Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Notice, by the way, that I’m not including qualifiers, like saying “some” Republicans. We’re talking about most of the party here. The Texas lawsuit calling on the Supreme Court to overturn the election was both absurd and deeply un-American, but more than 60 percent of Republicans in the House signed a brief supporting it, and only a handful of elected Republicans denounced the suit.

At this point, you aren’t considered a proper Republican unless you hate facts.

But when and how did the G.O.P. get that way? If you think it started with Donald Trump and will end when he leaves the scene (if he ever does), you’re naïve.

Republicans have been heading in this direction for decades. I’m not sure whether we can pinpoint the moment when the party began its descent into malignant madness, but the trajectory that led to this moment probably became irreversible under Ronald Reagan.

WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—In a widely expected outcome, a horrible student was rejected by a college on Monday.

The college’s decision to reject the student was unsurprising given his poor performance in such important subjects as science, math, history, and spelling.

Although the student was reportedly taking his rejection badly, a college spokesperson said that the news should have come as no surprise.

“He was told that he wasn’t getting in more than a month ago,” the spokesperson said. “This was just a formality.”

Having failed to get accepted by the college, the student is expected to live at home and take a job in a business started by his dad.