the programs of prime-timers Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity and Laura Ingraham. On Thursday night, all three trafficked in a Trump campaign-promoted video alleging a massive instance of fraud on election night in Fulton County, Ga. Here’s that video:


The “suitcase” hatchet job is following the same arc as many Trump conspiracies at Fox News: Credulous, pro-Trump propaganda on the opinion hours, checked by actual reporting from the news side of the network. A story on, for instance, details the refutations of top Georgia officials, right below embedded video of Hannity and the tagline: “Hannity: New video shows suspicious activity in Nevada, Georgia.” The juxtaposition yields a screenshot that encapsulates the central Trump-era conflict at Fox News: ...