Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Most people in my network don’t know where my family came here from; I have not hidden this information, but I’ve not fully contemplated my family’s history and my place in America until recently.

My Mom is Jewish and German. My Father is Greek. I was not raised in a religious household, but the cultural aspects of my family and its roots are a deep part of who I am.

The similarities go deep for both sides of my family’s history. Both my parents are the children of immigrants. Immigrants who came here with nothing and were afforded the benefits of the American Dream — which I now understand has only been broadly accessible to people that look similar to me.

(CNN) A US Secret Service officer is under investigation after accusing lawmakers of treason and sharing conspiracy theories about the election on social media, (according to The Washington Post) who obtained images of the comments.

News of the investigation comes as law enforcement agencies broaden their investigations into what role their own officers played in the deadly insurrection at the US Capitol as they look through social media posts.

In one image, the newspaper reported Monday night, the secret service officer posted a meme on Facebook titled "Here's to the Peaceful Transition of Power" with President Donald Trump shaking hands with himself in the Oval Office. A day after the siege on the US Capitol, a comment was posted using the officer's name that criticized attempts to remove Trump from office and accused lawmakers who accepted the electoral college vote of "committing treason on live tv."

"Good morning patriots! Yesterday started out beautiful and as usual Antifa soured the mood and attacked police and an Air Force veteran was murdered....It's OFFENSE time finally!!," the comment read, according to the newspaper.

The USSS declined to comment about the matter to CNN, but when asked about the investigation a spokesperson for the Secret Service said the agency "carries out its law enforcement mission in an objective and apolitical manner."
"Any allegation that an employee is not carrying out their duties in that manner will be investigated. As this is a personnel matter, the agency will not be further commenting," the spokesperson said.