Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

For African Americans, the recent elections are like Australian airline Qantas’s coronavirus-inspired “flight-to-nowhere,” a flight that leaves Sydney and returns to Sydney seven hours later after an overhead tour of the country. (One prominent environmentalist pointed out that in those seven hours each passenger will be increasing their annual emissions by 10 percent “as they gawk at the Barrier Reef they are helping to destroy.”)

While most Americans can celebrate the election of Joe Biden as a triumph of the democratic process, Black Americans saw 70 million Trump voters proclaim that systemic racism that devastates the lives of millions and chokes off the future opportunities for their children isn’t as important as the right to buy yet another gun. That the blatant attempts at voter suppression — which, properly understood, is a form of domestic terrorism, one far more damaging to our security than the 9/11 attacks — are an acceptable price of not having to wear a face mask in a crowded church.

Here is a demoralizing wake-up call for Black Americans: The popular Black Lives Matter protests over the summer have not resonated as a major priority for half of America. The struggle for equity has only just begun, and it will require a much more comprehensive approach to sway some of those 70 million in future elections. Otherwise, the past year’s protests have been an elaborate flight to nowhere.