Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

A man who was photographed wearing a sweatshirt that read “Camp Auschwitz” while inside the Capitol last week was arrested in Newport News, Va., on Wednesday morning in connection to the Capitol riot, according to two law enforcement officials.

The man, Robert Keith Packer, had been seen on the Capitol grounds in several photographs and his black sweatshirt, with its reference to the Nazi death camp and a skull, had drawn widespread outrage. News outlets had previously identified Mr. Packer based on the accounts of people who knew him.

Mr. Packer’s sweatshirt also included the phrase “Work Brings Freedom,” which is a rough translation of, “Arbeit macht frei.” The German words were welded onto an iron arch that stood over one of the gates of the death camp, where more than 1.1 million people were killed during World War II.


The mob violence at the Capitol last week, incited in large part by the false voter fraud claims of President Trump and his Republican allies, has prompted some debate on how to properly label the destructive event.

Was it an insurrection? A (putsch), perhaps? A coup?

While it may seem like splitting insurrectionist hairs, these subtleties are important. It’s easier for democracies to counter violent authoritarianism when the precise nature of the threat is better known.

To that end, there’s an obscure term of art that seems particularly apt for describing the anti-democratic actions undertaken by Trump and his allies since the 2020 presidential election was decisively called for Joe Biden: an autogolpe, or “self-coup” in English.

A self-coup happens when a head of government, like a president or prime minister, attempts to seize extraordinary control over that government from within. That could mean suspending the Constitution, for instance, dissolving a legislative body or overturning the results of an otherwise free and fair election.