Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse


The electoral college has voted and Joe Biden is the president-elect. Every state (in case you’re a Republican all 50 of them) and the District of Columbia have certified their votes and Joe Biden is the president-elect. Nearly 80 million people voted for Joe Biden and he is the president-elect. Donald Trump received nearly 7 million fewer votes than Joe Biden, and Joe Biden is the president-elect. Five states that went for Donald Trump in 2016 swung over to Joe Biden, and now Joe Biden the president-elect. Joe Biden received 306 electoral votes to Donald Trump’s 232, and now Joe Biden is the president-elect. Donald Trump has lost court case after court case, including two in the Supreme Court, and Joe Biden is the president-elect. Donald Trump lost the election and now Joe Biden is the president-elect.

Joe Biden is the president-elect. So, why are Republicans still strategizing to “win” the election? They’re not. They’re strategizing to steal it.

The day after disgraced general and pardoned Trump goon Michael Flynn talked about stealing the election by using the military to enact martial law in the swing states, and re-doing the election in those states, he was in the Oval Office. The new normal is: Nobody asks why a guy was invited to the White House to confab with the president (sic) of the United States a day after talking about insurrection, sedition, and declaring martial law to stage a military coup. The free press better start talking about it while there still is a free press.

This administration was embarrassed by Trump lawyer and conspiracy nutjob Sidney Powell and they distanced themselves from her and her insane conspiracy theories, yet they invited her back to the Oval Office. In fact, Donald Trump wants to appoint her as a special counsel to conduct an investigation into the election. The message is; Don’t listen to her because she’s insane…but let’s see what she can dig up in an official capacity with a security clearance. Donald Trump can’t appoint a special counsel but then again, he’s done a lot of stuff an American president isn’t supposed to be able to do. Maybe he can appoint a pretend special counsel while he’s playing pretend president at Mar-a-Lago in late January.

The GOP will allow Donald Trump to break any law he wants. Not one House Republican voted for impeachment. Only one Republican senator voted for impeachment while the rest voted to acquit. Donald Trump broke the law and the Republican Party defended him. When he broke the law by holding a political convention on the south lawn of the White House, Republicans didn’t speak against it. No, they went to the party. Now, the Republican Party is supporting Donald Trump’s coup attempt.

Every single Republicans who has supported Donald Trump’s coup has committed sedition and they should be removed from office. We need people in Congress who support democracy, not conspire to overthrow it.

Donald Trump has been removing Pentagon officials. Why? After overseeing the electoral count and declaring the winner in the Senate, Mike Pence is immediately leaving the country. Why? William Barr is stepping down as attorney general with just a month left before he has to leave. Why? What will the new AG do for Trump?

We need to watch every single move and statement from Donald Trump. These are not normal times and he hasn’t given up on stealing the election. We should be outraged that a criminal like Michael Flynn calling for sedition is making strategy in the Oval Office.

During World War II, Dr. Seuss drew political cartoons for PM, a liberal newspaper in New York City. He did that for two years before joining the Army in 1943 where Captain Seuss (actually, Captain Geisel) was commander of the Animation Department of the First Motion Picture United of the United States Air Forces where he created propaganda for the military. He was anti-racist (despite drawing racist cartoons about Japanese) and he was anti-fascist.

There are always political cartoons using characters from Dr. Seuss, but I think they work best when they have the same agenda as the original work. Like Theodor Geisel, I am anti-fascist. This cartoon is anti-fascist. It’s anti-Trump.

Donald Trump is a fascist.
